Yunshuang wanted to keep up with Chu Zheng's footsteps and wanted to see what he could do to help.

However, Yunshuang shuttled back and forth among more than a hundred villages, and he was stunned that he never saw Chu Zheng's shadow again.

On the contrary, everywhere he went, what fell into Yun Shuang's eyes were the corpses of the group of demons that were miserable all over the ground.

Yunshuang found that in this group of dead demons, finding a whole corpse, yes, that is, a demon with a complete corpse, has become an extremely luxurious thing.

Yunshuang shook his head and smiled bitterly, he still wanted to help, when he thought of this, Yunshuang felt embarrassed in his heart.

The martial arts grandmaster made a move, where he had his own help.

At this time, Yunshuang saw a child, and then boldly went to take a scimitar in the hands of the sectarians.

He was slashing at a sect member who had already broken his body and limbs like crazy.

"Little friend... It's dangerous here, you leave quickly..."

Yunshuang couldn't help but look at this child with some distress.

"I'm not afraid, the hell messenger brother is coming, he will protect us, they killed my mother, I want revenge!"

After the child finished speaking, he fiercely raised his machete and cut at the corpses of this group of sect members.

Yunshuang felt a little sad in his heart, but the words of the child also made Yunshuang shake slightly.

"Hell messenger..."

Yun Shuang muttered the words in his mouth, and looked at the corpses all over the ground again.

Yes, the messenger of hell, Brother Chu is the real messenger of hell....

Thinking of this, Yunshuang bit his lip and continued to chase after Chu Zheng...

A bright moon, casting moonlight, through the dense woods, speckled on a huge lake in Yunhu Town.

The slight night breeze also made the surface of this lake ripple.

"Seven Elders, why don't you come yet, I'll go see them..." On

the edge of the lake, there were two people.

An old man in his sixties with a gray beard.

He was sitting cross-kneeled on the edge of the lake, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was comprehending the way of heaven.

Behind him, a black-robed attendant stood respectfully.

At that moment, this attendant said respectfully to the old man who was the Seventh Elder.

They moved very quickly, and last time, they also targeted major villages to slaughter villages, so the speed had already been trained.

I didn't expect tonight to be so slow.

"Well, go check it out, check it out in addition, and don't leave any living mouths in these villages!"

And the Seven Elders opened their eyes at this time.

His eyes were not the same as those of this black-robed sect, they were red, and they were as bright red as blood.

And in his eyes, he revealed an extremely fierce murderous aura.

It was as if the life of this world, in his eyes, was as small as an ant, and if he stepped on it, he trampled to death...


Nodding very respectfully, the black-robed man turned around and was about to leave.

The footsteps stopped.

"Huh? What else is going on? The

Seventh Elder did not reply, and asked lightly.

But no one answered him, but the sound of an object hitting the ground sounded.

It was as if something was rolling towards him.

Squinting slightly, the Seven Elders looked.

I couldn't help but frown.

Because this is a human head.

"Who is it?"

The Seventh Elder was immediately jealous, and his heart tightened.

Followed by a clapping of both hands, the whole person's body jumped directly into the air.

Finally, I stood on a large rock by the lake.

"Who is it?"

The Seventh Elder squinted his eyes slightly, holding his breath and concentrating, checking the movements around him.

This man is extraordinary, because there are few people in this world who can kill silently under his nose.

This was what the Seven Elders felt.

Especially when he turned around, there was no one outside the corpses of his subordinates who had no heads.

"Who is it?"

Asked a lot.

Rao is the Seventh Elder who has always been known for his calmness, and he can't be calm at this time.

On his forehead, he was covered with layers of sweat.

"Who is it?"

Looking at the dark jungle around him, the heart of the seven elders suddenly rose to the top of his throat.

It was as if this pitch-black jungle, in all directions, had a pair of eyes looking towards him.

The Seven Elders love the darkness and enjoy the whole dark environment.

But now, he hated it.

Because the darkness makes him unknown, the unknown makes him fearful, and this feeling of fear is what makes him most helpless.

The Seven Elders stood on the rock, constantly spinning in circles, looking in every direction with trepidation.

