Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 167 Stage 1: Extreme Transformation!

Looking at the dead "materials" inside, Su Leng shook his head, then slowly put on disinfection gloves and a mask, entered, and lifted out the body that was electrified red and somewhat charred with one hand.

With a strength attribute of 20 points, he could lift a person with one hand as easily as lifting a chick.

After lifting the body out, Su Leng casually threw it in the corner of the laboratory, and then walked towards the prison where the "experimental materials" were imprisoned.

In this corner, there were already five bodies that were also electrified red and charred...

In three months, the experimental base has been built.

In the case of scattered purchases, whether it was transported from overseas or Su Leng asked someone to transport these experimental equipment here for assembly, it was very smooth and there were no twists and turns.

Although the size here is not comparable to the base he and Dada Baozi joined a year ago, that base was a batch experiment, attempting to "mass produce" evolvers, and he was just doing personal research, so naturally he didn't need such a large base.

His laboratory built under the golf course currently only has an "electric shock laboratory", a space for nutrient tanks, and a row of secret rooms for holding "experimental materials". It was built in imitation of the previous base detention area, and the overall layout is T-shaped.

And today is the second day that this laboratory has officially been put into use.

"Let us out! What on earth do you want to do by bringing me here?!"

"I swear, if I have a chance to get out, I will definitely kill you!"

"What do you want? Money? I can give it to you! Just ask for as much as you want, as long as you let me go!"

"What did you do to those people, you lunatic?!"

As Su Leng came to the corridor of the prison where the "experimental materials" were held, the "experimental materials" held on both sides saw him and began to go crazy, curse, or negotiate and came to the bulletproof glass and beat the bulletproof glass.

Among these people, there are those who are dressed in suits and look like gangsters; there are also gangsters with tattoos, dreadlocks, and hip-hop clothes; there are also hippies who are flashy and dressed in punk and gothic styles.

In short, most of them don't look like good people.

In fact, these people are not good people. They are all gang members or criminals from various regions of New City.

These people were captured by Su Leng in the past three months at the order of Ya, Matthew and others.

Ya, Matthew and others have become unsung heroes who secretly fight criminals in New City.

This makes the young people very excited and feel that they are doing something very meaningful.

In this regard, Su Leng did not say anything, and even deliberately indulged.

Because this was originally part of his plan.

After accumulating enough wealth and building a laboratory, the next step is to study the evolution and mutation system of this world.

In the original base, he had already recognized the first and second stages of the evolution and mutation system of this world.

The first stage is similar to the stimulation of body cell activity of Ya and Matthew, which is also what he is currently studying, and the second stage is the genetic mutation shown by Wendy Gray and Andy Turner of the "Domination Society". ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,

Although it is said that you have to eat one bite at a time, he has not yet studied the first stage thoroughly, but with the "experimental data" of that base, he will soon be able to overcome this stage after he practices and becomes familiar with the experimental operation.

Therefore, he also has to prepare for the second stage of research.

And Ya and others' fight against crime is the key to this link.

New City, the world's largest economic city, must have many other evolutionists and evolutionist organizations hidden.

The behavior of Ya and others using their abilities to fight crime is very "flashy". It will not be a big deal in the short term, but it will always be exposed as time goes by.

The attitude of various countries towards evolutionists is currently mainly to capture and study them, and the evolutionists are in a cautious and hiding state of survival.

Ya and others' "ostentatious" anti-crime behavior will definitely attract warnings or recruitment from these carefully hidden evolvers or evolver organizations.

And this is the effect Su Leng wants.

When those evolvers or evolver organizations jump out, he can contact or capture some second-stage evolvers to study the second-stage evolution and mutation.

Of course, this part of the plan is still in the waiting stage.

The most urgent task is to conquer the first-stage evolution and mutation first.

Su Leng walked in the corridor of the prison, turning a deaf ear to the various sounds of the "experimental materials" on both sides, and came straight to a prison with an indifferent expression.


After operating the switch, a door slowly opened on the metal wall on one side of the prison.

Then, Su Leng stepped in.

"What do you want to do! Don't come over!"

