Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 181 Expansion

"What's wrong?"

Carina, who was driving, looked at the pale-faced Johnson and asked anxiously.

She realized that the simultaneous ringing of the phones in the car must be wrong, but she didn't know what it was.

After hearing her question, the pale-faced Johnson turned to look at her and told her that Su Leng had called and all the secrets and family information he cherished.

After hearing this, Carina's face turned pale in an instant, and she stuttered: "That, that guy... does he also know the information and secrets of my family?"

"What do you think?"

Jensen did not answer, but asked a question in return.

Hearing this, Carina was silent.

The other party could investigate Johnson's situation so clearly, not to mention her...

Seeing her appearance, Johnson understood that the other party had already accepted this fact, and sighed: "That guy was able to find us so quickly, our family may have been under his surveillance for a long time, it seems that we must help him kill that person."

"What if he doesn't let us go after killing that person?"

Carina looked at Johnson and asked.

Johnson was silent immediately.

After a long while, he said with a wry smile: "Do we have any choice now?"

Hearing this answer, Carina was silent again.

The atmosphere in the car became depressed instantly.

In this depression where no one spoke, the convertible sports car drove towards New City.


"Hello, the number you dialed is turned off."

The mobile phone came with a mechanical reply from the manual customer service. After repeating it several times, the phone was automatically hung up.

In the Jin Party's headquarters factory, Su Leng sat on the sofa in another office on the seventh floor of the office building, with no expression on his face and put down his hand holding the mobile phone.

In this office, a dozen middle-aged men with black or white skin stood in a row in front of the sofa where Su Leng sat, with a timid and cautious look on their faces.

After letting Johnson and Karina go, Su Leng set off for the factory in the Bronx, Newtown, where the Jin Party’s headquarters was located.

Although he had only been away for five or six hours, in order to verify his conjecture, Su Leng did not recommend making such an extra trip.

As he possessed the ability of [self-omniscience], he knew every move of Johnson and Karina, where they went and what they did, and he was naturally not afraid to let them go directly.

It can even be said that he let the two go directly on purpose, with the purpose of shocking the two, letting them know that he knew everything about them, and he was "everywhere"!

Sure enough!

After the two left, the route deviated, and when they were about to run away, Su Leng made a phone call, which completely shocked the two and frightened them into obedience.

But in fact, Su Leng did not do anything to the families of the two. He just pretended to do something after reading the information of their life experiences, checked the two people's situations, made his own behavior reasonable, and formed a logical chain. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

It is very easy to check this information if there is a direction.

After scaring Johnson and Karina, Su Leng came to the headquarters of the Golden Party.

When he came here, the sky was bright. The office on the seventh floor where he jumped and smashed had already been cleaned, and the dropped mobile phone was collected by the cleaner.

However, with his arrival, the members of the Golden Party naturally did not dare to neglect it. All the middle-level leaders quickly gathered together and found the mobile phone left by Johnson Roderick as quickly as possible.

After that, it was the current scene.

Su Leng sat on the sofa in another office and used the mobile phone left by Johnson Roderick to call his brother Kevin Roderick.

The final result was that the phone was still turned off and the call could not be connected.

Su Leng was not surprised by this.

Because when he used the [Self-omniscience] ability to check that Jason Roderick and his brother had robbed a convertible sports car and used the young people's mobile phones in the car to call his brother, Su Leng roughly guessed that his brother's mobile phone did not have any special settings, but the other party was indeed turned off during this period of time.

"It was still possible to call before, but now it is turned off..."

This phenomenon gave Su Leng two guesses in his mind.

The first guess is that the other party sensed the danger and knew his ability, so he avoided the association in advance.

But this is impossible. If the other party had this ability, his brother would not have ended up like this, and he would not be unknown in this world.

If it is not this guess, then there is only the second one.

The other party is on the plane!

It has been more than a year since he came to this game world, and Su Leng has basically understood the level of technology in this world.

Apart from the evolution and mutation of the human body, the technological level of this game world is still at the level of smartphones that have just become popular for a few years, more like the technological level of the world before Su Leng crossed over.

