(I found that there may not be many readers who like "Star Trek", as can be seen from the background data, so I will introduce it in detail, if there are brothers who have not seen it, I really recommend it, it is super good.) )

(I'll pick up the pace a bit!)

"Mine ship?" Magneto exclaimed directly, "The mine ship is stronger than the most advanced warship?"

Iron Man said with a solemn expression: "It is said that the mine ship has traveled through time." "

"You can imagine what a terrible weapon a ship is on the sea nowadays, even if it's just a fishing boat, when it travels back to the Middle Ages. "

"The fact that this world has developed so fast in less than 200 years shows that the scientific and technological development of their world has not stopped. "

"How do they solve the development of basic science?"

You must know that the development of all science and technology and engineering is inseparable from basic science, and basic science determines the upper limit of a civilization.

But the development of basic science is the most difficult.

It is really unimaginable that the crazy development speed of one or two hundred years can be maintained, which shows that basic science is constantly making breakthroughs.

Keisha's focus is different: "Can you travel through time and space if you are swallowed by a black hole?"

Although she has never been in a black hole, she has studied the most terrifying objects in the universe.

Black holes are the most massive objects in the universe and can cause unimaginable distortions in space.

But it's only space that distorts, not time......

Although it usually explains emptiness, time and space, time and space are really not the same thing!

Could it be that because the gravitational pull is too strong, it directly penetrates the space, causing a change in time and traveling to the past?

Does space affect time?

This is beyond her cognition and does not conform to her current theoretical system!

Kirk was also shocked, but he said, "Although you said that the rules of parallel universes may be different, but in our theory it is like this, but no one has ever proved ......"

"Oh my God!"

This is definitely the biggest crisis that Starlink has encountered.

A super battleship from the future!

He wanted to report the news immediately, but who would believe him?

He had just been almost expelled from school for cheating on an exam.

The narrator continues: "Nero, the surviving leader of the Romulan miners, believes that Spock will not save the Romulan capital, and that his wife and children died because of Spock. "

"So he's going to take revenge on the Vulcans, he's going to make Spock suffer the same pain as he is, and see their planet ruined. "

So he attacked 25 years before Spock came out of the black hole, snatched his flying machine, and got the red substance. "

"And exile him, so that he can watch his planet be destroyed!"

Screen switching.

The Romulan mineship is hovering over Vulcan.

An unimaginable miner descended from the atmosphere towards Vulcan, and then spewed a flame that struck directly through the Vulcan planet.

Everyone was stunned.

How can a mining ship, a mere mining ship, something used for mining, used as a weapon, cause so much damage?

There is a generation difference of just a hundred years, and the strength is so different!

The narrator sounded again: "Because Vulcan is in distress, the Star Federation senses something is wrong, and they send a spaceship to Vulcan to check the situation, but in fact it is a trap. "

"All ships were attacked by Nero after flying out of the area, and only the Enterprise escaped......"

"It was Kirk who saved the Enterprise. "

Screen switching.

Kirk is commanding a spaceship in a simulated cockpit, and he easily passes a test that annihilates all enemies that come to him.

However, he was prosecuted.

Because he cheated, he directly modified the source code of the exam.

"It's not fair, because this exam doesn't want people to pass at all, it's impossible to pass," he said. "

And the person who complained about him was none other than the Vulcan who designed the exam.

As a young man, Spock is not yet a captain, but the first mate of the Enterprise.

Spock said, "The purpose of this test is simply to confront your fears, to face the hopelessness of your death. "

"You can only win this war by sacrificing yourselves. "

But Kirk said, "I don't believe there is a certain death. "

The narrator sounds: "He was almost expelled from school because of his cheating. "

At this time, the news of Vulcan's danger came, and all the cadets were temporarily recruited to join Starfleet. "

Kirk didn't get on the ship, but his good friend Dr. McCoy injected him with an alien virus and brought him on board under the guise of going on board for medical treatment. "

And it was he who discovered that it was a trap. "

Screen switching.

Captain Kirk's face was swollen like buns, and his hands were swollen like bread.

But he still desperately broke into the cab and said, "It's a trap." "

He persuaded Captain Pike to put himself on full alert before exiting the curvature flight.

When they exited the curvature flight, they finally saw the horror above Vulcan.

The previous Pioneer ships, spaceships the size of cities, have been reduced to the ruins of the universe.

The Enterprise they were on had escaped the first wave of Romulan raids, but they were unable to stand up to the mining ships a hundred years later.

Nero, the future leader of the Romulans, connected to their signal and asked Pike, the captain of the Enterprise, to come to his ship, or they would destroy the Enterprise.

Captain Pike decided to go it alone.

Before he disembarked, he appointed Spock as acting captain and Kirk was promoted to acting first mate early.

Kirk and two other men who excelled in hand-to-hand combat teleported directly to the mineship's punch with phasic teleportation.

They stopped the mining of the miners, but it was too late.

Because Nero had already thrown a missile with red matter into the hole they had punched.

A black hole was born directly inside Vulcan, engulfing the entire Vulcan star.

Once again, the audience felt the shiver.

This is the third time they've seen a planet being shattered!

The narrator continues: "Nero, who destroyed Vulcan, got the code of the Earth Defense System from Captain Pike's brain and flew towards Earth, his goal was to destroy all the planets belonging to the Star Alliance, and Vulcan was the Earth after that. "

Spock and Kirk had an argument, and Spock insisted on joining the main fleet of the Star Alliance. "

"And Jim thinks that the Romulans are going to attack Earth, and they need to defend Earth. "

So Spock banished Kirk straight out of the ship and exiled him to a desolate planet. "

Here he meets the elderly Spock and the genius scientist Scott. "

"Elder Spock asks Scott to phase Kirk and teleport back to the Enterprise!"

in the picture.

"Teleport an object directly to a ship that is flying in curvature," Scott said. "

"It's like being blindfolded, riding a horse, holding a gun, and shooting another bullet with a bullet. "

He devised an experiment that failed, and was exiled to this place where birds don't.

"In the future, you've found an equation to solve this problem......

After that, the algorithm was entered into the computer!

Scott took a look at it and suddenly realized: "I see, to think of the universe as a moving object, how did I not think of this......"

Hearing this, the others didn't react much, but Keisha stood up directly in shock.

There was a roar in her head, as if a new world was opening up to her!

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