The prison was locked up with a bald white man, who looked to be in his thirties or forties and was very strong.

But when he saw Su Leng coming in, the white man was terrified. He retreated to a corner of the cell in panic and yelled.

All this is because the people here have seen Su Leng's strength!

These "experimental materials" were transferred here from the manor.

After Ya and others caught them, Su Leng would torture them to create a logical chain of his information acquisition channels and deceive the official AI of "Super Dimension Kill".

And torture will naturally show some strength.

The bald white man knew that he had no ability to resist Su Leng.

As for the reason for the panic, it was that this was not the first time that Su Leng came to pick up people.

Those who were taken away by Su Leng never came back, which made the prisoners present terrified.

However, no matter how the bald white man shouted, he could not stop Su Leng's footsteps.

Su Leng suddenly moved at a high speed and came behind the bald white man in an instant. When the other party was stunned and had no time to react, he "bang" a hand knife gently cut the other party's neck vein. The other party rolled his eyes and fainted.

After that, Su Leng grabbed the other party's trousers belt, lifted him up and left the prison, heading towards the electric shock laboratory.

Walking along the corridor where the prison was located, he once again caused panic and curses from other prisoners.

After arriving at the electric shock laboratory and tying the other party to the experimental chair, Su Leng poured a bucket of water on the bald white man's face to wake him up.

"Where is this? What do you want to do?!"

The bald white man who woke up looked at his situation in horror and shouted again.

But Su Leng just said lightly: "Give you five minutes to carefully recall the things in this world that make you nostalgic. This is your only chance to survive."

The data recorded in the "experimental data" hard disk, in addition to the electric shock experiment, also includes the inquiry records of each "experimental survivor" who successfully survived, asking what they were thinking about when they were shocked.

According to the summary of relevant scientific researchers, whether or not one can survive the electric shock has a lot to do with the willpower of the person being shocked.

Xiang Ya successfully survived the "electric shock" again and again out of the will to protect his sister Xiaodie.

The inquiry records of other "experimental survivors" are similar. They all thought about their children, parents, or wives before they finally withstood the "electric shock".

Of course, some ideas are purer, that is, they simply want revenge and want to kill all the scientific researchers and leaders in the base.

Hate is also one of the driving forces that drive people to survive.

Therefore, Su Leng had such a reminder.

After hearing Su Leng's reminder, the bald white man became even more frightened, begging for mercy in various ways, and finally, seeing that Su Leng was indifferent, he insulted him in various ways.

Su Leng was calm and ignored him.

Soon, after five minutes, Su Leng simply turned off the switch,


"Crackle! Crackle!"

The strong current came instantly.

The bald white man's abuse stopped abruptly, and the whole person began to tremble violently.

A few minutes later.

The switch was turned off, and Su Leng looked at the "material" inside, which was red and slightly charred, and had no breath, and shook his head again.

Failed again.

Not discouraged, he put on disinfected gloves and a mask again, took the body out with one hand, threw it in the corner, and walked towards the prison.


In the early morning, the golf course was halfway through, with only the main structure, and the venue was full of cement.


With a clang, an iron door embedded in the ground in an inconspicuous corner opened.

Su Leng, wearing a black mask and a white coat, walked slowly down the stairs.

Outside the iron door, the old man Logan Marshall, who was sitting upright on a folding chair, immediately stood up and greeted Su Leng respectfully:


Around Logan Marshall were bodyguards and subordinates in well-dressed suits.

Although these people were very curious about Su Leng, they did not expect that there was such a boss behind the mysterious rich man Logan Marshall. However, as professionals, they still followed Logan Marshall and greeted him in unison:



Su Leng nodded calmly and ordered: "There are some 'sundries' downstairs. You ask a few people to deal with them. I'll go first."

Su Leng did not hide this laboratory from Logan Marshall, the subordinate he pushed to the front, and it was impossible to hide it.

After all, this was the land bought in the name of the other party, and the construction was done by the other party.

In addition, the transportation of those experimental equipment was also done by Logan Marshall.

So, he simply let the other party participate directly.

As for whether it was illegal or not, Su Leng was not worried about it at all.

