
The whole village, as if overnight, became extremely restless, and everywhere there were dogs barking, and the sound was heaven-shaking, as if the sky was about to fall.

As the dog barked more and more violently, the whole village seemed to be windy.

"Huh-huh..." was

like a ghost crying and howling a wolf.

In this village, the originally not very spacious village road is even more empty, only a bleak moonlight, mottled projection.

If I had to say something slightly angry for this empty village avenue, it was a small leather ball that was rolling in solitude with gusts of wind....

"Bang bang!"

In the farmer, the windows also began to bang on each other restlessly.

"Wife, the wind is up, go and see why the kid Da Zhuang hasn't come back, today is his birthday..." The

family of five made a large table of meals, old and young, with smiles on their faces, because today is the birthday of grandson Da Zhuang.

Grandparents are happy, and even happier when parents are.

In addition to the four of them, there was also a two-year-old girl lying on the table, looking at the delicious food on it.

"Mom, when will my brother come back, and when will we have dinner?"

When the little girl saw the delicious, she couldn't help but lick her lips, the child was small, obviously irresistible to the food.

"If you're hungry, eat first, don't patronize this little clay figure..."

Grandpa also touched the little girl's head.

"Okay, I'll go see your brother..."

At this moment, a violent gust of wind blew through.

Blow open the hidden door.

The mother, who was about to go out, saw outside, and there were five or six mysterious people in black robes and green eyes.


The mother was terrified.

"Send you to the King of Yan Luo..." The

black-robed men shook their heads one by one and walked towards the house, muttering something in their mouths.

"Who are you?"

My father also came out at this time, and he was horrified in his heart.

"Send you to King Yanluo!"

These people just kept muttering this sentence, but in their hands, they took out the blade.

A flash of white light.

"Brush brush brush!"

Layers of blood sprayed on the entire window.

And the little girl, still holding the clay figure in her hand, stared at the scene in front of her with wide eyes, no expression on her face, and did not cry, just watching her parents and grandparents fall like this.

"Send you to the King of Yan Luo..."

the group still muttered, and carried the little girl away.

The clay figure in his hand fell to the ground and shattered....

"Woof..." The

barking of dogs throughout the village became even more violent.

On the originally empty village avenue, rows of strange people wearing black robes and green eyes appeared.

The one at the head was holding a long staff dangling from his hand, and a bell was hung on it.

Constant brushing in the wind.

"Send you to King Yan Luo..."

the black-robed men kept shouting.

And behind them, there are many children who no longer know how to cry....

"Send you to the king of Yan Luo..."

This voice resounded throughout the empty village...


Chu Zheng had already arrived at the Xiangxi realm the next day.

Using the light body method, to Xiangxi, if you take a car, it will take three days and three nights.

But Chu Zheng only took one night.

However, after entering the Xiangxi realm, Chu Zheng did not use his kung fu, but took a car.

This time in Xiangxi, Chu Zheng's first goal was to solve the Five Poisons Sect first, and then go to see Qin Ya.

However, Chu Zheng is not a reckless person, and before he knew the strength of the Five Poisons Sect, Chu Zheng was not completely sure, so he went directly to the Five Poisons Sect.

So, Chu Zheng decided to find out.

Riding in the car, the car drove towards the middle of Xiangxi.

Chu Zheng listened to the people in the car all the way and talked about a series of major events that had happened in Xiangxi recently.

"Have you heard, last night several villages in Yunhu Town seemed to have been washed in blood, and all the children were missing

..." "Well, now Xiangxi, it's really not peaceful, I came this time to pick up the children in my hometown..."

Chu Zheng listened to the discussion of these people, and couldn't help but muttered a few words in his heart.

It seems that the people of the four religions have not stopped, and they are still wantonly plundering children.

As soon as Chu Zheng thought of the means of such a small child of this group of beasts, his eyelids couldn't help but jump fiercely.

