"Ah Su Xiangyang shouts, but he still doesn't want to let Qin Feng's family spend money, but Meng Ke takes Su xue'er away by force. He has no choice but to keep up.

When he got to the door, a sound came to Su Xiangyang's ears. It was obviously the sound of the car being unlocked by remote control. Su Xiangyang instinctively looked at it, and then his heart trembled.

He found out that Qin Feng's car was a Mercedes Benz worth millions of dollars. When he thought about what he had just said, he could not help feeling a little confident.

Since he can drive this kind of car, it must mean that Qin Feng's family has money. It's not easy. Maybe he can really compete with Lin Xiaohui.

Qin Feng went to the car, pointed to Su Xiangyang, and pointed to the co driver's seat. Su Xiangyang used to sit in the co driver's seat.

Meng Ke, Lin Lele, Xiao Nannan and Su Xueer are sitting in the back. There are more people, but the car is spacious and not crowded.

The party set out directly to the business district. According to the little girl, Qin Feng was responsible for paying for Su Xueer's new clothes and toys, as well as a big double-layer cake.

When we return to Su Xiangyang's home, Meng Ke and xiaonang carefully put the cake in the room, while Lin Lele helped to bring in the new clothes and toys.

"Oh dear!" Put things, Meng Ke suddenly exclaimed, a face helpless appearance, "forget to buy vegetables, light cake do not eat vegetables how can?"

"I'll go, I'll go." Su Xiangyang immediately received the words, "the vegetable market is near here, I'll go right away."

"Uncle, uncle!" The little girl looked at Su Xiangyang and said seriously, "I want to buy meat, beef and big fish, big fish!"

"Good!" Su Xiangyang's promise is very straightforward. He let Qin Feng spend money before. Until now, he feels very bad. But seeing his daughter is very happy, he is in a better mood.

Of course, he didn't want Qin Feng to spend any more money on vegetables this time, but it was very expensive for him to buy what little girl asked for, but he didn't want to destroy the beautiful atmosphere.

However, when Su Xiangyang's words fell, Zhao Lihong suddenly called out again, "Su Xiangyang, Su Xiangyang, come out for me!"

"Trouble!" Hearing Zhao Lihong's voice, Su Xiangyang was upset, but he opened the door and went out. He saw that Zhao Lihong had already arrived in the yard, followed by a group of young people in black clothes. One by one, he painted dragons and tigers, which was not good at it.

This scene, let Su Xiangyang heart a tight, calm face to ask, "what do you mean, the house I promised you, also hope you don't pester us again, bring so many people to do?"

"For what?" Zhao Lihong sneered twice, "of course, it's a lesson. The family just now hasn't left. They didn't like me before. Ha ha, I didn't like them. They made me feel bad. Since they made me feel bad, I have to deal with them."

"I think their car is still outside. Call them out quickly!" Zhao Lihong roared without any doubt.

"No way!" Su Xiangyang refused on the spot, "what's the matter you come to me, it has nothing to do with them, in addition, their car is parked outside, you should see it?"

Su Xiangyang specifically mentioned Qin Feng's car, hoping that Zhao Lihong could understand that Qin Feng was not an ordinary person, because a group of young people brought by Zhao Lihong made him feel a strong sense of crisis, and he didn't want Qin Feng to be hurt.

"You think I'm blind?" Zhao Lihong is still disdainful, but with a bit of sarcasm, "it's just a Mercedes Benz. They are really rich, but so what? Do you know who I am as a man? "

With that, Zhao Lihong grabbed the young man with a scar on her face, raised her head, and said with pride, "he is the first thug under President Lin. now I'm his woman. If it's him who beat the family, it's backed by President Lin. what am I afraid of?"

President Lin, as Zhao Lihong said, is naturally the richest man in Qingshui Town, Lin Xiaohui. Later, she went even further: "Su Xiangyang, if you don't want them to be beaten, you can, but you have to promise me a few requirements."

"First, kneel down and kowtow three times for me. Second, ask them to give me two million. Remember, it's two million. They are so rich that I don't ask for much."

"Don't go too far!" Su Xiangyang wants to be mad. Then he realizes that Zhao Lihong doesn't really want to do it. Instead, after seeing Qin Feng's car, he starts to blackmail Qin Feng.

"You have no choice!" After thinking about it, Zhao Lihong quickly added: "I'm going to make a decision for the two million yuan today. If you can't do it, I promise to sell your daughter back and let her be ridden by ten thousand people!"

"Zhao Lihong, why don't you die?" Su roared at Yang Qi, and the whole person was about to explode. "You'll get retribution for doing so!"

"Retribution?" Hearing Su Xiangyang say these two words, Zhao Lihong is more energetic, and the irony and disdain on her face are more and more intense. "I remember you said before that being a good man will be rewarded with good fortune, but I never believed it. In fact, it's true."

"At that time, you meddled in helping other people's children. It was a good thing. But as a result, you have nothing now. Do you still think it's a blessing?"

"In addition, you think I'm not happy and deserve retribution, but I'm happy now. Some people support me and some people give me money. I've never met retribution, so don't bring up your ridiculous remarks in front of me!"

"I'll say it again for the last time. I'll give you one last chance. Hurry up and ask them to give me two million!" Zhao Lihong emphasized again.

At the moment, Su Xiangyang's face has become difficult to see the extreme. Although Zhao Lihong is a woman, he has the impulse to hit others in his heart. But seeing the group of people behind Zhao Lihong, he has no courage.

Especially the scar face, Su Xiangyang knows, Zhao Lihong is right, that person is Lin Xiaohui's first thug, known as the first master of Qingshui Town, no one will be his opponent.

"Come on, don't waste time!" Scar also began to urge impatiently, even raised his fist, made a ready to start appearance.

At the moment of his words, whew, a bank card flew out of the room, just in front of Zhao Lihong and scar. At the same time, there was a faint sound.

"Two million, right? I'll give it to you. The password is written on the back. It can be verified now. But I'm curious. I've given you the money. Can you afford it?"

"Why can't you take it?" Zhao Lihong disdained, bent down to pick up the bank card.

However, almost at the same time, with a puff, the scar beside her suddenly collapsed to the ground, shaking violently!

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