With such a technological level, everyone's mobile phone is basically inseparable from their hands for a few minutes, let alone nearly a day.

Unless it is turned off deliberately, there is only one possibility, that is, being forced to turn off the phone on the plane, or turning on the flight mode.

Before, when Jason Roderick was strangled by him, he was still calling his brother Kevin, and now the other party turned off the phone on the plane. The answer is already obvious.

The other party obviously noticed that something was wrong with his brother, so he flew over from the ancient Eastern country where he was studying abroad!

This is the most reasonable explanation when it is known that the other party is not simple.

"That's fine."

Now that the other party is back, it saves Su Leng the time to arrest people across the country for questioning.

As for establishing a relationship, it doesn't make much difference if it's one day earlier or one day later.

He was hiding and the other party was revealing. Even if the other party had some strange abilities, he would wait for the other party to land and establish a direct relationship through phone calls. After snooping on the other party's life experience information, he could make early preparations.

Thinking of this, Su Leng stopped thinking deeply about this aspect for the time being and looked at the members of the Jin Party standing in front of him.

"You...send someone to come out and talk about the current gang situation in New City."

A faint voice sounded, and Su Leng said to the members of the Jin Party with a calm expression on his face.

Although this trip did not establish a connection with Jason Roderick's brother and pry into his life experience information through Jason Roderick's mobile phone, it was not in vain.

He just took this opportunity to give some instructions to the current Jin Party.

Hearing Su Leng's words, all the members of the Jin Party present were stunned, and some didn't understand why Su Ling was asking about this.

However, intimidated by Su Ling's powerful strength, the group quickly sent a representative and began to describe the current gang situation in New City.

Newtown has a total of five boroughs.

Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Manhattan, Staten Island.

Among them, except for Manhattan, the other four boroughs have more or less gangster forces.

The main reason is that Manhattan is the headquarters of the "Eric" capitalists and cannot tolerate the intervention of ordinary people from the "bottom", so there are no gangs in this area, or in other words, the capitalists are the largest gangs in this area.

The Gold Gang is one of the many gangs in the Bronx. It is neither the strongest nor the weakest.

As for the gangs in other districts, the Jin Gang doesn't know much about them. They only know the famous ones, but they don't know about the smaller ones.

After Su Leng listened to the story of the dispatched Jin Party member, he nodded thoughtfully.

Then, he ordered in a calm tone: "From today on, you will start to expand your territory outwards. If you encounter someone who cannot be solved, come back and tell me, and I will solve it myself! Since you want to do things for me in the future, then I Let the Jin Gang become the biggest gang in New City!”


Hearing Su Leng's words, all the members of the Golden Party present were stunned for a moment, and then were overjoyed!

They had seen Su Leng defeat Jason without any injuries!

Although they did not see the specific process, that is not important, the result is the most important!

The reason why the Gold Party has been unable to grow is because there is not much difference in the strength of several gangs in the Bronx, including the strength of the top leaders, the number of members, weapons and firepower, etc.

Without absolute crushing strength, it is impossible to annex another gang and occupy its territory.

But now, the appearance of Su Ling has broken this balance!

When the number of members and weapons and firepower of both sides are the same, if the top management can absolutely crush them, then it will no longer be a dream to annex other gang forces.

However, after the surprise, all the members of the Golden Party present showed hesitation again.

This is just because although they have the absolute strength to crush them from the top, it does not mean that they can successfully annex other gang forces.

In "Eric's" first economic city like New City, if gangsters want to survive, they need not only strength and numbers, but also background!

In fact, most of the gangs in New City have the support of "Eric" official big shots, otherwise it would be impossible to survive in New City.

Most of the money earned by gangsters through various illegal businesses falls into the pockets of these big shots.

These problems are not understood by those at the bottom of the gang. The bottom members always think that they can get ahead if they dare to fight and kill. But when they reach the middle level, they will gradually understand this truth.

Therefore, although Su Leng has absolute crushing strength, in the final analysis, it is the big shots who have the final say on whether he can expand his territory.

