"How about some more excitement later?" The young man Lin Hao's mouth rose and a strange smile appeared.

When he said this, the girl with red hair next to him became more excited. She clapped her hands and said, "OK, OK, hurry to overtake them. Later, try to scare them. It's better to scare them to death!"

"Shit In the middle of the story, the red haired girl suddenly burst into a rude sentence, "that woman just now, she didn't agree with me. She dares to disagree with me. I said her man is a counsellor and a weak chicken. What's the matter? I dare not even drag racing. I'm not a man. To tell you the truth, that cheap woman dares to be upset with me. She must be scared to cry later! "

"No problem, just sit there and watch the play." Lin Hao grinned, his eyes narrowed into a line, looking very confident.

As the voice fell, he suddenly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and there was a loud noise. The engine started to run with all its strength, and the red sports car ran out and chased forward.

"In two minutes, I will catch up with them." Lin Hao is full of confidence, and he is looking forward to it more and more. He is thinking about what kind of driving skills he should use later, which makes Qin Feng's family cry.

Sitting in his seat at the moment, he can't see Qin Feng's car, but he doesn't panic at all. Because he is on the highway, there are not many cars. When Qin Feng accelerated just now, there were more than a few other cars. Now it's covered, so it's normal for Lin Hao not to see Qin Feng's car.

Next to him, the red haired woman is more eager to try. Her eyes are shining. As the red sports car surpasses one car, her adrenaline soars and becomes more excited. She waves her arms and screams. Especially as time goes on, her emotions become more and more excited.

However, two minutes later, the red haired woman, who was so excited, suddenly froze because the red sports car had already overtaken the other cars, but there was no sign of Qin Feng's black Mercedes Benz, even the taillights!

"Lin Hao, what's the matter? Why can't you see that car?" The red haired woman asks Lin Hao.

At this time, Lin Hao frowned and was shocked. The reason why he let Qin Feng run out for a while just now was that he had enough confidence. He often did this kind of thing, and every time he could catch up with each other quickly after accelerating, and then despised and humiliated each other.

This kind of feeling makes Lin Hao feel very happy. Every time he takes action, he especially enjoys the process.

But this time, to his surprise, he didn't catch up with Qin Feng after accelerating. What surprised him most was that not only he didn't catch up, but also he couldn't see the taillights of Qin Feng's car!

But... How is that possible?

Lin Hao blinked hard. He always felt that he was wrong or the devil, because in his cognition, it was impossible. It was not only his car's top performance, but also his driving skills. He was a racing driver who once won the championship.

The combination of these two points, no matter which point, let Lin Hao firmly believe that he will not lose to the man just now, but the final result, let him dream dare not imagine!

It took the other side less than two minutes to run first. After that, he chased at full speed and couldn't catch up. How fast should the other side speed?

Not to mention Qinfeng's driving skills, it's just about the car's performance. Lin Hao thinks it can't be like this. Although Qinfeng's car is a high-end car, no matter how high-end it is, it's not a professional racing car.

"What the hell After a while, he found that he still couldn't catch up with Qin Feng. Lin Hao couldn't help scolding him. He couldn't figure out how this happened.

"Damn it The woman with red hair next to him also made a rude remark and said: "Lin Hao, you are too weak. Didn't you say you won the championship of the competition? Thanks to you driving such a good sports car, you can't even keep up with a Mercedes Benz? Even if you can't keep up, you can't even see the taillights? "

I can't see the tail lights!

These words, like a huge hammer, hit Lin Hao hard in his heart, which made him blush. He felt very ashamed and shameful. He lost it to his home, and he couldn't say a word.


Let's talk about Qin Feng.

It's not very far from Qingshui town. The car arrived at its destination in less than ten minutes, but when it was about to reach the high-speed intersection, the speed of the fast-moving Benz finally slowed down.

After walking out of the toll station, Meng Ke, who was stunned for a long time, slowed down and looked at Qin Feng. He said incoherently, "Qin Feng, you, the taxi you just drove, are you sure it's not a plane?"

Meng Ke is confused, really confused. She believes in Qin Feng's driving skills, but in terms of drag racing, at the beginning, she really didn't think Qin Feng could win the red sports car guy, because all the way is straight. The key to this kind of track is not the driving skills, but the performance of the car.

When it comes to the performance of the car, it's obvious that the disgusting Sunglasses man's car is stronger. Not only Meng Ke, but also Lin Lele thinks so.

However, the later development completely exceeded the two women's expectations. Half a minute after Qin Feng stepped on the accelerator and the car began to accelerate, the two women suddenly found that the speed was too fast for them to see the surrounding scenery. As for the speed, they could not judge at all.

However, it's not the speed that makes people shocked, but the car is always stable in the process of fast driving. Even if it makes people dizzy, it's still stable.

But what the hell is this? Meng Ke and Lin Lele are all confused. They don't drive fast, but they don't know much about cars. They deeply understand that although Mercedes Benz is high-end, they can't reach that speed at all.

But in Qin Feng's hand, he ran out of the flying speed!

At this moment, the two women can't imagine that Qin Feng didn't really plan to drag the car with Lin Hao just now. The car was suspended just now, and the wheels and the ground were completely separated. This is because Qin Feng used a little magic. As an immortal, it's very easy to do this.

As for the contest with Lin Hao, Qin Feng can't do it, but why? For him, it's a waste of time and life.

Out of the freeway, the car slows down a lot. It's only 50 or 60 yards. Qin Feng also plans to find a hotel to settle down, and then take Meng Ke and her little girl to play around. Anyway, the auction will take two days to start.

However, just as Qin Feng was looking around for a suitable hotel, the previous red sports car unexpectedly caught up with him.

"Damn, I didn't expect to meet them here. I can't let them go today!" In the red sports car, Lin Hao grits his teeth and holds the steering wheel with both hands. He wants to find his face in Qin Feng!

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