"Qin Qiang, you betrayed the organization! Xu Bo, what about them?

Yunshuang frowned now and asked coldly.

"They have long been killed by Elder Zhu of the Five Poisons Sect Zhu Family, Yunshuang, I advise you to abandon the secret and turn to the light, I will tell Elder Zhu to spare your life!" Stop being delusional and go against the Five Poisons Sect!

Qin Qiang looked teasing. A villain's posture.

Yunshuang shook her head, she really didn't expect that one of the pride among the hidden dragons was so spineless.

Greedy for life and fear of death, he actually surrendered directly to the enemy.

However, Yunshuang was a little distressed.

She was not saddened for Qin Qiang, but for the vanguard who had arrived before.

Previously, the organization received intelligence that the vanguard was extremely unsuccessful in doing tasks in Xiangxi, so they sent Yunshuang to come, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be traitors.

"Yunshuang, you know, I've always had feelings for you, but why didn't you promise me..." Qin Qiang looked at Yunshuang, whose figure exploded, and his eyes were almost crazy.

However, his strength is not as good as Yunshuang, these things, Qin Qiang was in the hidden dragon before, he could only think about it, but now, he didn't just think about it, because Yunshuang was in his hands.

"Yunshuang, stop doing fearless struggles, surrender and stand on Elder Zhu's side!"

Qin Qiang persuaded bitterly.

And Yunshuang's face was a cold sweat, she now has sweat in her palms, because surrender is no longer possible, this is not Yunshuang's character, only to fight to the death.

Now, it's a matter of life and death.

Yunshuang knew that he could not escape death, but Yunshuang wanted revenge and solved Qin Qiang and Ma Dong at the moment when the lurking sniper shot.

Ma Dongyunshuang is confident, but what about Qin Qiang?

"Go ahead!"

A bead of sweat slipped down Yunshuang's cheek.

"Cloud Frost... What the hell are you..."


Yunshuang directly moved, and the two sand eagles were raised at the same time, and they shot at Ma Dong and Qin Qiang.

Ma Dong couldn't dodge and was shot directly, while Qin Qiang quickly dodged to the side.

Directly dodged the bullet.

Yunshuang was secretly shocked in his heart.

Of course, when she fired the shot, her body had already quickly evacuated.

However, at that moment, the snipers all pulled the trigger.

Although Yunshuang's speed is extremely fast, it can't be avoided.

Yunshuang's two thighs were shot directly.

A sniper bullet was also passed through the abdomen.

Fortunately, the caliber is relatively small, otherwise Yunshuang would be dead now.

"Well, I persuade you bitterly, you actually laid such a heavy hand on me and killed her for me!"

Qin Qiang shook his head, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, all of a sudden, more than a dozen people picked up their guns at the same time and shot towards Yunshuang.

"Bang bang bang!"

The muzzles of these people's guns were all spraying tongues of fire, but although this bullet was aimed at Yunshuang, it did not fall on Yunshuang's body.

It was as if Yunshuang's body was made of tremorous gold.

It actually bounced straight back.

None of these people escaped their bullets, hit their eyebrows, and lay on the ground with their lives.

Qin Qiang stood next to him and looked stupid, this scene was really magical.

Mo said Qin Qiang, and even Yunshuang was surprised.

Just now, she was ready to die, but the expected death did not come.

What's going on?

"Sniper, sniper!"

For a while, Qin Qiang was a little afraid to approach Yunshuang, and immediately gave an order directly to the sniper hiding behind.

However, Qin Qiang shouted more than a dozen times, but no one answered him at all.

Qin Qiang looked outside the guild hall at this time, only to see a figure walking towards him.

This is a young man with his hands in his pockets and a good look.

Yunshuang also noticed Qin Qiang's gaze, and also looked outside.

Yunshuang saw that this young man was the young man who got out of the car with him and let him bury the body.

In fact, Yunshuang was ambushed just now, if Qin Qiang hadn't come out, Yunshuang would have thought that it was this young man who had snuggled it, but now it seems that it is obviously not, and, it is very likely that the magical scene just now was from the hands of this young man.

Apart from this mysterious young man, Yunshuang couldn't think of anyone who had such skills.

"What are you?"

Qin Qiang glanced at this young man with some jealousy, in this case, any normal person would have been scared to death.

