"Baba, Baba!" The little girl also noticed the red sports car next to her. She wrinkled and said angrily, "the bad uncle in the car next to you is challenging you. Baba is going to surpass him!"

"No way!" Meng Ke then harshly scolds and stares at Qin Feng. He still doesn't want Qin Feng to agree to the little girl's request.

But at this time, the young man in the sports car next to him didn't seem to want to let Qin Feng off. He stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car suddenly overtook Qin Feng's Mercedes Benz, and then the front of the car parted in the direction of the Mercedes Benz.

This scene, can't help but let Qin Feng look a cold, this guy... Simply want to die!!!

At this time, Qin Feng was going to take Meng Ke's advice, not to drag racing, not because he didn't feel confident that he couldn't win, but because he didn't feel fit.

First of all, Meng Ke's idea is very rational. Although the little girl is very excited now, it will be very fierce in the process of racing. In case of a little accident, it is likely to scare the little girl.

And in this situation, refuse the idea of a little girl, back can also find a breakthrough point, a good education for a little girl.

However, the driver in the red sports car next to him, who had no grievance or hatred, actually accelerated to leave Qinfeng's car. Even if it was on the city road, everyone was not fast, but it was on the highway. Qinfeng didn't exceed the speed limit, and the speed was kept at 112.

Qin Feng must dodge at this speed. He took off the steering wheel, and the car immediately moved to the left. Because the speed was too fast, all the people in the car could not sit firmly.


"Qin Feng, slow down!"

The car deviated violently, and the two women all screamed, shouting at Qin Feng. Almost at the same time, bang, the little girl's head accidentally knocked on the window glass.

"Wu Wu!" All of a sudden, it's not light. She cried in pain. "Baba, Baba, you cheat. You can't drive steadily at all. Wuwu, it hurts so much..."

Little girl cry pear blossom with rain, see Meng Ke a burst of heartache, quickly hugged her, comfort way: "good Oh, girl good, girl don't cry, we don't cry."

Meng Ke rubbed the little girl's head and scolded herself: "Alas, I didn't think about it clearly when I went out. I forgot to find a child seat first."

Meng Ke actually considered this, but in the end, she didn't suggest Qin Feng to buy a child seat on the spot, because she was very sure about Qin Feng's driving skills.

In fact, it's true. Although the little girl has been shouting to get out of the way and hurry up just now, Qin Feng has been driving steadily, much better than the professional drivers in mengke company.

But Meng Ke didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when he went out of the door. He was provoked by others on the highway, and was given another car.

So at this time, she did not blame Qin Feng unreasonable, just love little girl, and fell into guilt and remorse.

Qin Feng is more angry, hands more forcefully grip the steering wheel, little girl's head was touched, this is what he can't stand anyway.

So now, it's not as simple as being provoked or racing, but no matter who the person in the red sports car is or what the identity of the other party is, Qin Feng doesn't want to let the other party go. He thinks the other party is too much.

When Qin Feng was angry, Meng Ke suddenly reminded him: "Qin Feng, we are on the highway. Don't worry about that man first, don't overtake him."

Meng Ke is really worried now. She knows Qin Feng's character. She always takes soft rather than hard. Especially in this case, she doesn't want to be scared again because of racing.

Almost at the same time.

The window in the red sports car next to him fell down, and the young driver went out with his left hand and pointed his middle finger in the direction of Qin Feng.

"There's more to play!" Meng Ke yelled at the young man who was wearing sunglasses. She was even more angry. She really didn't understand why everyone had no grievance or hatred to provoke them.

"Leave him alone!" Meng Ke reminded Qin Feng again, and he didn't want Qin Feng to be enraged because of this method.

Qin Feng nodded. From beginning to end, he didn't take the young man in the car next to him seriously. At this time, he didn't intend to care too much.

However, just then, in the red sports car opposite, a woman's head appeared in the front seat. Just now, because of the angle of view, Qin Feng and Meng Ke didn't notice the young woman. Now the man appeared. Before they could react, the woman took a piece of paper to the window.

On the white paper was written a few simple big words, "counsellor, weak chicken man!"

Qin Feng's eyes turned and saw six words. Then he took a deep breath. He was really impatient to be provoked by the generation of little fish and shrimps for no reason.

But considering Meng Ke's mood, Qin Feng still forced his anger down, and still didn't plan to care.

But just then

"Baba, surpass him!"

"Qin Feng, surpass him!"

Mengke and xiaonannan all shout out. Xiaonannan is very unconvinced and angry. Mengke is even more angry, and his angry eyes are going to be angry.

If Qin Feng had been so provoked in the past, Meng Ke might not have much mood swings. Even though she always had Qin Feng in her heart, at that time, Qin Feng was so depraved that she was extremely disappointed and didn't want to pay more attention to Qin Feng.

But now, Qin Feng's position in her heart has changed. If we don't say that all the differences between her and Qin Feng have been eliminated, at least 80% of them have been eliminated. At this time, how can Meng bear to see that Qin Feng has been repeatedly provoked or even insulted?

Before, she always reminded Qin Feng to slow down and don't worry about the top. It's not that she doesn't believe in Qin Feng's strength, but that she's worried about accidents. After all, accidents can't be controlled.

At the moment, she is more willing to believe in Qin Feng. If she and her little girl are the scales of Qin Feng, they will be angry if they touch them, then Qin Feng is not the scales of Meng Ke.

"Good!" Qin Feng's promise is very straightforward this time. He didn't want to bear it for a long time. Before, he was just thinking about Meng Ke's mood. Now even Meng Ke can't bear it. Why should he continue to bear it?

As the voice fell, Qin Feng didn't hesitate any more. He stepped on the accelerator to the bottom. With a bang, the engine roared. Qin Feng's Benz speeded up and quickly overtook the red sports car nearby.

"Fight me?" The young man in the red sports car next to him pushed his sunglasses and laughed disdainfully. "This kind of straight-line highway also wants to compare its speed with my car. It's fantastic."

"Besides, I'm afraid you don't know. I've won the championship in racing, just because you want to win me?"

The young man said to himself with disdain. He slowed down and was not in a hurry to chase Qin Feng. He planned to let Qin Feng run for a distance and then play cat and mouse.

"Come on The young girl with red hair also blinked at Qin Feng's car. Her eyes were full of expectation.

Obviously, the young couple did not do this kind of thing less, and they were very good at it. At the moment, the red haired girl was full of fantasies about the excitement of catching up with Qin Feng.

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