Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 182 Consumption

This sudden car accident shocked the people around. ׺°”˜`”°º× ׺°”˜`”°º×

Both people and cars stopped involuntarily and stared at the vehicle that was burned by the raging fire.

Although the front of the vehicle that caused the accident was also severely deformed, it was nothing compared to the vehicle that was burned by the fire.

"The people in this car are probably either killed by the collision or burned to death?!"

After staring at each other for a moment, someone exclaimed, "Too tragic..."

"Hurry up and save people!"

"What's there to save? I'm afraid it's almost burned!"

"Hurry up and find a fire extinguisher to put out the fire!"

Some enthusiastic and kind people began to think of various ways to put out the fire and save people.

Many people also took out their mobile phones immediately and began to take pictures and videos of the vehicle that was burned by the fire.

What's worse, some people who were doing live broadcasts directly turned on the live broadcast function and started live broadcasting.

At one time, a large number of people began to rush towards this side.

However, just as a large number of people rushed towards the vehicle that was burned by the fire, the front of the vehicle was severely deformed.

In front of the airbag that popped open, two figures wearing thick clothes and black woolen hoods sat in the car.

Although they had experienced a "car accident", the two people did not look any different. Whether in terms of expression or behavior, they were just like ordinary people, as if the "car accident" just now did not exist.

"Let's go. With such a car accident and a fire, the people inside will definitely not survive."

On the co-pilot, wearing a black woolen hood, with only a pair of eyes exposed, looked at the vehicle covered by fire behind him with a cold look through the car's rearview mirror and said.

On the driver's seat, the driver also saw the situation of the vehicle behind him through the rearview mirror and nodded without objection.

Then, the two opened the car door and got out of the car, and rushed into an alley next to the street at an incredible speed.

A passerby saw this scene and immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "Hey, the two guys who hit people ran away! Call the police!"

This sentence instantly attracted the attention of countless passersby again, and they couldn't help but discuss it again.

"Hiss! Hitting someone and running away, what's the difference between this and murder?!"

"Oh my god! Look at the way those two people are dressed, wrapped tightly, and their faces are covered with hoods. This is simply premeditated murder!"

"Oh my God! This kind of thing can still happen to "Eric" now!"

"Who will catch those two guys!"

The crowd was talking a lot, but no one chased the two people who ran away.

"Eric" has a lot of guns, and the two people are obviously dressed for premeditated murder. Most of them are carrying guns. In this case, no one will joke about their own lives.

And even if someone chases them, it is highly unlikely that they will catch up.

Because the two figures running into the alley are very fast.

It took almost a few breaths to run into the alley and run to the end of the alley.

Then, the two figures swiftly climbed over the high wall at the end of the alley and came to the alley of another block.

After that, the two figures turned around and climbed over the high wall of the alley, and quickly fled from the place where the "car accident" occurred.

After a distance away, the two figures grabbed the tightly wrapped clothes and pants on their bodies with both hands in an empty alley far away, and then "hiss", and tore off the clothes and pants on their bodies!

And inside the torn clothes and pants, the two people were wearing another set of clothes, a set of purple couple sweatshirts.

At this time, after revealing their figures, it was finally possible to see clearly that the two people were a man and a woman.

The woman wore a purple sweatshirt on her upper body, black stockings and sneakers on her lower body. Judging from her skin, she was a black and white mixed race.

The man was white, wearing a purple sweatshirt on his upper body, ripped jeans and sneakers on his lower body.

After tearing off the tight clothes and pants outside, the two took off the black hoods and turned into an ordinary couple.

And these two people were Johnson and Karina!

They were doing what Su Leng asked them to do, killing people!

As for the identity of the person they killed, they didn't care.

Their families were in the hands of that "doctor", and they had no choice at all.

"Let's go."

Throwing the torn clothes, pants, and hoods into the trash can in the alley, Johnson and Karina walked out of the alley, ready to disguise themselves as an ordinary couple, leave Manhattan, and report to Su Leng.

