
This group of people surrounded them, and Chu Zheng directly punched down.

Seeing Chu Zheng's surrounding body, it suddenly became an afterimage, turning into countless fist shadows towards this group of hell messengers.

This group of hell messengers rushed up with slogans in their mouths.

"Send you... What the? Seeing

the powerful power in front of them, this group of people only shouted half-cut, but they were completely stunned.

Because I didn't expect that this young man in front of him, who didn't know whether he was dead or alive, would have such strength.

At the moment, I didn't care about any slogans, and my eyes widened, like running away.

But how could it still be in time.

"Brush brush brush!"

The surrounding bodies of these people suddenly exploded, and even the black robes on their bodies shattered alive after a burst of white smoke exploded.

Mo said in person.

All fell to the ground and died.

And the black widow Yunshuang, who happened to save a few children, came over and just saw this scene.

I couldn't help but cover my mouth.

"This... Great Master of Martial Dao? Skipping

this word in his mind for an instant, Yunshuang was stunned.

She herself is at the level of a martial arts grandmaster, and her strength can be described as an extremely top-level existence in the entire Huaxia country.

Although Yunshuang had heard of Chu Zheng's prestige before.

Knowing that Chu Zheng must be above the martial arts grandmaster.

But among martial arts grandmasters, there are also strong and weak differences, such as themselves, who have just stepped into the ranks of martial arts grandmasters for five or six years, and can completely step into the ranks of grandmasters for more than twenty years of tyranny.

Before Yunshuang guessed, Chu Zheng was so powerful, and he could directly kill himself in seconds.

It must be equivalent to twenty years of Grandmaster's ranks.

But the punch that Chu Zheng punched just now made Yunshuang completely deny his opinion.

Martial Dao Grandmaster, cultivating to the strongest, struck a palm on a big tree surrounded by three people, which can shake this big tree through.

However, it is also impossible to expose the inner strength.

However, once he surpassed the martial arts grandmaster, he became the level of a martial arts grandmaster.

One of the most significant features is that the inner strength is exposed, and it can seriously injure others!

And Chu Zheng just took out that punch, countless fist shadows, almost dazzled Yunshuang.

"Chu... Brother Chu, the children have been saved!

Yunshuang only felt that he was a little trembling when he spoke.

In the hidden dragon, there are indeed martial arts grandmaster-level existences, such as the highest level of the hidden dragon, the eight kings.

And these eight kings, Yunshuang has never even seen it.

Now, he saw a great master with his own eyes, how could he not make Yunshuang excited.

"Well, go!"

Chu Zheng just nodded, and immediately the spiritual sense moved, and soon locked a group of hell messengers who arrested people.

Then the figure moved, heading directly towards another village.

And after Yunshuang calmed the group of children, he also followed.

"Send you to King Yanluo!"

In this village, a group of hell messengers have begun to enter the village.

Robbed a family of children and was about to slaughter the family.

The blade in his hand, but it seemed to have been hit by something, and it was directly broken in the middle.

The messengers of hell sensed something was wrong and quickly gathered together.

That's a dozen.

His gaze locked on a young man in unison.

"Send you to King Yan Luo..."

This group of hell messengers, with murderous faces on their faces, came towards Chu Zheng.

But soon, the group was screaming.

Their limbs, after a flash of golden light, fell apart.

There is no corpse.


The little girl of this family was so frightened that she hurriedly snuggled into her mother's arms.

"Don't cry child, someone will come to us, child, quickly thank Engong!"

The family survived, while the mother held the child tightly, comforting and trying to rest the grace who saved the life of their whole family.

But when the mother raised her face, there was no trace of Engong at all.

"Let go of my child, please!"

In another village, there were screams.

A group of hell messengers are plundering.

"Send you to the king of Yan Luo..." The

group of hell messengers, wrist machetes, prepared to start the slaughter.


However, at this time, the head was suddenly directly hit by a thick tree flying horizontally, and the head was shattered.

