Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 166 Electric Shock

"As long as it's not as hard as training, I'm willing!"


Under Su Leng's intentional misdirection, Da Baozi heard that it was not as hard as training, and he immediately agreed happily, "It's dangerous, it's dangerous. At most, the game will be terminated and restarted.

This mentality is indeed unique to players.

Don’t be afraid of danger and be afraid of hard work.

After Su Leng heard this, he was satisfied in his heart, but nodded calmly on the surface, and then said: "Okay, it will probably take a few months to prepare. I will let you know when the time comes."


The big bun nodded happily, and then asked tentatively: "Is there anything else, doctor? If nothing happens, I will go out..."

"Go ahead."

Su Ling said lightly.

At the same time, I added in my mind, enjoy the remaining few months of fun.

After Da Baozi left the manor and once again drove the luxury car in the manor's underground garage to show off, Su Leng stood there and did not leave. Instead, he asked the servant to make a pot of tea and came to the leisure tables and chairs in the courtyard. I sat down in front of me, drinking tea, and quietly looking at the maple forest in the distance, waiting for something.

Soon, more than an hour later, the time came to noon.

"get out of class is over!"

Suddenly, three cheers came from the manor villa behind them.

Immediately afterwards, three figures, one black and two white, were seen pushing out the door from the balcony on the second floor, and then jumped directly from the balcony and landed smoothly on the ground.

Then, these three figures were ready to run towards the lake outside the maple forest as if they were having fun.

But suddenly, the three of them saw Su Ling sitting in the courtyard from the corner of their eyes. Suddenly, the three of them seemed to have been poured cold water on them, and they instantly calmed down.

"Doctor!" "Doctor!" "Doctor!"

The three of them stood there honestly and said hello to Su Ling.

Su Leng looked at the three of them calmly and said, "Matthew, Herbert, and Wade, you seem to be very energetic. In this case, let's run a hundred laps around the manor first."

All five children were born in orphanages. Although they had names when they were in the orphanage, after being sold into the base by the orphanage, they completely hated everything about the orphanage, including the names given to them by the orphanage.

Therefore, after following Su Ling, the other four of the five children, after knowing that Su Ling gave Ya the name, asked Su Ling to give them a name as well.

So Su Leng named the two white children Matthew and Herbert, and the black child Wade.

As for Ya's sister, Su Leng chose a more oriental name, Die.

The surnames of the five people follow the surname of "Wang Yuanlin", the character Su Leng devoted himself to.

In one year, under his training, Matthew, Herbert, and Wade have once again grown in height. Although they are only eleven years old, they are already over 170cm, especially Matthew, who has grown to 178cm. , has a strong body and looks tougher than some adults.

Herbert and Wade, although not as tall as Matthew, are still very strong.

But the three of them still acted like children in front of Su Ling, not daring to disobey in any way.

After hearing Su Ling's words, the three people's faces suddenly showed bitter expressions.

Su Leng was usually in the basement at this time on weekdays. Who knew that he suddenly came to the courtyard to drink tea out of nowhere today? This was something they never expected.

The area of ​​​​the manor is very large, which is not comparable to that of ordinary school operations. It is at least two to three kilometers in a circle, that is, two to three kilometers.

One hundred laps is two to three hundred kilometers, which is a very extreme distance even for them whose physical fitness is five to seven times that of ordinary people.

But there was no way, Su Leng had spoken, and they had no choice but to do it.

Over the past year, the impression of the devil when Su Leng trained them has been deeply ingrained in their minds. They did not dare to resist at all, so they could only say "yes" with a wry smile, and then started running around the manor.

When the three of them started running around the manor, two brothers and sisters, Ya and Die, walked down from the second floor in a hurry on the first floor of the manor villa behind Su Ling.

Compared to Matthew, the three black and white people, although the yellow people's teeth and butterfly's heights have also increased in this year, they are far less exaggerated.

Ya's height can exceed 1.65 meters, while Die is over 1.4 meters tall.

This is actually more than the average people of the same age, but compared to the three Matthews, there is indeed a very obvious gap.