However, what they didn't know was that from the time the two left the vehicle that caused the accident, to the time they fled all the way here, and tore their clothes to change clothes.

During this process, their every move was followed by a small drone above their heads.

At the same time, on the roofs of the surrounding buildings, a nimble figure was crossing one building after another with extraordinary strength and speed, and quickly went to the direction where the two were.

This figure is the character "Benjamin" that Leon, the S-level player of Lufa, has thrown into this world!

As an S-level player, his physical attribute values ​​are all over ten points, averaging around twelve or thirteen points, and there are also many item cards accumulated. How could he be easily killed by a car accident?

The moment he found that a car was deliberately hitting him, he thought of many possibilities in his mind.

He had only been in this game world for more than a year, and during this period, he spent most of his time on missions to accumulate military merits. Later, he was dating the fat daughter of the indigenous big shot and building relationships. It was not until today that he officially entered the cabinet, the power center of one of the most powerful countries in the world.

With his current status, he was not enough to provoke the assassination of the indigenous people in this world.

In addition, he released the "looking for someone" information yesterday.

Therefore, he immediately made a judgment that the person who attacked him was likely to be the S-level player in the blue camp!

So, he suspected that the opponent might have subsequent attacks, and out of caution, he directly used a "teleport card" again and teleported from the car to the roof of a nearby building.

After that, he began to observe the people in the car that hit him on the roof.

But who knew that after the people in the car got off the car, they did not come to the vicinity of his car to search and kill them all, but instantly fled into a nearby alley.

This moment made Leon a little confused.

They are players, and they can confirm whether the opponent is eliminated through the dynamic information of the game system.

If he didn't receive the elimination message, it means he's fine. If the opponent is really the S-level player in the blue camp, since they have taken the initiative and found his traces and attacked, they should not let him go easily.

Because once he is let go here, it will basically help the other player teams in the red camp to confirm his identity!

In this way, the six teams in the red camp will soon come to him one after another, and then the six player teams will unite to greatly increase the difficulty of the opponent in the blue camp in this game!

Such a disadvantageous thing, is this really something that an S-level player can do?

Therefore, Leon couldn't help but doubt the identity of the opponent.

However, as an S-level player, he was considering that the opponent might also be playing a psychological game with him, using counterintuitive behavior to arouse his doubts, attract him, and then let him fall into a trap.

So, Leon used another weapon card [Micro Drone], using the "Micro Drone" to follow the opponent all the way.

Finally, when the two figures showed their true appearance in this world without any awareness and defense, Leon was stunned and made a judgment in his heart.

These two people are not the S-level player team of the blue camp!

If it is an S-level player team, even if they can pretend not to know his "micro drone" all the way, it is absolutely impossible to reveal their true appearance so easily for him to see.

The two sides are so far apart, revealing their true appearance directly exposes their identity information in this world.

S-level players must have mastered many skills, and computer technology is very common among them.

Even if they don't have computer technology skills, they can take a photo with a "micro drone" and retreat first, then query and lock the other party's identity information in the dark, and use the power of this world to hunt down and kill.

Although S-level players are very powerful, it is impossible for them to face endless assassinations without making any mistakes.

Therefore, such behavior is too stupid and it is impossible for S-level players to do it.

After judging that the other party is not an S-level player, another doubt arises in his heart.

Who are these two people?

Why do they want to assassinate him?

In the past year, in addition to constantly climbing and accumulating "momentum" in this world, Leon has also been exploring and understanding the extraordinary aspects of this world.

After all, as soon as he entered the game, he saw the "monster"-like existence in that broken base.

And his task in this game is also to study the evolution and mutation system of this world.

Therefore, the agile skills of these two people also aroused his curiosity.

"They can climb over such a high alley wall so easily, and they don't look tired at all. The physical strength of these two people is not much worse than mine."

