"Not to mention Xiao Zheng, uncle, do you know why Miao Sect put us under house arrest in this Kuncheng City, what are those traitors plotting?"

Qin Ya asked.

Fang Wenxuan shook his head and sighed: "I haven't found out the specifics, but recently, I heard that in our Xiangxi area, it seems that an extremely powerful strong person has come... It made the four sects worry all day long..."

"The strong?" Qin Ya was a little curious, she was locked up in this apartment all day, and she could usually go out and play with a few childhood friends in Queensland, but everywhere she went, there were these annoying people following, so Qin Ya went out very often.

For the outside world, very little is known.

"Hmm... Not bad..." Fang Wenxuan said this, obviously also interested.

He continued: "In Yunhu Town, I don't know what mission the Five Poisons Sect is performing, hundreds of sect members, all of them were killed by one person, and the appearance when they died was very tragic. Even the Seventh Elder of the Five Poisons Sect was directly scared into a madman by that strong man..."

After speaking, Fang Wenxuan frowned, obviously feeling that this was a little incredible.

The people of the Five Poisons Sect, all of them have strange skills, and so many members of the sect, were all killed overnight by one person? What a terrifying existence this must be.

Moreover, Fang Wenxuan also heard that the Seven Elders of the Five Poisons Sect who were definitely not weak in cultivation were actually scared into madness by that strong man.

This was something that made Fang Wenxuan feel incredible.

Not to mention that he was said to have a nose and eyes, Fang Wenxuan would definitely scoff at this rumor.

But Rao is so, Fang Wenxuan does not believe it now.

"The Five Poisons Sect is the strongest one among the four sects in Xiangxi, who can hit them like this?"

Qin Ya was also deeply shocked in her heart.

Fang Wenxuan shook his head: "This may be just a rumor, who knows what tricks the Five Poisons Sect is playing again, but who that strong man is, it must be unknown, but there is a title, in the area of Yunhu Town, but it is widely spread..."

Qin Ya asked.

"Hellbringer ... Everyone called that senior the messenger of hell..." Although

Fang Wenxuan did not believe that there was such a powerful figure, he heard the rumors of this messenger of hell several times, and Fang Wenxuan also admired it extremely in his heart.

It's true or fake, but if there are such characters in the world, they will definitely amaze the entire Huaxia...

However, Fang Wenxuan also has self-awareness, if this hell messenger really exists, although Fang Wenxuan has always been a good friend, I am afraid that he will not be able to climb high.

Shaking his head helplessly, Fang Wenxuan retracted his thoughts and looked at his niece Qin Ya, "Xiaoya, if a person is really bored, go and play with your friends, fortunately, this group of old guys is not too much, there is no restriction on your freedom!" "

Don't go, as soon as you go out, you will be followed by a group of people, play nothing, don't go..." Qin

Ya shook her head in disappointment, her face fluctuated, and she didn't know what she was thinking...

And looking at his niece like this, Fang Wenxuan has no way, this little nizi has left this year since she met Xiao Zheng, and she has not been able to give up her soul all day long, although Fang Wenxuan has arranged for Qin Ya's friends in Kunshi to come to Qin Ya to play with Qin Ya and let her relieve her boredom.

But to no avail.

Fang Wenxuan knew that almost every night, Qin Ya would stare straight out the window like this, looking forward to Xiao Zheng's arrival.


sighed softly, Fang Wenxuan could not persuade, so he had to leave the villa building alone.

Walk towards an antique shop that you have in Queensland.

Fang Wenxuan, like Qin Ya's situation, was under house arrest.

Everywhere he went, there were masters of the Miao Sect following.

Of course, relatively speaking, both of them are relatively free. At least you can enter and exit freely.

It's just that it's a little inconvenient to bring a few people, but after this year, they have long been used to it.

Fang Wenxuan got into the car, and there were two people wearing Miao Sect robes in the car, and they also followed Fang Wenxuan.

Fang Wenxuan was too lazy to talk to them: "Let's go back to the store..." The

car immediately flew away.

Fang Wenxuan has two major hobbies in his life, one is the study of martial arts, and the other is antiques.

Now that Fang Wenxuan has been abolished, martial arts must not be studied, but antiques, Fang Wenxuan has not been thrown down whether it is in Linjiang or in Kunshi now.

Back in the store, Fang Wenxuan sat on the recliner behind the counter, drinking tea with his eyes closed.

