"Girls don't cry." See little girl cry sad, Meng Ke immediately anxious, squat down to embrace little girl, a time at a loss.

last hole?

Is it really going to be the last time?

How many times has Qin Feng said these four words, and which one has been realized? No, there will never be a last time.

Meng Ke wants to say that Nannan is too simple, but she can't bear to say it. She is even more distressed because she knows that the money for buying wine is her living expenses.

This little girl, would rather be hungry, would rather she didn't eat all day, also want to satisfy Qin Feng, satisfy that bastard!

"Ma Ma, don't fight, OK?" The little girl is still choking.

"Good, good..." Meng Ke nodded, she did not want to quarrel, but the idea of divorce did not weaken, she really did not want to waste time to insist.

She turns her head and wants to have a good talk with Qin Feng, but she sees that Qin Feng has disappeared. Yu Guang turns around and finds that the door of the bathroom is open.

This scene, let her Leng for a moment, she felt strange, but do not understand.

"Would you like to wait outside?" Meng Ke stroked the little girl's head and said in a soft voice that long pain is better than short pain. Today, he must tell Qin Feng what he said.

"Yes, yes." Little girl nodded, it seems to feel something wrong, but still went to the sofa there, jumped on the sofa, hands holding knees sitting there, small head deeply buried.

Meng Ke turns to go into the bathroom and closes the door. As soon as he turns around, he hears the sound of rushing water. Looking carefully, he finds that Qin Feng is holding two empty wine bottles.

This made her once again stunned. Qin Feng unexpectedly... Unexpectedly poured two bottles of Baijiu out.

How could he do such a thing?

Although she was surprised, Meng Ke's face was still pale and cold. She said coldly, "it's a waste for you. Even if you don't drink it, you can make fish. Those two bottles of wine cost more than 30 yuan."

Meng Ke was a little confused and didn't understand what Qin Feng wanted to do.

"I'm sorry." Qin Feng began to apologize directly. "I didn't think about Qin Chu. I just want to tell you that I won't drink any more and I won't decadent any more. The real me has come back. I promise that I won't make any mistakes again and that I will bring you a good life in the future."

This makes Meng Kexin tremble. Seeing the seriousness in Qin Feng's eyes, she is soft hearted. But when she turns her head, she thinks that these words have been heard countless times before, and they are just words.

The man in front of me is just three minutes hot

The bitter memories of the past made Meng Kexin cold again. She gritted her teeth and said, "there is no future."

Qin Feng was stunned.

"What do you mean?"

Qin Feng also knows that he is asking knowingly. Meng Ke has said all these words and made it clear that he wants a divorce. This is something he didn't think of just now. According to the memory of his previous life, after moving his hand, Meng Ke fainted and was sent to the hospital. However, because of excessive depression and various diseases, he never woke up.

He just wanted to prevent this from happening, but he ignored it. Today Meng is going to divorce him.

Of course, Qin Feng didn't want to divorce. Since he was born again, God gave him a chance to make up for his mistakes.

If this family is broken up, what's the point of his rebirth?

"Don't you understand? Divorce. " Meng Ke's cold way flashed an unprecedented firmness in her eyes, but then she squatted on the ground uncontrollably, hugged her head and cried.

"Qin Feng, I beg you to divorce. Please let our mother and daughter go, OK? I don't need your alimony. I just want you to let me take my daughter away

"Qin Feng, will you let me and your daughter go? If you want money, I can find a way to give it to you..."

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