"Great!" Lin Lele jumped up excitedly, with a red face, took Qin Feng's hand and went to the elevator. "Since you promised, we'll go now. The movie is still half an hour away from the beginning. If we miss the opening in the traffic jam, we'll be in trouble."


There was no traffic jam on the road. In less than five minutes' taxi time, they arrived at the cinema. Lin Lele looked at the time and scratched his hair again, looking like a complete collapse.

"My God, I have to wait more than 20 minutes to get to the place so soon. I knew I would be late."

Speechless make complaints about the women's fickle, and then they started off because they were afraid of traffic jams. Now it's too late to come. It's faster than a book.

"Then wait." Qin Feng has no choice but to respond. He is disappointed. On the way here, he has been observing and feeling the situation around him, and has not found anything he needs.

At this time, not far away suddenly came a whiny voice of a woman, "ouch, isn't this big beauty Lin Lele?"

In front of them on the right, a woman in red with heavy make-up came over with a fat middle-aged man. Looking at Lin Lele's eyes, it was a bit of mockery.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng knew that trouble was coming. He could not help admiring women's intuition, which was too effective.

Of course, it's trouble for Lin Lele, but it's good for him. There are two women in red, he feels a strange smell, which comes from the jade pendant on the neck of the woman in red.

It's not ordinary jade. It's called Lingyu in the world of cultivating immortals. As the name suggests, it's a jade that has existed for a long time and is stained with the aura of heaven and earth. It's an excellent item for array arrangement.

Although a field is not enough to arrange the array, at least, it is useful for Qin Feng and makes Qin Feng happy.

"Oh, what bad luck!" Lin Lele couldn't help cursing, but explained to Qin Feng, "I didn't expect to meet this woman. Her name is Liu Yan. She is my college classmate. I don't know that man. It should be his man. In short, I really hate that Liu Yan. If I knew I would meet her, I would rather miss the movie."

After Lin Lele's explanation, Liu Yan and the chubby man named Gu Lei also came to her. Liu Yan looked at Lin Lele and Qin Feng again. Yin Yang strange way: "Yo, Lele, is this your boyfriend? It looks very ordinary. How much is the salary in a month? "

As soon as Liu Yan opened her mouth, she asked a very realistic question, obviously aiming at Lin Lele.

In fact, it's very simple. During her college years, she fell in love with a rich second generation boy and pursued him for a long time. As a result, he refused. Later, she learned that the rich second generation liked Lin Lele and even confessed to him, but he refused.

After knowing this, Liu Yan was upset. The person she had been dreaming of could not get, went after others, but was rejected. On the contrary, she felt that she had no face.

Later, Liu Yan found the rich second generation and said a few bad words about Lin Lele. Unexpectedly, she was slapped by someone's backhand.

From then on, she hated Lin Lele, repeatedly targeted Lin Lele, and even spread all kinds of rumors about Lin Lele in school to discredit each other.

Liu Yan did not expect to meet Lin Lele here today. Since she met Lin Lele, her first thought was to humiliate Lin Lele.

Take another look at Qin Feng beside Lin Lele. She thinks it's a good breakthrough. She can't wait to take Qin Feng. She just takes a look at Qin Feng and decides that Qin Feng is not a man with ability.

"Ah?" Lin Lele was asked by Liu Yan's words, and didn't know how to answer. In fact, she wanted to take Qin Feng as a shield, but she felt that it was not appropriate to do so, and she would somehow implicate Qin Feng.

But if you don't admit that Qin Feng is her boyfriend? Lin Lele can fully imagine that Liu Yan will definitely take this opportunity to further challenge and laugh at her.

Just when Lin Lele was distressed, Qin Feng laughed at Liu Yan and said, "I'm not her boyfriend, I'm just a friend, but can you give me face and don't bother her?"

Qin Feng is very direct. Although he doesn't like trouble, he comes out with Lin Lele. If things get big, he can't just sit by and ignore them. After all, Lin Lele used to take care of Meng Ke's life.

But now, he hopes to make money with peace, and everyone will not make trouble. He can be more relaxed and then buy the jade pendant around Liu Yan's neck.

However, the day did not meet people's wishes. As soon as Qin Feng's voice fell, Liu Yan did not answer. Gu Lei, who was next to him, said, "what are you, and dare to let my woman give you face? How big is your face?"

Qin Feng

He was speechless and felt that he had not said anything wrong. How could he be wronged? This guy really didn't know how precious Qingyun xianzun's face was!

"My husband is right!" Liu Yan also raised her head and sneered at Qin Feng: "which onion are you, and you deserve me to give you face?"

Her attitude made Qin Feng a little angry. He frowned and said, "when you go out, can you talk well? Do you think my face is worthless or something?"

"Cut!" Liu Yan sneered, even more disdainful, "how much is your face worth? Do you know who my husband is? My husband is the chairman of Wanchang group. You can't recognize him who is often on TV? He is one of the top ten entrepreneurs in Binhai. He can't even recognize him, which means that you are at most a migrant worker. Now, tell me, is your face worth it? "

"Well, you're awesome." Qin Feng took it. If he took it completely, he was bored. What's the matter today? No matter where he went, he could meet several people who were forced to wear clothes?

"I'll take it." Qin Feng shook his head and said with a smile, "you don't have to give me face, but I think the pendant on your neck is very good. Why don't you give it to me as an apology?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain?" Gu Lei suddenly angry, calm face way: "we say your face is worthless, don't give you face, do you think it's wrong? Feel like you're being humiliated? Then I tell you, it's humiliating you and looking down on you, so what? Why should I apologize to you? "

Gu Lei's words are hard to hear and irritating, just like Lao Tzu can be unreasonable if he is rich and powerful.

At this time, Lin Lele couldn't stand it. He took Qin Feng's hand and said, "Qin Feng, don't pay attention to them. Let's go first."

Qin Feng is still standing in the same place, light way: "to have come, of course, to see the movie."

With that, he looked at Gu Lei again. "Today's business, let's stop here. I'll settle with you when I have time. I hope you don't regret it."

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