During this period, a few guests also came and brought a few things.

Mo said carefully investigated, glanced at it, Fang Wenxuan waved his hand, "Take away, you late Ming altar, you can also pickle pickles when you go back!"

"Hmph! I don't recognize the goods! "A woman took the altar and left.

"Sir, look at this jade bracelet of people, it is said that Cixi Lao Foye wore it, if you give the right price, people may be able to invite you to 'have a meal'..." Another

young woman dressed extremely charmingly, although it is autumn, this young woman's dress is still exposed, and the clothes on her body and the area add up to not a single square meter of fabric.

The young woman was lying in front of the counter, and two big white rabbits were huddled together, revealing a proud career line.

And while speaking, the young woman Qiu Bo secretly sent, a shoulder strap, also involuntarily slipped down.

"Sir, can you show me?"

The young woman said with a charming smile, and touched Fang Wenxuan's hand.

Fang Wenxuan opened his eyes this time and did not look at the jade bracelet, but glanced the young woman up and down.

"I can give you three thousand yuan, but one meal is not enough, at least seven or eight meals..."

said Fang Wenxuan.

"How can this be, people still have husbands..." the

young woman was discussing with Fang Wenxuan.

"Then don't talk about it, this jade bracelet, you better return to the original factory..."

Fang Wenxuan waved his hand.

"Hmph, nasty!"

The young woman gave Fang Wenxuan a blank look, stomped her foot angrily, twisted her ass and left.

Fang Wenxuan also shook his head with a wry smile.

This afternoon, just this kind of customer, I don't know how much they received.

Fang Wenxuan was helpless.

Simply close your eyes and take a nap.

Not long after, another person stood at the counter.

"Boss, show me, how much can this Bafang ink jade plate open?"

It was a young man who looked at Fang Wenxuan with his eyes closed with a smile.

Fang Wenxuan didn't open his eyes, waved his hand, pointed out the door, and said: "Turn right when you go out, there are a lot of pots and pans selling over there, you can go there to try your luck, maybe you can sell it..."

Joke, this thing comes from the Warring States, it has long disappeared, and it has appeared in the past two years, but it is all on those small stalls that sell pots and pans.

Fang Wenxuan didn't have the energy to continue entertaining these half-informed guests.

"Let's take a look, maybe I'm real..."

And the young man put the Bafang ink jade plate on the counter, put his hands on his back, and looked at Fang Wenxuan, his face couldn't help but be happy.

"Take it, take it! Don't disturb my sleep!

Fang Wenxuan shook his head impatiently, and wanted to push the Bafang Ink Jade Plate on the counter away.

But as soon as his hand touched, his whole body suddenly shook.

It's like being struck by lightning.


Fang Wenxuan's heart trembled.

Fang Wenxuan in the antique industry, can be described as a master, really fake, Mo said to look at it, even if you reach out and touch it, you can feel it.

Just now, when Fang Wenxuan touched this Bafang ink jade disk, a different texture came, and above, there seemed to be a different kind of breath.


Fang Wenxuan secretly shouted in his heart.

Immediately rolled over.

His eyes did not see the person coming, but directly picked up the Bafang ink jade plate on the counter and carefully examined it.

In the end, Fang Wenxuan's heart reached his throat, and if it weren't for his thin throat, Fang Wenxuan's heart might have been able to spit it out of his mouth directly.

God, this... This this... This turned out to be true!

Fang Wenxuan carefully examined it for a long time.

Finally, it was finalized that this legendary Bafang ink jade disk would be real.

"Little brother, where did you get it? You just make an offer..."

Fang Wenxuan's eyes couldn't move away from the plate, and he asked directly.

"I accidentally found it in the Medicine King Valley, so I took it, but this price, I opened it, I'm afraid you can't afford it!"

"Joke, you don't inquire and inquire

, our Wenxuan..." Fang Wenxuan said with a proud face, and at the same time raised his head, wanting to say that this Kunshi City, only you can't open, there is no price that our Wenxuan can't afford.

But halfway through Fang Wenxuan's words, it stopped abruptly, and after seeing the young man in front of him, Fang Wenxuan was directly speechless.

"You... You...... Are you a small sign?!!! Seeing

the person coming, the Bafang Ink Jade Plate in Fang Wenxuan's hand almost didn't hold it steadily.

"Brother Fang..."


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