Even though the Asian young man in front of him can crush the previous boss Johnson, there is still a problem whether he can get the approval of the "big man" behind the Jin Party.

After all, it's only been one day.

Therefore, although they were moved by Su Leng's words, the middle-level members of the Jin Party present did not agree rashly.

But Su Leng's strength was indeed too strong, and they didn't dare to deal with it. So after the members of the Golden Party looked at each other, some people started to say:

"This... boss! The expansion of gangs is not as simple as you think..."

"Yes! The situation here is very complicated. It doesn't mean that defeating other gang bosses can annex their territory..."

These members of the Golden Party spoke in all kinds of ways, all speaking euphemistically and cryptically.

They were testing Su Leng to see if he understood the meaning.

If you don't understand, it proves that the other person is just a stupid young man with no strong physical strength. Although powerful, no matter how strong the physical strength is, it is useless in front of various modern weapons and the behemoth of the country.

Naturally, they can't follow each other around.

Only if the other party understands and gives specific solutions will they listen to the other party...

When Su Leng saw the appearance of the middle-level members of the Jin Party, he naturally knew what these people were up to.

Of course, he knew about the development of the gang forces in New City.

Even if he didn't know, he should know after reading Jason Roderick's life experience information.

He immediately interrupted everyone and said lightly: "I will deal with the boss behind the scenes, you just need to expand the territory."

These words immediately shut up the middle-level members of the Golden Party present.

The middle-level members of the Golden Party present looked at each other again. After realizing that Su Leng could understand what they said, they didn't say anything more, but responded in unison with a hint of expectation: "Yes!"

Since Su Leng understood the ins and outs of this, he should be a smart person.

If the other party can really deal with the boss behind the scenes, then their Golden Party may really be able to expand the territory crazily and become the largest gang in New City!

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but be eager to try.

And soon, Su Leng confirmed his words.

At noon that day, the middle-level members of the Jin Party and Su Leng received a call from the big man behind the scenes of the Jin Party. The public gave them the authorization to expand their territory - the reason for this was naturally thanks to Su Leng.

With the ability of [self-omniscience], a phone call established a connection with the big man behind the Jin Party and peeped into the "stains" in his life experience information.

After threatening with these "stains", the other party naturally surrendered.

In the evening of the same day, the members of the Jin Party began to expand their territory!

At the same time...

Manhattan, Upper Town.

Leon finished his first day of work in the cabinet and was driving home, listening to music.

Because it was his first day in the cabinet, he needed to act very hardworking, so that he waited until everyone left and only got off work and went home now.

And he drove very fast because he was eager to go back as soon as possible.

After he felt that his accumulated "momentum" was almost enough, he began to look for other comrades in the Red Square camp.

What he did was to use many high-traffic network platforms in this world, using one broiler as a springboard, and after hiding himself, he released some information about the more common memes in the "real world" countries such as Brahma Elephant, Snow Bear, and Liuying, and spent money to promote it.

However, because he is not from these three countries, he only released some popular memes that he knows about, which have become more international after becoming popular in these countries.

This is likely to attract the attention of the player in the blue camp.

Leon has no good way to deal with this.

If you want to find comrades, this is a risk you must take.

What's more, as an S-level player, he has his own pride in his heart. He doesn't think he is weaker than the two S-level players who are ranked at the top.

So, even if he is really noticed by the S-level players in the blue camp, he is not afraid.

At worst, they will compete first, and everyone will show their means and strength.

With this in mind, Leon stopped thinking about it, stepped on the accelerator, accelerated and prepared to go back as soon as possible to see if there were any messages from suspected comrades or enemies after he posted the "looking for someone" message.

But when his car drove to the next intersection, suddenly!


A car rushed out from another street at high speed, and without any brakes, it directly hit the side of his car!


With a loud bang, the side of Leon's car was severely deformed in an instant!

At the same time, the huge inertial force directly knocked the car out, and with a "bang", it hit the corner of a building at the intersection.

The next second, with a "boom", the vehicle that hit the corner of the building began to emit black smoke and burn.

In the blink of an eye, the whole car was engulfed in flames.

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