Looking at the two bottles of white wine in the bag, for a moment, Meng Ke felt a deep despair. If she once had hope for Qin Feng and felt that he still had a strong day, her last hope was extinguished.

She is tired.

I'm really tired.

Today is too tired, so I asked for leave to go home to have a rest for half a day. She just wanted to have a good rest for half a day. It's really just half a day. Why can't she even meet this requirement?.....

The intense despair made Meng Ke's heart beat faster, his breath became shorter, his head was dizzy, and there was a kind of whirling feeling.

Meng Ke's body shakes twice, and some of them are unstable, but he still relies on his willpower to support his body.

At this moment, she firmly had been shaken faith, she decided to divorce, say anything and Qinfeng divorce, she does not want to let the little girl grow up in the shadow of Qinfeng decadence.

Even if the little girl doesn't want them to divorce, even if the little girl will cry, she will not waver any more.

"Xiao Ke." Qin Feng is anxious. He wants to help Meng Ke in the past, but he doesn't dare to act because he sees the unprecedented despair in Meng Ke's eyes.

He also knows that Meng Ke's resentment against him is too strong, and his love has long disappeared. In the past, he insisted on it for the sake of the so-called family affection, perhaps more for the sake of the little girl.

Because of her children, she had the slightest expectation and convinced herself again and again that things would get better.

Qin Fengxin is like a needle pricking pain, especially when he sees Meng Ke's face. Meng Ke's figure is perfect as always, her face and facial features are exquisite, and she is a standard Oriental beauty. But her outstanding temperament in the early morning is no longer there. Her pale face makes everyone feel that she is suffering from the devastation of life.

Godless eyes, but also reveals her deep inner weakness, her forehead, there is a wisp of white hair.

She is only in her twenties, and she has white hair

"Qin Feng, I've had enough!" Meng Ke suddenly roared, and did not notice the pain in the eyes of Qin Feng. She rushed to the bag that contained Baijiu in Qin Feng's hand.

She can't bear it, because Qin Feng, no matter what occasion she is now, as long as she sees wine, she can't control her anger at all.

Now she has only one idea. She rushes over and takes the wine from Qin Feng's hand, smashes it to pieces. This kind of thing can never appear again in her world.

But soon, mengke found out that she was in the air.

Qin Feng dodges. He wanted to hold Meng Ke, but when he thinks about his dirty appearance, he feels unworthy and can only avoid it. Then he quickly turns back to see Meng Ke and worries about her falling down.

Seeing Meng Ke holding the wall with one hand and standing firm, Qin Feng was deeply relieved.

The little girl ran over and hugged Meng Ke. She was scared just now, and now she burst into tears and sobbed: "Ma Ma Ma, don't be angry. Baba said that this is his last time to drink. It's really the last time. Just now, he and I have been hooked up. Don't cheat me for a hundred years!"

"Ma Ma, don't be angry. I'm afraid..."

At this time, the little girl couldn't stop crying. She looked up at Qin Feng and her eyes were full of confusion and helplessness.

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