"Doctor." "Doctor."

Ya and Die walked out from the first floor. In their field of vision, they first saw the three Matthews running around the manor. After they walked out of the manor villa, they saw Su Ling sitting on the side of the courtyard.

The two of them immediately exchanged nervous greetings.

Under the devil's training, not only Matthew and the others were afraid of Su Ling, but Ya and Die were also afraid.

Just like when people are students, they are naturally afraid of teachers.


Hearing the two people's greetings, Su Leng nodded, then looked at them and asked: "Xiaodie, do you still have a fever for no reason recently?"

"No, doctor."

Hearing this, Xiaodie quickly shook her head and replied.

After a year of devil training, Su Leng set different standards for Xiaodie than the other four. After all, he was not an "evolver", but just an ordinary person. It was impossible for him to withstand the intense training of an "evolver".

But although the standards are different, the intensity is still the critical point for her age.

This made Xiaodie's body strength increase a lot after a year of exercise, and she no longer had fevers for no reason.

"Well, that's fine."

Su Leng nodded after hearing Xiaodie's answer. He actually knew everything, but he just wanted to find an excuse to start a conversation.

After starting the conversation, Su Leng looked at Ya and finally told his purpose.

He asked, "Ya, how do you feel about your training this year?"

Ya was slightly startled after hearing this, but still replied, "Doctor, I think my training results are okay.♦♦  ♦♡"


Su Leng said without comment, "Since you think the training results are not bad, then I will give you a chance to test it."


Ya's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Doctor, what test opportunity?"

After a year of devilish training, he learned a lot of skills. If you say that you don't want to try these skills, it must be nonsense.

But Su Leng controlled them very strictly and only let them practice against each other.

In this year, except Xiaodie, the other four practiced against each other many times. While they won and lost against each other, they also got tired of each other.

Therefore, everyone wanted to try their hands with outsiders.

Now, hearing that Su Leng wanted to give him a chance to test his training results, Ya was impatient.

"Doctor, why did you secretly give Ya a chance to test without telling us? This is unfair, we want it too!"

Suddenly, outside the courtyard wall, the figures of Matthew and the other two appeared and shouted in protest.

The three of them had already run around the manor in such a short time!

Hearing Matthew's words outside the wall, Su Leng replied calmly without turning his head: "After you run a hundred laps, if you still have the strength, I will also give you a chance to test."

This immediately made Matthew and the other two shut up and ran away in disgrace.

After running a hundred laps, they were exhausted. What kind of test was this? It was almost like giving away their heads.

"Doctor, what kind of test opportunity is this?"

After Matthew and the others ran away, Ya continued to ask expectantly.

Su Leng smiled slightly and replied: "In the urban area of ​​New City, there is a human trafficking organization similar to the orphanage that sold you. You can go and destroy this organization."

After speaking, he picked up his mobile phone and operated it a few times.

With a "ding dong" sound, the phone on Ya's body made a sound.

Then, Su Leng put down the phone and continued to say with a smile: "I have sent the information of this organization to your mailbox. Take a look at it yourself. I will give you three days to act. If you succeed in destroying this organization within three days, you will be rewarded accordingly; on the contrary, if you fail, there will be punishment. Do you understand?"

"I understand!"

After hearing Su Leng's words, Ya responded excitedly.

He hated the orphanage that sold him and his sister to the base, and wanted to take revenge, but because Su Leng's control was too strict, he could not do it.

Now, Su Leng found him such a test opportunity, and he was naturally excited.

"Okay, go down and make a plan yourself."

After giving the order, Su Leng waved his hand, indicating that Ya could leave.

However, after Ya took a few steps, he added: "By the way, bring back the leader of this organization. I want to interrogate him in person to see where he sold the abducted children."


Ya, who was leaving, turned around and saluted respectfully.


After Ya and Xiaodie left, Su Leng continued to sit in the leisure seat in the courtyard, drinking tea while staring at Matthew and the other two who were punished to run 100 laps.

