In the Green Lantern movie universe, Hal Jordan’s father died in a plane crash, and his death has always been Hal’s inner demon.

This inner demon has been haunting him. He almost crashed on the plane because of this, and this is not the first time this has happened.

That’s why he is so entangled now, he knows what he is afraid of! Screen switching.

Hal is in his home with a Green Lantern ring in his hand.

Facing the green light in front of him, he said:”Say the oath, the oath……”

What’s the oath?

He has forgotten!

He said:”I, Hal Jordan, solemnly swear that I will be loyal to the swamp from now on. A dying purple alien gave me a light…….”

But nothing happens with the green light.

He thought hard and said,”Fly to the universe, the vast starry sky?”

The green light still didn’t respond.

“Give me strength!”

The green light still didn’t respond. If it has its own wisdom, it’s probably saying you’re a fool!

Hal was also angry. Why didn’t he respond to anything he said? He stood up and said:”What a mess!”

“You can fly me over 1,000 kilometers to a deserted place, but now you are silent. .....He was so angry that he walked around the green light and knocked the green light with his ring, and then the green light finally turned on. Black Widow stared at this scene blankly and said:”So you did it the other way around, right? It’s like plugging the plug in backwards and plugging it into the other side of the socket?”

Garfield’s version of Spider-Man covered his head The head said:”Have you never thought beforehand that there may be a difference between the pros and cons of this thing?”

Ha felt extremely embarrassed. Who the hell thought of such an advanced thing at that time, and this problem. Does the website have a problem with me? It exposed all my embarrassing scenes. in the screen.

Looking at the glowing green light, Hal Jordan’s eyes suddenly became dull and his pupils turned white.

He said:”The day is bright, the night is vast, there is no place for demons and demons to hide, heretics are in chaos, they are afraid of my divine light, the green light always shines, the light of all ages…….”

The finger has already engraved the green light oath in his mind! The screen switches again.

In a parking lot, colleagues from three companies surrounded Hal and beat him up. Because he compromised the company’s orders, the company decided to lay off employees.

They believed that Hal was the culprit who put them out of work.

In the process, Hal Jordan inspired the power of the Green Lantern Ring and used the”Green Lantern Iron Fist”. Then a green light enveloped him.

Then he flew out of the earth, surpassed the speed of light in an instant, entered super-light flight, and flew to the OA star. At this time, the narration sounded:”Hal Jordan successfully activated the Green Lantern Ring. He was transported to OA and received training from the Green Lantern Corps on OA.” in the screen.

Thomas Ray, the fish-like Green Lantern, said to him:”Wearing the Green Lantern Ring can make your imagination come true. To control the ring, you must learn to concentrate your willpower and then create the scene in your mind.””

“The limits of your imagination are the limits of the ring.”

In front of Thomas Ray, bursts of green light surrounded him, constantly changing combinations. Then he said to Hal:”Now it’s time for you to try.”

Hal also tried to control the green light ring, but his green light could not condense into a real form! Thomas Ray still said:”When danger is approaching, the light ring will remind you……”

Then a green light knocked Hal down directly.

Thomas Ray said:”The danger this time is called Kilowog.”

“He will be your combat trainer……”

Kilowog looks like a pig-headed man, but he is actually a very cute character! His ring emits two green lights and turns into shackles, trapping Hal to death.

Then the green light turned into stones and fell from the sky. Hal finally learned to use the green lantern ring and condensed a board to block the falling stones…….

Then Sinestro came, and he trained Hal more severely, which exposed Hal’s inner fear!

It was also because of this that Hal lost the confidence to become a Green Lantern! Looking at this scene, everyone was stunned!

Although the Green Lanterns have only manifested the most basic objects now, everyone knows that Hal is not yet proficient!

Kesha said blankly:”What an amazing technology! If I have a Green Lantern Ring, can any equipment I can imagine be embodied?”……”

“If that’s the case, a Green Lantern Ring would be as much a weapon in my arsenal as it is, if not more…….”

“Willpower should also be a type of spiritual power, so those guardians should have directly transformed spiritual power into matter…….”

“It also means that they found a way to convert spiritual power and matter into each other…….”

“It’s unbelievable, how powerful this can be?”

A mass-energy equation converts matter into energy, and weapons like black bullets can be created…..How much power can be released by the transformation of spirit and matter! ?

Can’t imagine!

If that’s the case, just use the power of transformation to attack. Why create something? It’s not just Kesha who doesn’t understand, a lot of people don’t understand.

Aizen pushed up his glasses and thought to himself, this thing is somewhat similar to Bengyu. It can make imagination come true, but it is much stronger than Bengyu. Bengyu can’t make himself fly faster than the speed of light!

Such a magical thing was given to such an ordinary person. He couldn’t use the power of this thing at all! if given to me……

At this time, the narration sounded:”Imagination determines the upper limit of Green Lantern, because the lantern ring can create anything imaginable.”……”

“How strong the objects they create depends on Green Lantern’s willpower”

“The kind of training Hal experienced is the inheritance of Green Lantern from ancient times to the present.”

“When the Guardians created the Green Lantern Ring, the Green Lanterns couldn’t use it as they do now. It wasn’t until the birth of the first Green Lantern that……”

Screen switching.

Three alien Green Lanterns with green lantern rings and a layer of green light covering their bodies sat together.

Among them, the Green Lantern, who looked like a hairless goat:”We have only two choices, retreat or die. There is no victory here.”

The other Green Lantern, who looked like a block with tentacles, said:”In this case, then Retreat quickly, you retreat, I will cover you. 1.5″

And another Green Lantern, who looked like a dwarf and had a tail, looked at the lantern ring in his hand and said:”The guardians forged these rings with their will.”

“Having will is more meaningful than retreating. Idea is the origin of all actions.”

“We must have the will to survive.”

The square green light who wanted to cover his escape said:”I appreciate your loyalty to the guardian, but this is a useless struggle, Avra, you will die.

The little man named Efra clenched his fists, stood up and said,”Then die!” I chose to believe that after the guardians said that, he flew into the sky, but the green light from the other square persuaded him:”Evra, this is war, this is not like a story you wrote, you can just make up any ending.”

But Avra flew towards the starry sky without hesitation. Between the stars are densely packed space battleships.

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