Because every direction can deal a fatal blow to him.

"Who is it?"

The Seventh Elder's eyes opened completely, and there was a mania in his tone.

He is strong, and he can't find an opponent.

"Do you know the fear?"

At this time, suddenly a voice that was enough to capture people's hearts came.

Directly into the depths of the Seven Elders' brains.

Let his brain keep dizzy.


This word was undoubtedly extremely unfamiliar to the Seven Elders.

Even fearing how to write two words, the Seven Elders would not.


The Seventh Elder's brows furrowed deeper, and his heart became more and more jealous.

Because this sound does not come from somewhere, but from all directions.

A person, how can he talk to him from all sides.

"Who is it?"

The Seventh Elder gritted his teeth and shouted these words, his throat seemed to be torn apart by his almost hysterical roar.

"Huh-huh..." A

cold wind blew over at this time.

And this wind sound, like a devil's cry, is even better than the god's howl!

And the Seven Elders kept spinning in circles, and their hearts were even more raised to their throats.

In this environment, he seemed to see the villagers killed by him one by one, walking towards him in unison.

Moreover, this voice seemed to be waving to him one by one by one villagers who had died in vain.

But when he was on guard, the villagers who appeared in his eyes seemed to have disappeared again.

It was so dark that there were no fingers, only the faint moonlight casting in the mottles.

"Who is ?!!!?"

The shouts of the seven elders seemed to resound throughout the jungle.

At this time, Chu Zheng had already arrived at the edge of a mountain cliff, lowered his head, and looked at the Seven Elders who were like dolls with a sneer.

"Brother Chu..."

At this time, Yunshuang chased after her breathlessly, in fact, she would have already lost it, if it weren't for Chu Zheng's use of air transmission, Yunshuang really couldn't find where Chu Zheng was.

"Big Brother Chu, don't you plan to kill him..."

And looking below, still spinning in circles, shouting in jealousy whose Seventh Elder, Yunshuang asked coldly.

"It's too cheap to kill him, I'm going to let him live better than die, living in his own nightmare..."

said Chu Zheng lightly.

Hearing this, Yunshuang's heart also had palpitations.

Glancing down the mountain.

"Who is it?"

The Seven Elders were already sweating and still spinning in circles in place.

"Indeed, killing him directly is really cheap for this dehumanizing beast!"

Yun Shuang nodded heavily.

Immediately, instead of looking at the Seven Elders, he took out a black bead and brought it to Chu Zheng.

This black bead was found by Yun Shuang on the body of the leader of a black-robed man.

"Brother Chu, take a look, what is this thing?"

Yunshuang asked curiously.

And Chu Zheng glanced at this bead, his brows frowned slightly: "It's the Soul Extinguishing Bead..." Chu Zheng took this bead in his hand, examined it carefully, and then nodded: "Yes, it is indeed the Soul Extinguishing Bead, I can't imagine that the people of the Four Sects of Xiangxi can even create such a vicious thing..."

I was also thinking in my heart, I am afraid that I am a little too underestimated these four Xiangxi Sects.

"What is the Soul Extinguishing Bead?"

Yunshuang didn't understand it at all.

"This is an extremely vicious contraction-type magic array, once this soul extinction bead is urged, people within a certain range, if their soul power is not strong, will be killed in an instant. The hidden formation inside the Soul Extinguishing Bead will scatter a person's soul and the soul of impact! Moreover, the higher the cultivation of the person who uses it, the greater the strength! Chu

Zheng saw Yunshuang curious.

The present is the explanation.

And Yunshuang covered his mouth and said with a look of disbelief: "Really so powerful? "

Heaven, it can directly impact people's souls, and although Yunshuang is well-informed, he has never heard of this soul extinguishing bead.

"It seems that in the Four Sects of Xiangxi, there are masters that I Chu Zheng did not expect..."

And what Chu Zheng thought was different from Yunshuang.

Because the people who can create this kind of soul extinguishing bead now, in terms of technique, they must be far beyond the Qinglong Dao Master, and they are more than one level of existence...

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