When the benefits are high enough, human nature dares to trample on all laws, and even risk their lives to commit any crime.

When he was chosen, Logan Marshall was just an old and weak man who had wasted most of his life and tried to make a fortune in various industries, but he was a loser who was mediocre.

After being chosen by him, he cherished this opportunity very much and never raised any objection to any of Su Leng's instructions, but just obeyed.

This time was no exception.

Buying land to build a golf course and building such a laboratory underground at the same time, normal people would be confused.

But Logan Marshall never asked.

Moreover, Logan Marshall always wanted to enter Su Leng's core circle, and Su Leng knew it, so this time he gave him such an opportunity.

In addition, this land was bought in the name of Logan Marshall. If something happens here, the other party will be the best scapegoat. And every time he meets the other party, he always wears a mask and a body-covering suit. The white coat has never revealed his true colors at all, and if something happens, it will not affect him.

"Okay, boss! Leave this to me!"

After hearing Su Leng's instructions, Logan Marshall immediately responded with joy.

Afterwards, he personally led a group of his men into it to deal with the so-called "miscellaneous items".

But when they came underground and saw the red, charred, and stiff corpses piled in the corner, everyone including Logan Marshall was shocked!

"This is……"

Even though I had some suspicions in my mind, this underground laboratory was probably doing something illegal.

But when they actually saw it with their own eyes, they were still very shocked.

Some people already want to quit in their hearts, but they dare not speak out because what they say now may only lead to murder and silence.

After Logan Marshall was temporarily absent-minded, he was not surprised but happy, because he understood that the boss could show him this place, which meant that he had finally entered the boss's inner circle!

Already old, he is not afraid of the law, but wants to gain recognition from his boss who appreciates him.

Immediately, he ordered the surrounding men who came down together: "Okay, let's get started and move all these corpses into the car. From today on, each of your salaries will be increased ten times!"

His words immediately made the eyes of all the men present flicker.

[...Logan Marshall ordered all his men to dispose of the body, and driven by huge interests, everyone carried out this order. 】

Su Ling was not surprised when he looked at the text information fed back by [Self-Knowledge] in his mind.

After he gave the instructions, he did not leave immediately, but lurked nearby out of caution.

He was not worried about Logan Marshall, but Su Leng naturally had to be on guard against his subordinates.

Although he was not afraid of something happening here, when he was studying the first stage of evolutionary mutations, Su Ling didn't want something to happen so soon.

Therefore, he stayed here, observing the dynamics of Logan Marshall's gang with the ability of [self-knowledge]. Once anyone made any changes, that person would become his next "experimental material."

However, judging from the results, no one has made any changes for the time being.

Think about it, the people who can serve as bodyguards are basically people who wander on the edge of the law.

After exposing what happened here, you will at most get the title of "Good Citizen" and a meager bonus, and then you have to bear the risk of the subsequent pursuit!

Naturally, no one would do such a thing where the interests are seriously disproportionate.

But to be on the safe side, Su Ling waited until these people had disposed of the corpses in the laboratory and became accomplices, taking the same boat, before leaving the golf course.

In the days that followed, during the day, Su Leng was the devil instructor of Matthew, Ya and others in the manor, issuing various crime-fighting tasks to Ya and others.

Late at night, he took the "experimental materials" captured by Ya and others to the laboratory under the golf course, transformed into a scientific research geek, and conducted "electric shock" experiments to study the first stage of evolutionary mutation.

During this period, Ya and others also discovered his movements late at night and followed him, but with his [self-knowledge] ability, it was impossible for him to be successfully followed.

With the continuous "electric shock" experiments, Su Leng gradually became proficient in the actual operation, and gradually stopped electrocuting people to death, and more and more people began to survive.

However, the problem of electric shock was solved. At the stage of sending people into the "nutrient tank", he got stuck again.

However, with repeated practical operations, the progress of experiments in this area is also constantly advancing.


On this day, the seventeenth day after starting the research experiment, Su Leng's experiment ushered in the first "experimental survivor"!

Yesterday’s update was 4,400 words long. I will continue writing today’s update and additional updates.

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