"Big Brother Chu, then what should we do now? If I go further up, I have to go back and ask for instructions on this matter! "

Yunshuang's mission here is to support the squad in front and rescue this group of children.

Now that the task is completed, if it is traced further, Yunshuang must ask for instructions.

"Well, the rest, you don't have to care, this matter, I Chu Zheng will definitely deal with it..." Chu Zheng

knew that Yunshuang was a person with a strong sense of justice.

If you want to check it yourself, Yunshuang this nizi will definitely follow.

If this Soul Extinguishing Bead did not appear, Chu Zheng would also agree, in short, it would be good to take care of each other.

But now that this Soul Extinguishing Bead has appeared, I don't know if the hidden magic master has created another Soul Extinguishing Array, so Chu Zheng's heart has no bottom at once.

On earth, only Chu Zheng knows, there are inner strength martial artists, cultivators.

In addition, there are two other huge branches of monasticism.

That's the occult and the spell.

Secret techniques, such as the Miao Demon Technique, with the help of some poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, to harm or save people, are called secret techniques.

The Four Sects of Xiangxi are the four major occult schools of the Xiangxi generation.

And the technique, originally Chu Zheng thought that there was no one on the earth.

But now, this soul extinguishing bead is telling Chu Zheng that not only does it exist on the earth, but the degree of development does not seem to be very low.

Techniques are mainly a large type of engraving formations, using magic weapons, or urging spells to face the enemy.

For example, the Qinglong Daoist Chief's Daoist lineage, although it seems to be connected with these two, the gap between them is very huge.

This is like having the same math exam, and Qinglong and their Taoist skills do the mathematics exam papers for elementary schools, while those who specialize in the arts do the math exam papers for graduate students.

Such is the gap.

It is not that the art of saying is useless, in the Taoist art, such as the divine fight, the cultivation of internal skills, is far beyond the person of the technique.

It can be said that Taoism relies on itself.

People who perform magic rely more on magic weapons and foreign objects to exert their maximum power.

Speaking of the current Soul Extinguishing Bead, or Soul Extinguishing Array, Chu Zheng was not very afraid, after all, Chu Zheng's soul had been cultivated for hundreds of years.

It's more powerful than ever.

This soul extinguishing array may hurt Chu Zheng, but if you want to destroy Chu Zheng, it is simply a fool's dream.

But Cloud Frost is different, Mo said that the Soul Extinguishing Array is this small Soul Extinguishing Bead, if the black-robed leader has time to cast, it is estimated that he can kill Cloud Frost in an instant.

This Soul Extinguishing Bead is such a horror.

So, Yunshuang said so.

Chu Zheng also dismissed the idea of continuing to let Yunshuang follow.

It was to tell Yunshuang about the danger of this soul extinguishing array.

Yun Shuang naturally knew that Chu Zheng did not let himself follow, naturally for his own good, and Yun Shuang also knew that he was in front of the Soul Extinguishing Bead, I am afraid that he did not even have the power to fight.

At that time, isn't it to cause chaos to Big Brother Chu.

Yunshuang nodded and said, "But Brother Chu, as you said, this Soul Extinguishing Array is not small, although you are powerful, you must also be careful not to fall for their calculations!"

Yunshuang said worriedly.

Chu Zheng nodded.

Yunshuang's concerns are not unreasonable.

Now Chu Zheng has very little understanding of the four religions in Xiangxi.

Moreover, the details of the four religions in Xiangxi are not clear at all.

Speaking of which, he had only taught the elders of the Miao Sect, plus the seven elders of the Five Poisons Sect.

Their strength is naturally average.

However, Chu Zheng knew that among the four sects in Xiangxi, the most powerful were not the elders, but the sect leaders and protectors of the Dharma.

Maybe even in the four sects of Xiangxi, there is a great master like Mo Wentian.

Great Master, plus people who don't know the details of the technique.

If Chu Zheng entered rashly, if he wanted to say that he was completely sure, Chu Zheng definitely did not.

Therefore, Chu Zheng did not intend to rush directly to the Four Sects of Xiangxi.

"Don't worry, I will investigate it first..." The

delicate Yunshuang was very suitable for Chu Zheng's taste.

