One of them, with a lewd look on his face, shook the dagger in his hand and walked towards the woman.

"You're not with them?"

The woman did not turn around, but asked lightly.

I don't know who is asking, so the three people who surrounded him were slightly stunned.

But they soon learned that behind them, I don't know when, there was also a person, and it was a young man.

This woman is asking him!

"Boy, if you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!"

The three people who found Chu Zheng pointed at Chu Zheng and scolded.

Although the three of them are old rivers and lakes, they often do murder and arson, but after all, this is a work behind the scenes, and in front of a living person, these people are also extremely uncomfortable.

So the way to deal with it is also simple and clear, one is to let this man roll, if not roll, then end on the spot.

The three glared at Chu Zheng viciously.

And Chu Zheng hugged his shoulders, but replied with great interest: "I don't know them..." While Chu Zheng

spoke, he was also secretly observing this woman, and his breath was really not weak. Compared with Mo Lingrou, he didn't let it go.

However, Chu Zheng also knew that the grandmaster aura on the woman's body was invisible to these three guys.

Otherwise, these three people would not want to hit the attention of a grandmaster, and they also wanted to kill an existence beyond the level of a grandmaster.

"Can you do me a favor later?"

The woman slowly turned around at this time.

She looked at Chu Zheng.

In fact, in the car, the woman had already discovered the gaze of these people.

However, these gazes were automatically ignored by her proud heart, but there was one person who made the woman pay attention secretly.

That was the last person who came down with the car, Chu Zheng.

This young man, although the woman could not see his cultivation, she even looked at it and said, it did not look like a cultivator.

But the young man's performance in raising his hands and the momentum revealed in his eyebrows made the woman feel that this young man was a little extraordinary.

Of course, just feeling.

Because young people look at the body shape, they belong to a very weak category, and this skin is so good, it gives the woman a feeling of a small white face.

Seeing that the young man was not in a hurry, he said immediately.

"Talk about it..."

Chu Zheng also felt that this woman was very interesting, especially after the woman turned around, this absolutely beautiful face made Chu Zheng also slightly startled. The black tight leather clothes and leather pants wrapped their figures abruptly and childishly, no wonder these three people were all lost in their wealth.

Of course, Chu Zheng is more important to see if she has the same purpose as himself.

"Help me dispose of the bodies of these three, I don't want to touch them!"

The woman said coldly. While speaking, there was already a killing intent on his body.

"What's the situation?"

These three people listened to the conversation between the woman and Chu Zheng, and they couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Damn, aren't the three of them robbing?

What's going on here?

Because looking at the situation in front of him, it didn't look like the three of them were robbing, but it seemed like these two were discussing killing them.

And the people who disposed of the corpses were well found.

Find death!

The three of them immediately understood that this beautiful girl wanted to kill them.

At that moment, he escaped the dagger and quickly stabbed towards the woman.

"I promise you!"

Chu Zheng nodded.

At the same time, Chu Zheng also found that the moment he nodded and agreed, the woman set out.

The speed was extremely fast, just a flick of the leather bag in his hand, and he saw that the dagger in the hand of the person who rushed over first was directly hit and flew out.

At the same time, the woman flew into an aerial roundhouse kick and kicked the dagger that flew into the air.

"Brush brush brush!"

Three rings sounded, and I saw this dagger, which went directly through the necks of the three people.

The action is done in one go, and it happens in an instant.

Three people, killed in an instant.

Rao is Chu Zheng, and his eyelids can't help but jump slightly.

Of course, Chu Zheng was not afraid, but curious.

Because this woman's skills are too fierce, and the shot is a killing move, obviously she has received a lot of similar training, and her eyes do not blink when she kills.

Professional killer? Still is?

Chu Zheng was a little interested.

"Thank you!" The woman said a word, and continued to walk through the jungle with a cold and stunning face, towards the Yunhu Town in front.

Looking at the woman's back, Chu Zheng smiled slightly.

Disposing of the corpse, Chu Zheng really didn't know how to do it, because Chu Zheng killed people and never dealt with it, but since he promised this rather mysterious woman, Chu Zheng had to fulfill his promise.

After seeing the woman walk farther, she was directly in place, slammed a big pit out with a palm, and buried the body and it was over....

Of course, look at the direction the woman is going.

Although Chu Zheng was curious about her, he didn't want to be with her.

Because of this matter, Chu Zheng planned to investigate secretly, who knew what trouble would be caused by following this woman, Chu Zheng clapped his hands, and immediately looked at another road in Yunhu Town, and walked directly over....

"This young man is indeed a little weird..." It

was already sensed that the young man did not follow.

Originally, the woman felt that although the young man was not with the three blind streamers, he must have his purpose when he got off at this time.

Even playing her attention.

But thinking wrong, the young man helped himself to dispose of the body and left.

The woman thought as she walked towards a guild hall in Yunhu Town...

"Ma Ye, this time there is a lot of movement above, this batch of children shipped out, it seems that we have to get a lot of money!"

In a guild hall in Yunhu Town, there are now a group of dark-faced people.

More than a dozen people were playing cards in the hall.

The hall was full of smoke, but everyone was looking at the bald man named Ma Ye sitting in the center.

"The funds are indeed not small, but the risks are also very large, I heard that the dragon group has already dispatched!" Everyone should act with caution!

Ma Ye's eyebrows raised slightly.

However, the expression did not seem to pay too much attention to it.

"Stop, what man?"

Suddenly, outside the guild hall, there was a roar of angry shouts.

But soon, the voices of the men who were guarding the door outside dissipated.

When everyone in the hall reacted and pulled Qi out from the bottom of the card table.

A woman dressed in black leather had already entered the house.

And the number one Qiang has already aimed at Ma Ge from a distance.

"If you don't want your boss to be headshot, put Qiang down now..."

the woman drank coldly.

Everyone also set their sights on Ma Ge.

Ma Ge was still sitting leisurely, facing the woman holding his head with qiang, but he looked calm.

Smoking a cigarette, he beat out the two kings in his hands.

"The famous cold and beautiful black widow actually came to Xiangxi in person, and at this time she still held my head with qiang, you say, should I feel honored,......?"

Smoking a cigarette, Ma Ge smiled coldly.

"Ma Dong, less nonsense, what about the group of children? Hand it over quickly! Black

Widow Yunshuang looked at Ma Dong coldly, and at the same time, the afterglow of her eyes also observed the movements around her at all times.


Pulling out a sand eagle from the bend of the leg directly solved the two people who were preparing to sneak attack.

"Hahaha, he is worthy of being the number one powerhouse of the Dragon Group, and he is really proficient, but I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to negotiate conditions with me now..."

Ma Dong shook his head and smiled.

"Your life is now in my hands, you say, I am not qualified?"

Yunshuang took a step forward.

"Yes, there is no qualification, look at your body..."

Ma Dong's eyes raised, and he immediately looked at Yunshuang with a playful expression.

The cloud frost swept away, only to find that his body was covered with infrared points of light at this time.


Yunshuang's heart was suddenly shocked.

Knowing that he had been ambushed.

It is impossible, this operation is extremely hidden, how could this Ma Dong know in advance and set up an ambush...

Yunshuang's brows furrowed tightly.

"Sister Yunshuang, if you want to live, you better surrender

..." At this time, a young man walked out from behind the screen fan of the guild hall.

The young man was dressed in a camouflage uniform, but there was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Qin Qiang, it's you! You betrayed me!

Looking at the man in front of him, Yunshuang's brows furrowed even tighter, because this Qin Qiang was a member of the dragon team with himself, and as the vanguard, he was now on the side of the enemy...

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