In the starry sky of the universe, a portal appeared in front of Captain Marvel who was flying.

She knew that the weird mage was summoning her, which meant that the earth was in danger. This is good, this is much faster than flying by myself.

Since last watching the video, Nick Fury has contacted Captain Marvel.

Then they formulated a battle plan. If Thanos invades, all combat forces must be gathered together as soon as possible.

Don’t give Thanos a chance to defeat each one.

And to be able to do this, the only way to do this is to rely on the mage’s ordinary portal. Then Captain Marvel took a step forward and arrived in Wakanda.

It was the first time I felt the magic of the portal, and I was extremely shocked by her power!

Then from another portal, the Guardians of the Galaxy flew out in their own small spaceship. In prison, Star-Lord formed close friendships with several others, and the Guardians were finally formed. Now Wakanda has become a ruins, and dark clouds cover the sky.

Before they could repair the shield, Thanos’ artillery plowed through the entire Wakanda.

Fortunately, Wakanda is well-equipped, most of which are made of vibranium. Under this kind of firepower, the casualties are not too great! Iron Man said to Doctor Strange:”Isn’t the Ancient One Master here?”

Doctor Strange said:”There is something wrong over there. The door to the dark dimension has been opened, and Dormammu is preparing to invade Earth 047.”

Iron Man is not worried. He bit his lower lip and said,”Sure enough, Thanos should have seen something about the future from the Time Administration and made complete preparations.”

“Can Thor not come too?”

Doctor Strange said:”Asgard has also been attacked……The attacker seems to be Hela.”

All the Avengers took a deep breath.

They now hate this time administration so much that they simply hate it…….

Captain America said:”Now that the Time Stone, Reality Stone and Space Stone are in our hands, the other three stones must have fallen into Thanos’ hands.”

“The Time Stone is used by Doctor Strange”

“The space gem was originally intended to be given to Thor for use, but he couldn’t come.”

“The Reality Stone is prepared for Carol to use……”

Captain Marvel looked at Thanos’ fleet above and said,”No need, I’m going to destroy their fleet now.”

She does have this strength.

However, at this moment, Nini’s alarm sounded again. A virtual screen is projected in front of Iron Man.

In fact, there is no need for a virtual screen, everyone can see it and even feel it.

The sea water on the earth set off huge waves, causing countless tsunamis for a time. The earth’s tidal gravity changed.

Because the moon appeared in the sky!

Everyone in Wakanda has seen the moon in broad daylight. Thanos actually used the Power Stone to pull the moon over.

Then, the moon shattered like an egg shell and turned into countless meteorites, falling towards the earth.

In an instant, countless streams of fire fell from the sky, turning the already gloomy sky into a ball of burning flames!

That scene was like the end of the world was coming, turning the whole world into purgatory. Seeing this scene, everyone turned pale.

Thanos is so ruthless, he will destroy the world as soon as he comes. Doctor Strange directly destroyed the Time Stone. He tried his best to make time pass extremely slowly at this moment.

This is a new magic that was just developed. It was inspired by seeing how the Time Management Bureau slowed down Loki’s time in the guide!

With the Time Stone, it’s not too easy to do it! It’s just that the scope is too big, and Doctor Strange can’t last long!! And, what to do next?

Even if time slows down, I can’t teleport so many moon fragments away! Doctor Strange is sweating profusely!

But at this moment, a purple light bombarded him, and there was someone who was not affected by time magic! ? That’s Thanos.

Thanos’s attack directly broke the magic of time.

Why can he move normally when time slows down? Time Management Bureau…..

Doctor Strange could only think of them, they really failed more than they succeeded. Thanos must have obtained equipment from the Time Administration that can control time. This allows him to interfere with his own time magic.

Captain Marvel also looked pale. She thought that no matter what tricks Thanos used, she could handle it.

But she didn’t expect Thanos to use such a big move. Even she couldn’t stop all the meteorites from falling in such a short period of time.

Neither can Quicksilver!

At this moment, the Scarlet Witch said to Iron Man:”Give me the Reality Stone.”

I can’t control the power of chaos yet, but I should be able to try it with the help of the Reality Stone. After saying that, she placed her hand on the reality gem inlaid by Iron Man.

The next moment, two groups of red light appeared in her eyes, and then a purple-red brilliance spread and swept the entire sky.

Those countless falling meteorites turned into blooming flowers in the sky.

The sunset-like ruins, coupled with the flowers falling from the sky, instantly became beautiful. Everyone looked at Scarlet Witch with their mouths open.

Is this chaos magic? What kind of power is this?

But Scarlet Witch Wei had already let go of her hand and covered her forehead.

By using the Reality Stone in this way, she had completely overdrawn her own power, and in a matter of seconds, she had lost her fighting power.

Then the battleship above cast a beam of light, dropping Thanos and all his troops into Wakanda..Thanos said:”It’s really hard for me to imagine that you can actually resist this move.”

“It seems that the world has indeed gone awry, and everything I know from the Time Administration is no longer consistent with what it is now. Then he grinned:”But so what?”

“You don’t have to face me yet, and you don’t have to face your destiny of inevitable defeat.”

Captain Marvel said:”There is no doubt that we will lose. Are you talking about yourself?”

After saying that, she rushed towards Thanos single-handedly.

After all, she had never read the guide, so she was still used to rushing forward.

Thanos smiled:”I have seen your future, and you are indeed very strong, so I will give it to you. Find a suitable opponent.”

The next moment, the god Ego actually appeared in Thanos’ team. But his eyes were already dark.

Who would have thought that the powerful he would be controlled by Thanos with the Mind Stone and become Thanos’ lackey. Then he fought against Captain Marvel.

At this moment, Nini showed a picture to the Steel Heroes.

In a forest, a blue light burst out, followed by something It is growing rapidly. It is expanding crazily, and it is occupying the entire earth.

Everyone suddenly stared in neutral, and they recognized that it was the clone of the god Ego left on the earth. The Avengers had not found it before. The whereabouts of this clone.

But Ego activated the clone seed at this time.

With this clone’s ability to extract the earth, provided to him, he actually suppressed Captain Marvel for a while.

Star-Lord shook his head and said:”No….”

The godly power in him exploded, and he tried to compete with Ego for control of the clone in this world. This allowed Captain Marvel to regain some of the situation.

Use Dormammu to contain the ancient mage. Use Hela to contain Thor and even Odin. Use Ego to contain Captain Marvel.

Even the previous attack had drained Scarlet Witch of her power. Thanos’ tactics have everything planned out clearly.

Then a battle broke out, and Thanos’ army rushed towards the Avengers and Wakanda’s army. It’s a pity that although he has made so many preparations, he has now played out almost all his cards! But he didn’t know how long the Avengers had been preparing for this day and how many methods they had prepared?

Fei reminds you: Three Things to Do in Reading, Collection Recommendations, Points! 【

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