Scar face reaction, immediately let Zhao Lihong action pause, fingers all touched the bank card, but slightly tremble, did not pick up.

When she saw scar's expression, her heart beat faster and faster, and she had a bad feeling.

"Scar, what's going on?" Zhao Lihong can't help asking.

"What's the situation?" Scar face asked, got up and rushed to Zhao Lihong. He raised his leg and kicked Zhao Lihong hard. He kicked Zhao Lihong several meters away on the spot.

"How dare you ask me? Why do you want to ask me if you have offended the wrong person Scar face red face roar, exhausted sucking strength, for fear of standing at the door of Qin Feng can't hear.

At this moment, he was scared to death. The reason why he followed Zhao Lihong before was not only because Zhao Lihong was his woman, but also for money.

In Qingshui Town, his master Lin Xiaohui is the local overlord, the local emperor, and he is Lin Xiaohui's confidant. Lin Xiaohui can completely cover him for doing this kind of thing, so he has no fear. If he can get two million, he will get one million, which is very good.

But scar face never dreamed that he had just finished a nightmare. Not long after that, he met the man who broke Lin Hao's legs in Qingshui Hotel and let someone smash the hotel.

At this moment, scar didn't know how many times he cursed Zhao Lihong. This woman is just a stupid pig. Even if she wanted to die, would she even involve him and kill him?

Scar's face is very nervous, but he can't manage so much. When he's done, he runs to Qin Feng and bows 90 degrees to Qin Feng

"Hello, Mr. Qin. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. I promise I won't trouble you any more. Please forgive me..."

This scene, is to let the rear was kicked to the ground Zhao Lihong stunned, a face of disbelief.

How is that possible? How is that possible? Who is scar face?

That's Lin Xiaohui, the first thug under master Lin, and Lin Xiaohui's most valued confidant. On weekdays, no one dares to provoke him in Qingshui town. He dares to hit people when he meets ordinary rich people or official families.

But this time how? Zhao Lihong rubbed her eyes hard and felt that she was wrong.

She can't believe that scar, once fearless and powerful, is like a grandson meeting his grandfather. Who is Qin Feng?

"You're not easy." Qin Feng suddenly laughs. Step by step, he goes to scar's body, reaches out his hand, taps scar's shoulder, and then says, "I didn't expect to be a practitioner."

When his voice fell, the next moment, scar face body severely trembled, his eyes appeared unprecedented despair, only felt in front of a dark.

What Qin Feng said is right. He is really a practitioner. He is not a tripod martial artist often seen on TV, but a real martial artist. Although his strength is not strong, he is only the top level of external strength, but in this small Qingshui Town, he is absolutely invincible.

But now, standing in front of Qin Feng, scar face only thinks that he is so small that he is inferior to ants. Because just now, Qin Feng's gentle slap broke his Dantian!


Scar face is desperate!

Since then, he has not only no chance of promotion, but also no bright future.

Endless regret is intended to spread quickly in scar face. If he had known that it was Qin Feng who would be provoked this time, if he had known that it would be this kind of result, he would not have said anything.

And at the moment of scar face despair, Qin Feng's faint voice spread again, "you two, follow me."

With that, Qin Feng walks towards the courtyard, and gives Meng Ke and others a look, indicating that several people stay in place and wait, not to follow.

Things to now, Zhao Lihong and scar even reluctantly, also did not have the courage, can only shrink neck in the back, honestly followed up.

Outside, Qin Feng ignored scar face, but looked at Zhao Lihong with great interest. "You are a greedy woman. You want two million yuan to open your mouth. I'll give you money. Why don't you?"

"No, I don't dare. I don't want it. I'm sorry. I'm wrong." In the face of Qin Feng's questioning, Zhao Lihong no longer had the arrogant attitude before, shaking her head and apologizing.

She was also scared to the extreme, and even did not dare to look directly at Qin Feng. She never thought that the final result of the matter was actually like this.

Even Lin Xiaohui's confidants don't dare to provoke Qin Feng. What qualifications do you and Zhao Lihong have to provoke? What are the previous actions?

Thinking of this, with a puff, Zhao Lihong knelt down directly. Her strong fear made her tears rush out. "I'm sorry, please let me go. Please, I won't trouble Xueer and Su Xiangyang any more."

"You don't have a chance." Qin Feng sneers. He is very angry now, not because of what Zhao Lihong did, but what she said before.

If Su Xiangyang doesn't get any money from Qin Feng, she will sell Su Xueer and let ten thousand people ride her. How can she say that in front of a child of several years old?

It's ridiculous!!!

"What did you say you wanted Cher to do?" Qin Feng looks at Zhao Lihong coldly.

"No, I didn't say anything. I didn't mean it. I just said it casually." Zhao Lihong quickly explained that she felt that her life was completely saved in Qin Feng's hands.

"But I think you're serious."

Qin Feng's smile became colder. He turned his head and looked at the scar

"I like to do things with a tooth for a tooth. I like the girl Xueer very much. This woman actually said that she would sell her and let ten thousand people ride her? In this case, the task I gave you, I want her to be ridden by ten thousand people, can you understand? If you can't, you'll die. "

"I understand, I understand." Scar's face nodded like a pug.

At this moment, on the other side, among the most luxurious villas in the town, Lin Xiaohui, the richest man, is sitting on a chair, recalling what happened today, with a cold smile on his lips.

"Dad..." in the room, Lin Hao was lying on the bed weakly, looking at Lin Xiaohui weakly, "I'm sorry, I hurt you. If I had known that Qin Feng was so powerful, I wouldn't have provoked him."

When Lin Xiaohui heard the speech, he slapped his hand on the table next to him. He suddenly got up and said angrily, "do you think I'm angry because you've offended the wrong person?"

Lin Hao was stunned by this. After he understood Qin Feng's identity, he regretted provoking Qin Feng and was ready to meet Lin Xiaohui's anger. So even if he was interrupted by Lu Beichuan, he did not dare to lose his temper, and he did not dare to let Lin Xiaohui vent his anger as before.

However, he never thought that Lin Xiaohui actually said what he said just now. He even said that he was not angry because Lin Hao provoked the wrong people.

What does that mean?

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