(There was a delay in the afternoon, even later, sorry!)

The battle between these two spaceships made all the spectators excited at once.

It's the first time they've seen a serious interstellar war.

They have also seen interstellar wars before, such as Thanos fighting Thor, running directly into someone else's spaceship, with an iron fist.

Another example is that Angel Yan commanded her army to raid Hua Ye's fleet, but what impressed everyone more was that Hua Ye created a black hole, and Angel Yan struck a heavenly blade judgment and killed Ruo Ning in seconds through the atmosphere.

This kind of regular spacecraft bombardment, they are really the first time they have seen it.

However, they also noticed Kirk's expression, and when they heard the narrator, they knew that his father had died from the blow of the first ship Naromulan.

So, no one asked him about everything about the battle at this time.

But Kirk himself immediately perked up, and he analyzed: "This spaceship has not been seen since it appeared 25 years ago, and the Romulans have always denied that this is their ship, which is strange......"

"If the Romulans really want to go to war with the Star Alliance, it is impossible for them to remain silent for 25 years. "

"If you want to talk about some kind of interstellar pirates or something, this ship is too advanced......"

The few warships that were hit before were all the newest and most advanced warships of the Star Alliance, although they had just withdrawn from the curvature flight and were ambushed, but they had no power to fight back at all, which was terrible.

The narrator continues: "The first formidable enemy Captain Kirk will encounter is this Romulan ship......

Screen switching.

A star was frantically flickering, spreading frantically in all directions, and the terrifying energy made all the spectators in front of it feel its heat.

The energy of that planet is expanding wildly, sweeping one planet after another.

As soon as they saw this old audience, they all felt familiar.

In Keisha's power before, she was killed by Carl, wasn't it because she was teleported to a supernova that was about to explode?

Magneto said, "Lady Keisha, if I'm not mistaken, this planet is experiencing a supernova explosion......"

Keisha nodded and said, "You don't have to shy away from it, it's indeed a supernova explosion." "

"In the universe, this is a very natural celestial phenomenon. "

Optimus Prime has also seen the previous video, as a perennial wandering Transformer in the universe, he sighed: "This is almost the most terrifying natural disaster in the universe......"

"So I still can't understand how powerful Lady Keisha is, Carl actually needs a supernova explosion to kill you. "

Hearing this, Captain Kirk and newcomer Raleigh in front of the screen were stunned.


What did you say?

You say this beautiful woman is not like a human woman...... Well, the previous introduction said that she was the king of angels.

But it's too much of an exaggeration to force someone to use a supernova explosion to kill her, right?

As a reserve starship captain, Kirk knows better than anyone how terrifying the energy of a supernova explosion can be.

Even the most advanced spaceship of Starlink can't compete!

What kind of creature is worth killing with such an attack?

King of Angels......

This feels even more terrifying than the Satan that appeared in Constantine's strategy before.

This is simply unscientific to the extreme!

Zhi Xin was very dissatisfied with his defense: "The supernova explosion can't kill Queen Le." "

"If it weren't for Karl using the Great Clock to scatter the Queen's Divine Particles all over the universe, the Queen would have been restored in an instant. "

Kaba ......

At that moment, Kirk's jaw fell to the ground and fell in half, and his brain trembled wildly.

The Star Alliance is also powerful, and it is already one of the three major forces in the galaxy!

After so many years of expansion, I have absorbed many alien civilizations, and I have seen many civilizations and creatures with very different ecosystems!

But they had never seen such powerful life in the universe.

Is this the power of the gods?

This is beyond the limits of his cognition!

Thinking about Satan before, Kirk really felt how terrible Konstantin was to be able to play with Satan and applaud at this moment.

And Raleigh, the driver of the dangerous wanderer, crashed his brain directly......

He had thought that the monster that came out of the sea was the most terrifying creature in the universe.

Only now did he realize that perhaps this woman with a delicate face was a terrifying creature far beyond his imagination.

Parallel universe, terrifying!

The screen continues.

An elderly pointy-eared alien appears in the picture.

He piloted a bizarre spaceship, extracted a bit of red liquid* from a red container, and loaded the red liquid into a special container.

He then threw the container man onto the exploding supernova.

And then something shocking happened.

A black spot appeared on the superstar, and the black spot began to devour wildly, and it didn't take long for the supernova to be swallowed up.

Seeing this scene, everyone understood.

Black hole?

The pointy-eared alien created the black hole out of that bizarre container.

To say terrible, black holes are the most terrifying celestial bodies in the universe, and supernova explosions are just a little brother compared to them.

Kirk: Has the technology of their world advanced to this point?

It is easy to create black holes.

It is worthy of a race that has entered the interstellar voyage.

And the most shocking thing was Kirk himself.

In front of the video, he saw this scene and felt that his brain was not enough.

He was shocked and said, "That's the Vulcans, the first alien race to form an alliance with our humans. "

"Each one of them has absolute sanity, a transcendent wisdom......"

"But even they couldn't have created something so terrible. "

"......Black holes?"

A terrible thought popped into his head!

The narrator continues: "The explosion of this supernova in the future engulfs the capital planet of the Romulans. "

"At that time, Captain Spock of the Star Federation said that he would help them and save this disaster, but he was too late, and the Romulan planet had been swallowed. "

Eventually, he used the red substance to destroy the supernova explosion. "

But the resulting black hole swallowed a Romulan mineship, and it devoured himself...... This caused chaos in time and space, and they traveled back hundreds of years. "

"It was this mine ship that wiped out his father's starship and the star's vanguard fleet......"

And hearing this, the audience exploded again.

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