Super Dimension Kill

Chapter 265 High-dimensional Overlooking

Does Su Leng know what Adam did?

Nature knows.

Su Leng, who has the ability of [self-causal omniscience], knew about Adam at the beginning of his actions.

However, Su Ling ignored it.

Although he devoted himself to become the "Wang Yuanlin" of this world, he was not really "Wang Yuanlin".

Adam threatens "Wang Yuanlin"'s relatives and friends in his life. What does this have to do with him, Su Leng?

Among the group of people arrested by Adam, Matthew, Herbert, and Wade were the only ones who had some relationship with Su Leng.

But unfortunately, because of their different skin colors, the three of them gradually drifted away from Su Ling. After joining the so-called "Evolutionary Alliance", they never took the initiative to contact Su Ling again.

Therefore, Su Leng had no intention of rescuing the three of them when they were captured by Adam.

If it was just a casual matter, he wouldn't mind saving it.

But if it involves the game between themselves and Adam, then they can only ask for their own blessings.

As for Xiaodie, he just dealt with it casually.

Nowadays, Su Leng doesn't bother to pay attention to the outside world, and only focuses on the development of the fourth stage of "power transformation".

As time went by, his physical attributes and intellectual and spiritual attributes of his consciousness increased. Nearly half of the organs and tissues in his body also gradually transformed into corresponding "superpowers" under the influence of mind power, but he still didn't see it. The path of evolution after the fourth stage.

But Su Ling was not in a hurry. The mission still took a long time. He planned to wait until all the organs and tissues in his body had transformed into "superpowers".

However, Adam's subsequent act of publishing his photos and information under global attention was indeed a bit beyond his expectation and caught him off guard.

Similarly, when the other party has this behavioral intention, Su Ling already knows it.

But Su Ling couldn't stop him. Not to mention that he was in another country and beyond his reach. Even if he was not far away, he couldn't stop him.

Adam has gradually regained all his body parts. Once these body parts are aggregated and transformed into a complete body, he is now no match at all.

Therefore, Su Leng could only watch the other party carry out this act in the end.

And when almost everyone in the world knew about Su Ling's existence, the huge flow of information instantly engulfed Su Ling!

Su Leng, who had never received such a large amount of information at once, his brain immediately shut down!

But when his brain shut down, Su Leng also experienced a turning point in his consciousness, and found the path to the next stage of evolution in the fourth stage...

"This is……"

In a hazy nothingness.

Su Ling looked at the surroundings with a "vision".

He cannot feel the body, only the concept of self-knowledge exists.

In his "vision", the surroundings were hazy and void, and nothing could be seen clearly.

But below Su Leng's "field of vision", there are countless rays of light surging brightly, like a magnificent coral sea.

Out of curiosity, Su Leng's "vision" looked toward the countless surging lights, with a hint of exploration.

Then the next second, his "field of vision" suddenly zoomed in!

The countless surging lights clearly appeared under Su Ling's sight.

I saw that these countless surging lights were actually composed of tiny particles.

When Su Ling looked at the light composed of these tiny particles, he suddenly felt like he could command the light composed of these tiny particles.

So, with a thought, he tried to command these tiny particles.

And following his thoughts, these tiny particles moved obediently and followed his command.

After some movement control, Su Leng suddenly moved in his heart and commanded these tiny particles to disperse and no longer gather into a group of light.

Unexpectedly, after this order was issued, those tiny particles actually resisted.

But in the end, those tiny particles followed Su Ling's command and dispersed around.

As these tiny particles dispersed, the cluster of light became no longer bright. At the same time, the dispersed tiny particles also became dimmed one by one until they were finally completely eliminated.

Just when the last tiny particle was extinguished, a text message suddenly appeared in Su Ling's mind:

[You wiped out the consciousness of the one-dimensional life form "Dexter Martin" with your three-dimensional will. 】

Um? !

Su Ling was shocked when he saw this text message.

The light group composed of tiny particles that he just directed was actually the consciousness of a one-dimensional life form? !

Are these dense light groups below all the consciousness of one-dimensional life forms? !

Thinking that he had accidentally wiped out the consciousness of a one-dimensional life form, Su Leng suddenly remembered a sentence he had seen before.

A child destroying an ant nest may not be intentional, but may be just out of curiosity.

He was obviously acting like a "child" just now.

"Does the consciousness of a three-dimensional life form have absolute control over the consciousness of a one-dimensional life form..."

This discovery made Su Ling frown a little - even though he now has no body or eyebrows.

But this discovery reminded him of a terrible conclusion.

If the consciousness of a three-dimensional life body has absolute control over the consciousness of a one-dimensional life body, does a life body with a higher dimension than the three-dimensional life have the same power to obliterate the consciousness of a three-dimensional life body?

Also, where is he now?

Why can I see the consciousness of so many one-dimensional life forms?

Because of a piece of text information that appeared in his mind, Su Leng's heart suddenly emerged with doubts.

In these doubts, Su Leng suddenly thought of something.

If the light balls below him that he saw were the consciousness of one-dimensional life forms, then was he also being watched by higher-dimensional life forms like these one-dimensional life forms?

With this thought, Su Leng subconsciously turned his "field of vision" and looked up.

The next second, he saw a pair of huge, emotionless and indifferent eyes, quietly looking down from the infinite height.

However, this pair of huge eyes was not looking down at him, but at all the life forms in the entire lower layer, including him!

And just as Su Leng's "field of vision" looked up, this pair of emotionless and indifferent eyes slowly focused on him.

Just when these eyes began to focus on Su Leng, Su Leng's consciousness suddenly had a warning sign!



In the deep mountains and old forests, in a remote mountain stream.

Su Leng suddenly opened his eyes!

And in his eyes, there was an uncontrollable surprise!

"Those eyes... are the AI ​​of "Super Dimension Kill"?!"

Thinking of those eyes from the higher dimension, even though it was just an AI without any emotion, Su Leng still had a lingering fear on his face.

However, fortunately, when those higher-dimensional eyes focused on him, his consciousness returned to his body from the hazy nothingness in time!

"It should not have been discovered, otherwise the ability of [Self-Causal Omniscience] should have a corresponding reminder."

Thinking of this, Su Leng felt both fortunate and regretful.

If he could establish a connection with the AI ​​of "Super Dimension Kill"...

Shaking his head, Su Leng did not think deeply about this thing that did not happen, but focused his attention on his current state.


When Su Leng focused his attention on his current state, suddenly, a light exclamation came out of his mouth.

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