And this young man is so leisurely.

I thought of the scene that had just happened, and the sniper who had no news.

Qin Qiang couldn't help but associate these with this young man in his heart.

"Me? Dedicated to cleaning up your people! Chu

Zheng put his hands in his pockets and was already standing in front of Yunshuang.

At this time, looking at Chu Zheng, Yunshuang was curious at first, but now, it is a deep inability to see through.

"Kill me? It's up to you..."

Qin Qiang's eyes narrowed.

"I, Brother Li Xunfei, and this Yunshuang, collectively known as the three heroes of the Dragon Group, and my strength can support the existence of fifty moves at the speed of Brother Li Xunfei, you... Want to deal with me?

Qin Qiang gradually calmed himself down.

Qin Qiang knew that in the realm of Xiangxi, there were many people who knew the technique, and who knew what kind of trick this young man played just now.

But the master said that a magician of the same level would not be an opponent of a warrior at all.

Thinking of this, Qin Qiang's eyes were even more cold.

"Li Xunfei? Is this name so familiar? It seems to have been killed by me, by the way, this jade sword is what he left for me, can you see if it is his thing? Chu

Zheng shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

The world of the heart is really small.

At that moment, Chu Zheng raised the jade sword in his hand and flew directly towards Qin Qiang.

"What? You are the Jiuyang Palace... Yes! Seeing

this flying sword, Qin Qiang immediately believed it.

Because Hidden Dragon got the news a few days ago that Li Xunfei was killed in Jinling, and then investigated that it was Chu Zheng of the Jiuyang Palace.

And what Qin Qiang didn't expect was that today, this person actually let him meet!

Moreover, it is still Li Xunfei's jade sword.


This flying sword directly penetrated Qin Qiang's throat.

And Yunshuang's eyes were also full of shock.

First, the young man in front of him who was shocked by Yunshuang turned out to be Chu Zheng from the Central Plains.

Hidden Dragon is not only active in the world, but also knows the affairs of the Huaxia Kingdom very well.

And the name of Chu Zheng has long been spread to the ears of some figures in the Dragon Group.

Yunshuang has naturally heard of it.

How Chu Zheng is a god, how to hang some masters.

But Yunshuang didn't believe it at first.

After all, the rumored Chu Zheng is only in his twenties.

In some places, the rumored Chu Zheng is only ten years old.

Therefore, Yunshuang preferred to believe that this was just hype for an extremely talented teenager.

But just now, that moment was the moment when Chu Zheng raised his hand to shoot Qin Qiang.

Jean's Black Widow Yunshuang completely believed.

Yun Shuang could see that the power of that sword was actually Qin Qiang, whose strength was not much worse than his own, could not even move.

You can imagine what a terrifying existence this must be.

"You are

Chu Zheng..." The people in the room were already destroyed by Chu Zheng in an instant, and while shocked, Yunshuang asked lightly.

"Not bad..."

Chu Zheng replied lightly, and then turned around.

Spiritual sense also swept the injuries on Yunshuang's body.

Originally, Chu Zheng's plan was to see if there were any people from the Five Poisons Sect staying after entering the town, and Chu Zheng would get rid of them directly, but after a quick search for a long circle, he did not find some real masters.

Until there was a burst of gunfire on this side.

Chu Zheng's spiritual sense swept away, and he knew the situation here, it was the mysterious woman, but Chu Zheng still came a step late, and the few snipers outside solved it a little late.

And watching Chu Zheng sweep up and down his body.

Yunshuang naturally didn't know about Chu Zheng's spiritual sense, but Yunshuang didn't think about some other bad aspects, because by observing Chu Zheng's gaze, Yunshuang didn't find the slightest obscenity.

But the pure cannot be in the pure.

"You have been shot in three places in your body, and the bullet is fed with poison, I need to force the bullet out for you immediately!"

Chu Zheng said.

"This... Can you help me force out the bullet?

Yunshuang felt a little unbelievable.

"Well..." Chu Zheng nodded, but then said, "But you may have to suffer some grievances..."

Yunshuang bit his red lips: "Then there is Brother Lao Chu!" "


Unexpectedly, as soon as Yunshuang's words fell, Chu Zheng directly took off Yunshuang's pants...

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