The body flew out directly.

"Ah! Come here, kid! This

is a father, a family of five, who quickly hugged his little daughter, and there was fear in their eyes.

As if the end had come.

And the little daughter was also scared.

Just now, their whole family walked in front of hell.

"Send you to King Yan Luo!"

And this group of hell messengers soon discovered the murderer, a young man who was still a little unable to see his face under the moonlight.

But it doesn't matter who it is, because after the meeting, this group of hell messengers will send them to hell.

"Send you to King Yan Luo!"

The group of people held machetes and shouted slogans towards Chu Zheng.

But the result is the same, Chu Zheng is like chopping vegetables, but in a few seconds, he killed these dozen people on their backs.

There was one person left, who seemed to be the leader, and before he could make a move, his own subordinates were dead.

"You... What are you!? "

This leader's mind finally calmed down, they have always called themselves messengers of hell, killing people without blinking, but they did not expect that in front of this person, it was simply a younger brother.

Ferocious, too ferocious.

Looking at the ground, none of them were all corpse subordinates.

The boss was a little shocked.

He didn't care to send this man to the king of Yan Luo.

"Me? The people who came to collect you..."

Chu Zheng said coldly.

"Send you!"

The leader's eyes suddenly turned green, and he drank it in his mouth while making a move, but at this time, he saw a light flash in front of his neck.

When I looked again, my head fell directly to the ground.

"Go see King Yan Luo..." The

head rolled to the ground, but the leader still finished speaking....

"Thank you Engong, thank you Engong!"

And this family, looking at the front of them, this group of demons who seemed to come from hell were destroyed like this, as if they were in the endless abyss, seeing a ray of the dawn of the rising sun.

At that moment, the whole family knelt down to give thanks.

However, he could not see the figure of Engong.

"Dad, Engong saved us, who is Engong?"

The little girl returned to her parents' arms, and finally stopped crying.

Yes, who is Eun Gong?

"Engong said, he came specifically to collect this group of demons, and Engong is the

messenger of hell..." "The messenger of hell..." Yes

, because these people have never seen normal people able to use this method, only the kind of gods and demons works on TV can appear.


the whole family muttered again, looking at the stump on the ground.

"Send you to King Yan Luo..."

What people?

"Are you...?"

"Be bold!"

One village, then another.

Chu Zheng has been slaughtering.

He himself did not know how many of the sect members died at the hands of Chu Zheng.

Only kill!

How many kills kills how much.

This group of people who have long lost their conscience are not worthy of living in this world at all.

Kill Kill Kill!

Although the town is small, there are hundreds of villages.

Chu Zheng killed from ten o'clock in the evening until the early hours of the morning.

"Send you to King Yan Luo..."

Every time Chu Zheng passed through a village, after the slogans of this group of demons sounded, they would be followed by a screaming scream that was enough to be creepy.

"Hellbringer ... Engong is a messenger from hell..."

"Finally someone has come to save us, child, God has finally sent someone to collect this group of devils!"

"Hell messenger, Engong!"

In the villages, the people who were rescued by Chu Zheng were grateful.

They finally saw hope, as if disaster were about to pass.

And the name "Messenger of Hell" has also become synonymous with all villages for this kind of grace that no one has ever seen.

"Dad, who saved us?"

"It's a messenger of hell!"

This is how all parents answer their children's questions.

Already the last village.

At this time, in front of Chu Zheng, there was only one person left.

"Where is your leader?"

Chu Zheng held his hands behind his back and asked with a cold look.

"I won't tell you, once I do, you will kill me immediately!"


Chu Zheng was too lazy to talk nonsense, punched out, and directly exploded this person's head.

"If you tell me or not, it's all a dead end!"

Chu Zheng shook his head lightly....

Immediately, he directly exerted his spiritual knowledge beyond the scope to the maximum, and finally, Chu Zheng's gaze stayed in the direction of Yunhu Town, a lake...

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