He gave Ya this task, of course, not to test the training results of the other party, but to let Ya and others adapt to similar mission actions in advance, and help him capture some people for experimental material reserves.

In a few months, the laboratory will be initially built, and naturally there must be experimental materials.

There is only one experimental material for players like Dada Baozi, so Su Leng must be careful and cherish it, and can't do it casually.

Although he has read the contents of the "experimental data" hard disk countless times in this year and has already been familiar with it, he has not yet practiced it.

So, he has to get some people to practice first.

The gang members and criminals in New City are naturally the most suitable candidates.

It is normal for gangs to fight, die a few people, and some people to disappear by running away and sinking into the river.

It is also human nature for criminals to escape and disappear.

If these two types of people disappear, the probability of the police tracking them down is very low, and even if they do, it will be a long time later.

As for ordering Ya to bring back the leaders of child trafficking, this is actually to prepare for the development of power in the future.

Not all of these leaders of child trafficking have sold children to human research bases. As long as Su Leng has a glimpse of the life experience information of these leaders, he will naturally know the contact information of those hidden human research base contacts.

Following the clues, it is not difficult to find the person.

When his power grows, he will prepare to find these human research bases and rescue the "evolvers" in them to expand his power.

These are all part of Su Leng's plan for this game world mission.

And now, he is implementing his plan step by step.

"The next step is to wait."


Time flies.

Three months have passed in a flash.

It is June, and the season has changed from spring to summer.

As the days of scorching sun in New City increase, people also take off their thick clothes and change into light short-sleeved shorts.

As the city with the largest economy in the world, three months can be said to be fleeting to the people living in this city, and they have no sense at all.

But for some professions, three months is a very intuitive feeling.

First of all, during this March, something surprising happened to the New City Police Department. That is, the security in some chaotic areas of New City has actually become much better!

Gang members and criminals have become calmer, and the crime rate has also dropped, which makes many veteran police officers who have worked for many years find it incredible.

Secondly, there is the construction industry in New City.

A wealthy man in the suburbs bought a large piece of land and planned to build a golf course.

But the construction had only started for more than two months. It seems that due to problems with the capital chain, only the main body of the golf course was built, and then the work was stopped.

This made a big joke in New York's architectural and financial circles.

But that's all.

For most people in New City, these changes are completely unaware...

Late at night, on the outskirts of New City.

The suspended golf course is surrounded by iron sheets.

However, this is only superficial.

Tens of meters deep underground on this suspended golf course, a brand-new laboratory that may be small but fully equipped has been put into use.


"Crack! Crack!"

Strong electric currents and explosions continued to sound.

In an independent electric shock laboratory about ten square meters in size, a figure was tied to a recliner, and his whole body was trembling violently.

Visible to the naked eye, blue arcs are constantly emerging in the laboratory.

However, these arcs were blocked by the insulating material and only flickered in the electric shock laboratory of about ten square meters.

Outside the electroshock laboratory, in front of transparent isolation materials.

Su Leng was wearing a white coat and looked at the person who was being "electrically shocked" with a cold expression. He placed his hand on the electric switch in front of him and paid close attention to the other person's dynamic information in his mind.

[… Burroughs Kevin’s body was continuously stimulated by electric current destruction. As a large amount of adrenaline was secreted, some cells showed abnormal activity reactions. It is expected that the body’s functions will be completely destroyed in one second. 】

As the [Self-Knowledge] in his mind continued to reflect the dynamics of the experimental materials inside, Su Leng suddenly pulled the switch he was holding.


There was a bang, and when the switch was pulled down, the current also stopped.

The person who was tied to the recliner inside also suddenly stood up from the twitching state, and then collapsed on the chair, unresponsive again.

【...The butcher's tent is a labor of love! �


Looking at the text information fed back in his mind, Su Ling frowned.

Another one was electrocuted.

He clearly pulled the switch one second before the opponent's body functions were completely destroyed.

"It's really hard to control this speed..."

Today's normal update will be delivered on time. As expected, I'm currently filming a video for my brother who drank and vomited. Hehe~

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