
Hearing these two words, Gu Lei almost didn't laugh. Who is Gu Lei? Wanchang Group Chairman, Binhai city famous big man, who can let him regret? Especially Qin Feng, a little-known person, who doesn't even know who Gu Lei is, dare to talk to him?

"Well, you said it." Gu Lei nodded and grinned strangely. In public, he didn't want to cause too much conflict and bad influence.

"Remember what you said. I'm waiting for you to teach me. If you can't, I promise you'll never be able to stay in Binhai again." Put down a cruel words, Gu Lei then takes Chen Yan to leave.

Lin Lele looked at Qin Feng with guilt, "Qin Feng, I'm sorry. I didn't know it would be like this. I didn't expect it would be so serious. It would also affect you."

"But what you just said to Gu Lei is not too much. I've known about Gu Lei, and they all say that this man is absolutely right. He said that he won't let you go, so he won't let you go." Lin Lele's eyes became more worried.

"He?" Qin Feng disdains to smile and doesn't want to explain much. Originally, he wanted to buy the pendant of the other party with amiability, but the other party, for no reason, just wanted to go to the end with him. In this case, don't blame him for being impolite.

When the movie starts and Lin Lele finishes watching it, Qin Feng goes straight home.


The next day, because of moving, Meng Ke also did not go to work, and Qin Feng packed the things at home, at the same time called the moving company.

When he was moving things out, he saw Lin Lele at the door again. Seeing that Qin Feng's family was moving away, Lin Lele couldn't help but look surprised. He thought it was last night that made Qin Feng afraid. So he carefully asked, "sister Ke'er, where are you going to move?"

"Ah, it's Lele." Meng Ke noticed Lin Lele and said with a smile, "we are going to move to one meter sunshine. We just bought a house there."

"A meter of sunshine?" Lin Lele was immediately surprised. The one meter sunshine community she had heard of was the most upscale residential community in Binhai city.

What shocked her most was that in her impression, no one could live in this community at all. Those so-called millionaires, even multimillionaires, were not qualified to live in it. Qin Feng's family had to move there. Where did they get so much money?

"You won the lottery?" Lin Lele couldn't help but ask, but he denied the answer in his heart. Being able to live in one meter sunshine is not only as simple as having a house there, but also a symbol of status.

To put it bluntly, the house there is not something that money can buy. Now Lin Lele's head is dizzy, and he doesn't understand what happened.

"Are you looking down on me?" Qin Feng suddenly opened his mouth and said it in a joking tone.

"Ah?" Lin Lele looked at Qin Feng dully, but still didn't slow down. After a long time, he thought of something else unconsciously, and his eyes flashed with expectation. "One meter sunshine community, I just heard about it, but I haven't seen it. I wanted to go in and have a look, but I didn't let it in."

"If you really want to move there, can you let me in under the name of moving, I can help you move things and clean the house!"

Although Lin Lele didn't understand, she didn't doubt Qin Feng and his wife's words. After all, Meng Ke was never the kind of empty talker. Relatively speaking, she was looking forward to seeing what the one meter sunshine community looked like.

"Good." Qin Feng quickly agreed to come down, moved home, have linlele to help mengke busy work, he just can go to meet again that called Gu Lei Niubi character.


At the gate of one meter sunshine community, a taxi stops. Qin Feng, Meng Ke, Xiao Niangniang and Lin Lele get out of the car. Lin Lele wrinkles his nose, turns a white eye at Qin Feng, and says contemptuously, "Qin Feng, you are really mean. You are so rich that you don't buy a car?"

"Er..." Qin Feng is speechless, because Lin Lele's words are all right. In fact, he has been thinking about buying a car. Even if he doesn't use it, Meng Ke has to use it there, but there are too many things to remember.

"I forgot." Qin Feng explained.

"Oh ~" Lin Lele turned his head to one side, "I think you are forgetful."

"Don't buy a car that expensive." Meng Ke added at this time that she certainly didn't mind buying a car. Before, she had a car she liked very much, but because of Qin Feng, her family had to pay a lot of debts, so she had to sell the car and couldn't afford to buy it later. Her work was either by bus or by subway.

Meng is not such a fussy woman, but she has been crowded with buses and subways for such a long time. She is often late for work and it's not convenient to send her to school, which makes her tired.

"It's better to focus on safety when buying a car. After all, it's just a means of transportation," she continued

"I understand." Qin Feng nodded and said with a smile.

The little girl is not happy, doodle mouth, shaking Qin Feng's arm, pitifully looking at Qin Feng, "Baba Baba, you have hemp don't want baby daughter, I also want a car, I want a toy car!"

"OK, OK, I'll buy it for you, I'll buy it for you." Qin Feng was tossed with tears and laughter, and touched her little head.

A group of people chatting, unknowingly went to the gate of the community, and then was stopped by a young security guard, respectfully said to the two: "a few, entering the community needs access control, outsiders unless there is an invitation record, otherwise can't come in, if you are invited, please say the name of the invitees, I go to inquire."

"No invitees, no access." Qin Feng's response is very straightforward, but he doesn't think the security is snobbish. Instead, he is very satisfied with the property of the community.

Although the security guard stopped the party, it was all his own work, which only showed that he was serious and responsible.

"None?" The young security guard frowned, then sighed again and said helplessly: "Alas, there are too many people who want to visit the community recently. In fact, I don't think it's anything. It's just a community. If you want to have a look, just have a look. But the rules are the rules. The regulations of community management can't be entered by outsiders, and I can't help it."

"You'd better go back." He had to do this, but he was worried that people would think him snobbish and impersonal.

However, at this time, without waiting for Qin Feng to say anything more, a fierce drink suddenly came from the rear, "Xiao Chen, what are you doing?"

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man in a black suit came over and glared at Xiao Chen. He scolded him and said, "I don't understand. How can anyone stop me? Mr. Qin, they live in our community. Don't you know that? Do you want to stop them? "

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