Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 264 Weird Meat Whiskers

Just let Su Leng stand up and make a live broadcast to apologize publicly.

This request will not put people in danger.

If it puts people in danger, then perhaps someone will stand in Su Leng's perspective and think about it from his perspective. After all, the question of killing fewer and saving more is a very typical and difficult philosophical question.

It is a contest between liberalism and collectivism.

But if it is just an apology, it will not rise to this level.

If Su Leng is unwilling to stand up for something that can save so many people with just a little effort, then people all over the world will blame him.

Adam took advantage of this.

And if Su Leng really stood up and made a live broadcast to apologize publicly, then Adam, who has already controlled most of the leadership of the DuPont family, will not hesitate to activate the nuclear weapons controlled by the DuPont family to carry out intercontinental strikes!

When it comes to his own life and death, Adam, who is now free of worries, will not care whether humans can survive or whether this planet is still suitable for living.

He has evolved into a "higher life form" and is confident that even if the third war starts and the world is beaten beyond recognition, he can survive in any harsh environment in the past.

Therefore, what he had to do was to force Su Leng out by any means possible - before the other party surpassed him by using the "Life Gem" and "Consciousness Gem".

However, things did not develop as Adam expected.

In Adam's view, launching a global search for the other party, coupled with threats from almost all the familiar people the other party had come into contact with since childhood, Su Leng would definitely not be able to help but come out, or be discovered and "morally kidnapped".

However, after the fourth video was released, there was indeed a wave of searching for "Wang Yuanlin" all over the world.

But as time went by, several months passed in a flash.

No country found any trace of "Wang Yuanlin".

Moreover, there was no sign that the other party was lured out.

Adam was puzzled when he saw this.

He didn't believe that the other party didn't see the noise he made.

The stronger the body, the greater the energy consumption every day, and the greater the amount of food needed to be eaten.

Of course, after the body becomes strong, you can eat a lot in advance to store energy, and then try to do less strenuous activities to reduce energy consumption, so as to achieve the effect of fasting, where you only need to eat once in a period of time.

But even so, you still need to eat once every once in a while.

And now the global heat is so high, as long as you come out to contact the outside world, you will inevitably receive this information actively or passively.

Therefore, Adam is very sure that the other party must know what he did.

And this can't force the other party out, Adam really can't understand.

Doesn't the other party have feelings?

The people he arrested are all his beloved friends and blood brothers!

There is no sign of the other party's antisocial personality in his investigation. What's going on? !

Confused, Adam finally chose to continue updating the murder video.

When the global hot search "Wang Yuanlin" was not found for a long time, the fifth murder video was launched.

This time, some of the remaining two-thirds of the hostages were shot again, and the original two-thirds of the hostages became one-half.

The world was in an uproar again!

Countless protests were triggered online and in reality.

Rescue teams organized by countries around the world have been dispatched, and began to search for the person who posted the video according to the IP address of the video, hoping to follow the clues.

Unfortunately, it was finally discovered that there were a total of five videos, and the IP address of each upload was different, and multiple bots were used as springboards. No matter how the people caught behind each IP were interrogated, they didn't know that there was any video uploaded.

Helplessly, countries around the world can only watch the murder videos posted online again and again.

And the anger and protests of people around the world on the Internet have gradually turned into despair and pleading.

"Despair" is seeing that this incident did not get the justice rescue and justice they imagined, so despair.

"Pleading" is to plead with the person behind the video to stop killing or posting videos.

This behavior of subverting universal values ​​has destroyed many people's three views and collapsed their psychological defenses.

And in such an atmosphere.

Next to the ancient oriental country, the neighboring small country, the capital city.

Located in a luxury apartment in the city center.

Two boys and girls sat on the sofa in the living room with serious expressions, watching the video playing on the TV over and over again.

The video was the fifth murder video that was just released not long ago.

Looking at the hostages who were shot to death in the video, the two frowned and looked solemn.

These two boys and girls were none other than Ya and Xiaodie!

"Although it is still not the turn of Matthew and the other three this time, it is only a matter of time if it continues like this. Xiaodie, have you contacted the doctor?"

Ya frowned and looked at the video playing on the TV, and said to Xiaodie next to him.

Xiaodie shook her head and replied: "No."

This global terrorist video incident has been going on for more than half a year, almost a year.

Similarly, it was about the same time that Xiaodie came here to help Ya.

Ya and Xiaodie, who were originally focused on expanding their power here, released the second video in this video incident. When it became popular for the second time, they noticed that Matthew, Herbert and Wade were in the video.

They immediately contacted Su Leng and told him about the matter, but the answer they got was that they should ignore it and continue to focus on expanding their power here, and they would handle it.

After getting the doctor's answer, the two naturally obeyed and ignored the matter.

But who knew that the next thing would become more and more serious.

And they couldn't contact Su Leng more than two months ago.

This made the two very worried.

But the two's abilities are indeed limited. Even the rescue teams formed by countries around the world can't find the person behind the video, and they naturally don't have the ability to find it.

Of course, after nearly three years of growth, the two are no longer children. They are currently actively trying to contact Su Leng and investigate the person behind the video, but the results are very limited.

"Okay, then Xiaodie, you go back first, don't let your master get suspicious."

Hearing Xiaodie's words, Ya sighed and nodded, saying.

After Xiaodie came here, she did not live with Ya, but lived with Wang Jingwen in another place.

Although Xiaodie has learned a lot, it is only in terms of spiritual strength. She is still an ordinary person physically, so when she came here, she came as an ordinary person to help Ya deal with the stubborn people in secret.

And neither of them wanted Wang Jingwen to know that Matthew and the other two in this global video incident were related to them, so when they discussed this matter together, they avoided Wang Jingwen.

"Well, brother, remember to inform me as soon as you have any news from your investigation."

After listening to Ya's words, Xiaodie nodded and replied.

Ya nodded after hearing this.

Then, Xiaodie got up from the sofa and prepared to leave.

But when she walked to the door of the apartment, her ears suddenly moved slightly, as if she heard something, and her movements could not help but stop.

Ya was startled and was about to ask.

But Xiaodie quickly raised her hand to her mouth and made a silent gesture.

Then, Xiaodie took out her mobile phone, clicked on a software at random, and quickly wrote a line of words in the input column: Brother, there is an ambush outside the corridor. Judging from the breathing rhythm and heart rate, it is not an ordinary person.

After reading this line of words, Ya's face suddenly straightened and his expression became serious.


At the same time.

In the ancient eastern country, deep in the mountains and old forests, in a stone house in the mountain stream.

Su Leng, who was originally sitting cross-legged and suspended in the air, fell to the ground from mid-air without knowing when.

In addition, his body also began to show unprecedented changes. The exposed skin on his body and face began to wriggle constantly and extended with flesh whiskers. The whole person looked extremely weird...

You already know that the nail on my left hand was injured. I guess I have to type with one hand before it heals, so the speed is very slow. The update may not be so timely. Please forgive me~

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