Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 263 Global Moral Kidnapping!

"Hiss! What era is this? How can such a thing still happen in the world?!"

"Oh my God! For a moment, I felt like I was dreaming back to more than ten years ago!"

"It must be fake. How could such a thing happen now?!"

"Don't we have the 'Evolutionary Alliance' and so many 'heroes' now?! Those heroes, go and save people!"

"Why do I feel it's fake? There's no murder in this video. Now is the era of entertainment to death. Maybe the anchor is making a fuss?"

"It's not fake! It's not fake! My lover is in it! He has been missing in recent days! I have called the police, but the police can't find him! Please, who can save him!"

"I can also testify. My university tutor is in it! He is a very knowledgeable and friendly person. Oh my God! May God bless him!"

"I can also prove..."

As the video was posted online, it instantly caused heated discussions.

Some people were amazed at how such a thing could happen now; some people questioned whether it was true or not; and some people even called on the "heroes" in the "Evolutionary Alliance" that has recently become popular on the Internet to save people!

In addition, some people think it is a script, and the anchor is making a fuss. After all, there have been many such self-directed and self-acted events on the Internet.

Of course, this kind of people is only a minority.

And after these people jumped out and said sarcastic words, they were immediately attacked by netizens who knew the people in the video and their relatives, which attracted a large number of people to cyberbully.

And most people are also worried about the people in the video, and they are trying all kinds of ways to circle the official account to ask for help.

However, such behavior is naturally useless.

This video was originally released by the DuPont family, one of the behind-the-scenes controllers of "Eric". The various requests for help from these netizens on the Internet are actually asking for help from the DuPont family.

It seems to be a kind of "who is in the hall, why sue this official" funny.

In the end, the matter was just left unresolved.

As the popularity of the video declined, the number of people discussing and paying attention to it also decreased rapidly.

The Internet is like this, because there are new things happening anytime and anywhere, and the heat comes and goes quickly.

However, not long after the heat of this terrorist video subsided, suddenly!

The heat of this incident rose again, and quickly occupied the top of the international list again, causing an uproar around the world again!

All this is not because of anything else, but because this terrorist video has a follow-up.

The follow-up of the murder!

It seems that the conditions mentioned in the video were not met. After a while, another video appeared on the Internet.

The same background, the same formation.

After a monologue expressing that the conditions were not met, in this follow-up video, those armed personnel holding guns and wearing black hoods directly pulled out several people from the hostage team without any hesitation, dragged the hostages to the ground, and faced the camera and raised their guns and fired a burst of "da da da".

The direct shooting caused blood to splatter, and the hostages twitched and stopped only after they could not move.

This clean and neat killing scene instantly aroused the sensitive nerves of people on the Internet.

For a time, this follow-up video was pushed to an unprecedented level of popularity, occupying the top spot on the international popularity list for several consecutive days, and even attracted strong criticism and condemnation from officials around the world!

Netizens below the video were furious and cursed, and went to the online accounts of the major "heroes" of the "Evolutionary Alliance" to "morally kidnap" these "heroes" to save people.

Unfortunately, the "heroes" of the "Evolutionary Alliance" could not tell from the video where the incident happened. Even if they knew the detailed address, most people would not dare to save them.

The reason why most evolutionists choose to join the "Evolutionary Alliance" is just to have a stable living environment and work, and to satisfy their psychological sense of achievement and admiration from others within their ability.

There are still very few people who can truly sacrifice themselves for others and would rather sacrifice themselves to save others.

Therefore, although this matter was hot on the Internet and attracted condemnation from various countries, the "Eric" official had to come forward to explain and organize a rescue team, but it still failed to prevent the appearance of the third murder video.

Three or four months after the second follow-up video was uploaded, as the popularity dropped again and people gradually forgot about the incident again, the third killing video quietly appeared on the Internet.

This video does not contain any nonsense. In the same background and the same team, the armed personnel with weapons and black hoods once again pulled some hostages out of the team, pushed them to the ground, and fired at them.

So far, one-third of the hostages in this video have been shot dead.

And with the appearance of the third killing video, the popularity and anger of netizens are self-evident, and the influence of this incident has exploded again!

In countries around the world, even in relatively remote and poor small countries, people almost all know about this terrorist threat and killing incident.

The attention of this incident is finally no longer like most online events, and the heat dissipates quickly.

When all countries began to change from strong condemnation to active voice, and actively organized personnel to rescue the surviving hostages, the heat of this incident began to remain high, and people were paying attention to it all the time.

Under such intense attention, the fourth video was uploaded to the Internet in front of almost the whole world.

It was the same background and the same team, but this time, there was no killing in the video. Instead, the armed personnel and hostages all held an unfolded poster.

On the poster, there was a person!

This person was none other than "Wang Yuanlin" whom Su Leng had joined!

Then, a subtitle appeared in the video, which was a brief introduction to "Wang Yuanlin" and a paragraph that roughly meant that whoever could find this person and let this person make a live public apology would release all the remaining hostages.

Under the global attention, as soon as this fourth video came out, everyone in the world knew Su Leng in an instant!

People's first reaction was, who is this person? !

After wondering who Su Leng was, the second reaction was to immediately recall whether they had seen this person!

Under the global attention, if the remaining people in the video could be saved, even if it was just a little clue, it would be a thing that would go down in history and be praised!

This is just for individuals.

If a country can act as a "savior" in this incident and successfully save the remaining hostages, then this country will gain great reputation and moral supremacy in the future, and win the admiration of all people around the world!

Therefore, since the fourth video appeared, for a time, both individuals and countries were very eager to find Su Leng!

And it must be said that Adam's plan is very clever!

He is preparing to let the world "morally kidnap" Su Leng!

The reason for not updating yesterday was that my left hand was hit by the car door yesterday, and the middle finger nail was smashed and flipped. At that time, I just felt severe pain. I thought it would be fine after a while, and then I could type. As a result, I experienced the torture of the ancestors being picked on the nails... There are pictures in the next chapter of the Easter egg chapter as evidence. Today, I typed these two thousand words with one hand, and it took more than three hours to complete it.

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