Chu Zheng looked at everyone and found that everyone had a worried look, knowing that they were all troubled by the people of the four sects of Xiangxi.

But soon, Chu Zheng's gaze stayed on a woman wearing a black leather coat.

The woman's figure is extremely hot, and she is wrapped in a tight black leather clothes, which is even more frightening.

Of course, what made Chu Zheng notice was not the woman's figure.

It's the woman's face.

Because at this time, almost everyone was worried, but this woman just sat quietly with her eyes closed. Apparently closing his eyes.

Moreover, Chu Zheng used his spiritual sense to observe, and even found that this woman was still a martial artist.

"Grandmaster level or above!"

Although he couldn't see the woman's face, from behind, Chu Zheng also quickly judged that this woman's cultivation was above the grandmaster level.

The breath on the body is not weak.

Apart from Mo Lingrou, Chu Zheng had never seen any woman so young who could cultivate to this extent.

Jean's Chu Zheng was very curious.

Of course, at this time in the car, like Chu Zheng, there were many people who looked at this woman.

Behind the woman, there were three dark-looking men, touching their chins and secretly skimming the woman's figure.

Chu Zheng looked inside, and these three obviously saw the outside.

Chu Zheng shook his head and looked at these three people with a sympathetic look in his eyes, it was really a shame!

Just as Chu Zheng was thinking about the identity of this woman again, a shout interrupted Chu Zheng's thoughts.

"The front is Yunhu Town, gee, it's really miserable!"

"Yes, I heard that many villages, the entire village, are... Alas..."

Everyone looked at a small town in front of them, and they couldn't help but make a joking sound.

And Chu Zheng also looked towards the town.

"That group of people have moved their hands and feet here, go down and see what clues there are!"

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng was about to open his mouth to call for parking.

At this time, she heard a cold voice rushing in front of her: "Driver, stop!" A

total of four words, and the woman in a black leather suit stood up.

Suddenly, the hot body of the whole person appeared directly in front of everyone.

It was even more direct to let the three squinted guys who were sitting behind this beauty just now swallow their spit.

And Chu Zheng also looked at the woman with some surprise, it turned out that this woman with good strength wanted to go to Yunhu Town.

What happened in Yunhu Town, she couldn't have heard it just now.

So, this woman has similar goals to herself? Are you looking into these things about the disappearance of children?

Chu Zheng looked at this beautiful girl's gaze, and he was even more curious.

"Driver, get off too!"

At this time, the three dark-skinned guys glanced at each other, and then shaved at the woman in black, and also began to shout.

"Huh? No, this Yunhu town is not very peaceful now, in case..."

the driver kindly persuaded.


The woman didn't talk much, but it was cold.

The driver couldn't persuade him when he saw it, so he simply stopped his mouth and opened the door.

In fact, he is out of his professional ethics, kindly reminding him.

When you get out of the car, whether you are dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

The driver stopped talking, opened the door, and the woman in black got out of the car.

The three dark-skinned guys also went down.

Of course, Chu Zheng didn't say a word, and he went on.

"Don't stop if you want to die!"

The driver glanced at them, said a word, immediately kicked the accelerator down, and drove away directly.

Just by looking at that virtue, these three guys knew that they were mixed up on the road and were not good birds.

This when the driver ran away, no one has ever seen it. This beauty, this time it is estimated that it will be over, heh, why will there be one later?

The driver muttered in his mouth, looked in the rearview mirror, but saw that behind the three road mixers, there was a young man, who just shook his head at the moment and ignored it.

After the beauty got out of the car, she picked up the black satchel behind her and walked quickly ahead of her.

Soon it entered a dense forest.

And those three people also followed closely and did not leave an inch.

"Stop, big beauty, what's behind you? If you know it, hand it over! These

three people, looking at no one around, revealed their true faces.

He took out the dagger that dangled in his hand and said with a playful face.

At this time, one of the three people, who was short and narrowed, stood up and said with a lewd smile:

"Wait for the big brother, I'll rob it first!"

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