"That's right. We can't let them go!" As Lin Hao gritted his teeth, the red haired woman next to him also spoke, with resentment in her eyes.

They didn't have much grudge with Qin Feng and others. Now they all hate Qin Feng. They just feel that Qin Feng has made them lose face. This is something they can't stand anyway.

Lin Hao, in particular, is not an ordinary person, but the son of the richest man in Qingshui town. He is usually arrogant and domineering. He does everything in the town and nobody dares to provoke him.

So, when did he lose face like today? Lin Hao might be able to bear it if he just raced with Qin Feng alone and lost. But today, he was sitting next to his woman, and he was humiliated in front of her!

The red haired woman and Lin Hao have similar ideas. She doesn't hate Qin Feng very much. Relatively speaking, she wants to hit Meng Ke in the face.

When she was on the highway before, she wrote a note to ridicule Qin Feng. In fact, she wanted to provoke Meng Ke. She wanted to see the incompetence of Meng Ke's man, but she didn't expect this result.

"Come on, don't be angry." Lin Hao saw that the red haired woman was very upset. He patted the red haired woman on the shoulder and comforted her: "they came to the right place to stay in Qingshui hotel. This is my hotel. Ha ha, I'll see how to deal with him later."

"But..." the red haired woman frowned, as if she thought of something, and said with some worry: "but they should not be ordinary people. After all, they drive millions of luxury cars, and they must be valuable. If they make too much trouble, isn't it bad?"

"What's to be afraid of?" Lin Hao waved his hand, sneered and said, "have you ever heard of an old saying that strong dragon does not oppress the local snake? No matter how arrogant they are in the original place, when they come to Qingshui Town, it's my territory, and they can only listen to me. Just watch the good play later! "

Lin Hao's words, the more he said, the more confident he was. He didn't take Qin Feng seriously at all. Now he just wants to find a way to teach Qin Feng a lesson.

With that, he immediately took action and took out his mobile phone to call the general manager of Qingshui hotel.


After stopping the car, Qin Feng took Meng Ke and others into Qingshui hotel. When they got to the counter, they opened two rooms, one for Lin Lele alone.

"First go to the room to have a rest, and then go to see some places to play." Qin Feng suggested.

"Good..." Lin Lele nodded, her eyes were a little dull, and now she still hasn't recovered. When Qin Feng was driving just now, the whole car was just like flying. She had never experienced this kind of thing since she was young. She was still in shock, and couldn't figure out how Qin Feng did it.

"Wuwuwuwu..." but the little girl shook her head, looked up at Qin Feng and said, "Baba Baba, let's continue to drag racing. It's so cool just now. I want to do it again."

With a slap, Meng Ke slapped the little girl's buttocks and said: "little girl, do you know how to be sensible? It's very dangerous, don't you know?"

"But Baba is very good at driving." The little girl looked up at Meng Ke with an unconvinced look.

"No way!" Meng Ke accentuated, looked at Qin Feng and said seriously, "don't think about it. I don't agree. I won't agree!"

"Yes, I understand." Qin Feng nods helplessly. He doesn't want to refuse the little girl's request, but after careful thinking, he thinks that he can only follow Meng Ke at this time. Because after what happened just now, Meng Ke must be in a bad mood. An angry woman can't provoke her.

So she could only be aggrieved, but at this time, she burst into tears and said, "Baba, don't you say you love me the most? Don't you promise me everything? Why can't you do it this time? You're very powerful. There won't be any danger. Why can't you do it?"

"I also want to take a car, Wuwu, Wuwu..."

The little girl is more and more fierce, can't help but let Qin Feng heart a tight, because at this time, a chill inexplicably diffuse, it is from Meng Ke body.

Sure enough, seeing that the little girl was still making trouble, Meng Ke's face became hard to see. He glared at Qin Feng angrily, "Qin Feng, what do you think you are used to your daughter? It's getting worse and worse! "

With that, Meng Ke swung his arm, took the room card, and took Lin Lele to the elevator.

"Wu Wu Wu!" The little girl is still crying, but she is not as strong as she was just now. She even becomes nervous. She looks at Qin Feng dimly with tearful eyes, "Baba, is Ma Ma angry?"

"Of course I'm angry!" Qin Feng immediately raised his face. Originally, he was still in a dilemma and had a big head, because at this time, he not only wanted to coax his daughter, but also coax his wife.

But now, looking at the little girl's appearance, he suddenly understood that the little girl was soft and afraid.

This is very gratifying for Qin Feng. After all, Meng Ke is right. He and Meng Ke are spoiled to the little girl. The so-called extreme will turn. If they overindulge the little girl, it will do harm to her growth, and even make her arrogant, domineering and unreasonable when she grows up.

However, now it seems that little girl is very sensible. Seeing Meng Ke angry, she realizes that she has done something wrong.

"Girl." Qin Feng squatted down, hugged the little girl and said with a smile, "your mother was right just now. It's very dangerous for us to drive so fast. My father is not omnipotent and can't guarantee absolute safety, so my mother is worried about you. How about apologizing to my mother later?"

"Yes The little girl nodded vigorously, "Baba, Baba, let's go to find Mama quickly. I'll apologize and make sure I want to be a good child!"

Qin Feng smiles and stands up. Worried that Meng Ke won't open the door later, he asks for a room card with the waiter.

After taking the little girl to the room, Qin Feng finds that things are exactly the same as he thought. Meng Ke is not in the room. He obviously goes to Lin Lele.

"This can be troublesome..." Qin Feng is a big head again. Meng Ke is good everywhere, but when he is in a temper, he can't get through for a while.

"Baba Baba, does Ma Ma want me?" The little girl is also anxious, pulling the corner of Qin Feng's clothes, tears once again along the small face, dripping down, appears helpless, but also with a bit of fear.

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