Leon felt that these two people might be an opportunity for him to study and understand the evolution and mutation system of this world.

Immediately, he quickly rushed to the direction where the two people were.

Although the physical strength of these two people seemed to be similar to his, he didn't care too much.

He not only had physical strength, but also various skills and prop cards. It was not a problem to deal with these two people.

Ten minutes later...


Accompanied by a huge muffled sound.

A figure flew out of the alley like a cannonball, hitting the side of a car driving on the street, directly smashing the car into a dent and deformation, sliding sideways for more than a meter, and finally hitting another car in the lane next to it before barely stopping.


A vomiting sound came.

The figure that hit the car instantly spit out a large mouthful of blood, revealing its true appearance, which was Leon.

Then, Leon looked at the alley in front of him with disbelief, exclaiming in disbelief: "What the hell is this monster?!"

Along with the abuse, in the alley in front of him, a monster with a wolf head and a human body, more than three meters tall, covered with black hair, walked out of the alley, looked at Leon with red eyes, and roared to the sky: "Roar!"

After roaring, the monster turned into a black shadow and rushed towards Leon!

Seeing this, Leon dodged to the side in panic, dodged the monster's attack, and quickly jumped onto the roofs of the cars that had stopped because of him on the street, then kept stepping on the roofs of these cars and fled in panic.

The development of the matter was completely beyond his expectations!

He thought it would be easy to take down these two people, but who knew that one of the opponents suddenly went crazy and turned into a "werewolf", and his physical strength suddenly increased!

With just a backhand sweep, he used a huge force beyond his tolerance, knocking him out of the alley and hitting the car on the street outside.

With such a terrifying force, he instantly realized that he could not confront it head-on!

Escape was the only correct choice!


Suddenly, a tearing sound came from behind.

Leon looked back subconsciously, and saw that the werewolf pounced on the car he had just hit, and after knocking the car sideways for a distance again, it tore off the car door, and then "clanged" a few times and tore the outer layer of the car door into pieces!

This scene immediately made Leon's scalp numb.

"Fuck! This is almost as bad as the monster in the previous base! This world is too dangerous!"

Leon couldn't help but curse inwardly, and then he didn't dare to delay any longer and ran away at full speed.

However, the "werewolf" that Johnson turned into seemed to have set his sights on him. After tearing the car door into pieces, he jumped and also jumped onto the top of the vehicles on this street, and began to chase Leon!

So, on the streets of New York City Manhattan, a chase between a "werewolf" and a "magician" began!

Johnson, who turned into a "werewolf", kept catching up with Leon with his powerful strength and speed. Every time Leon was caught up, he either used his agility to dodge or used a prop card to escape.

After turning into a "werewolf", Johnson lost his mind and acted on instinct, allowing Leon to escape every time.

However, after turning into a "werewolf", Johnson seemed to have awakened the powerful sense of smell of canine genes. No matter where Leon escaped, he could find him by smell.

For a while, Leon couldn't get rid of Johnson, who turned into a "werewolf".

Because Johnson lost his mind, he couldn't use his powerful body effectively, nor could he hurt Leon who was running away.

In addition, the chase between the two sides was also seen by people on the streets of New City, and they were all shocked!

"Oh my god! There are really 'werewolves' in this world?!"

"Is the guy being chased by the 'werewolf' using magic?! How come he suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared on the other side?!"

"Oh my god! Is this a movie?! Isn't this too realistic?!"

After being shocked, people on the streets of Manhattan, New City, talked about it.

While people on the streets of Manhattan, New City, were talking about this chase, one of the protagonists of this chase, Leon, who was running in front, gradually looked ugly.

Because, during this chase, his prop cards were being consumed one by one.

At this time, he finally realized that something was wrong.

"Is this monster used by the S-level player in the blue camp to consume my prop cards?!"

This guess instantly made his heart sink.

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