If you investigate clearly, you must hide your identity.

Thinking of this, Chu Zheng's mind couldn't help but think of the figure of that kind-hearted girl.

"Xiaoya, when I said that after a year, I would definitely come to see you, counting the days, it was time to see you..."

Chu Zheng's heart secretly said.


"How is the situation in Yunhu Town, what about the Seven Elders?"

A hidden deep mountain, a large manor house made entirely of mountain stones.

An old man asked to the prostrating spy.

"Back to the Great Elder, the Seventh Elder is back now, but... But..." The

detective said this, and did not dare to continue, or did not know how to continue.

"What's going on, say!"

The Great Elder snorted coldly.

However, as soon as his words fell, he heard the voice of the Seven Elders outside the door.

"Who is it?!"

The Seventh Elder shouted a little madly while spinning in a circle.

And this detective also wasted a lot of strength to lure the Seven Elders back and leave it to the Great Elder to decide.

"Seventh brother!"

"Seventh brother!"

Seeing this scene, everyone in the lobby was stunned.

Hurriedly surrounded it.

But he was soon frightened by the Seven Elders who quickly turned around, and retreated to the side.

"Who is it?"

The Seven Elders' eyes seemed to be unable to see anymore, but they still shouted loudly.

"This... What the hell is going on? And

seeing the seventh brother like this, the Great Elder directly asked the spy.

"The Great Elder, except for the Seven Elders, the rest of the sect members have all been killed... And when the subordinates passed, the seven elders became like this..." Where the

spies dared to hide the slightest, they all said it.

"Huh? Do you know who did this?

The Great Elder asked.

"Who is it?!"

The Seven Elders were still shouting in circles, but they had already been pulled down by the other elders.

"I don't know who it is, but my subordinates inquired, and the villagers of Yunhu Town all called that person the messenger of hell..."

the detective replied.

"Hellbringer? Who is it? Can scare the seventh brother like this?

The Great Elder muttered in his mouth, the cultivation of the seventh brother, he knew very well, there were few opponents in Huaxia, but now, it turned out to be like this...

"Who is it?"

The Seven Elders were held down, still shouting.

And looking at the Seventh Brother like this, the Great Elder's brows furrowed even deeper...

He also seemed to repeat the words of the seven elders in his heart: "

Who is this messenger of hell?"


Bloom two flowers, one on each table.

But it is said that in Xiangxi City, there is a huge villa in the north of the city.

And the area of the estate is not small.

Moreover, at the gate of this villa, there seem to be special people guarding it, and there are various bodyguards in the yard.

On the second floor of the villa, there was a young girl lying on her stomach at the table at this time.

The girl looks beautiful and extremely beautiful.

But at this time, she frowned, still holding a pen in her hand, pouting her small mouth, and slowly filled the calendar in front of her.

At this time, a middle-aged man knocked on the door.

The girl raised her face and buttoned the calendar on the table. Shouted in.

When the girl saw that the middle-aged man who came in turned out to be her uncle, a hanging heart finally let go.

"Xiaoya, what are you doing?"

Fang Wenxuan walked in, looking at Qin Ya, who was severely emaciated during this time, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

"Uncle, I... Didn't do anything?

Qin Ya hurriedly said.

"I know you want Xiao Zheng again, but don't worry, Xiao Zheng has a letter, since he said that he came to see you within a year, he will definitely not exceed this period..."

Fang Wenxuan carried his hand and looked at the calendar that was buttoned on the table by Qin Ya, how could he not know what Qin Ya was thinking.

Over the past year, what has accompanied Qin Ya the most is this calendar, almost every day, Qin Ya is counting the days, and now, the time of a year is finally about to pass.

"But uncle, Xiaozheng is here, can we escape?"

Qin Ya looked at the bodyguards patrolling below, and couldn't help but say helplessly.

These bodyguards are not guarding the nursing home, but specifically guarding Qin Ya.

"Don't worry, if those old guys still imprison us in the Miao Sect, I'm afraid Xiaozheng will have to waste some effort to save us, but in the past year, I don't know what the Four Sects of Xiangxi are plotting and put us in this Kuncheng to imprison, I'm afraid, it's hard to stop Xiaozheng..."

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