George Roy looked at the corpse at his feet, looked up blankly and said, “Old Bud, why did you kill my people?” ”

Old Bud took a step back, and his face showed panic: “No, I don’t, I… I seem to be out of control. ”

The corner of Roy’s mouth twitched, and he gritted his teeth: “It seems to be out of control?” You did it on purpose, right? ”

“No, no, Roy, you listen to my explanation, this is definitely a fire walk.”

Old Bud tried his best to argue, but the next moment he raised his shotgun again, and shot at the head of another black iron hunter, touched, and his head blossomed.

“Roy… I…… I really can’t control my body anymore. ”

Old Bud looked shocked, and his heart was equally shocked.

It was as if there was an invisible force controlling his body, raising a gun and shooting in one go.

“Bud, you bastard, you killed two of me in a row.” Roy was furious.


Another shot, a black iron hunter fell to the ground and died.

The remaining five black iron hunters panicked and pointed their guns at old Bud.

Li Wei laughed when he listened to the movement inside, and muttered, “The ability of the thread fruit is really good to use to control the doll.” ”

A black iron hunter suddenly shouted, “President, it’s him… It must be old Bud, this dog thing, who colluded with this ** person to kill us all and kill him. ”

“No, no, no, this is a misunderstanding, I really can’t control my body.”

Roy raised a gun and pointed a shot at the old Bud in the head.

Touch. Old Bud fell to the ground and died.

All the guests in the hotel huddled in their rooms and did not dare to go out.

“Damn, damn old Bud, actually dare to give me a set.” Roy’s face was full of anger, but the next moment, he also raised the gun in his hand.

Touch! A black iron hunter was shot and fell to the ground.

“Old… Top dog…… How did you? ”

The remaining four black iron hunters were stunned.

Roy looked at his hands blankly: “I… What’s wrong with me? I…… Am I actually controlled? Do you say… Old Bud just now… Even buy ka, what the hell is going on? ”

At this moment, two black iron hunters raised their guns and shot at their two companions.


Two were shot and fell to the ground.

Black Iron Hunters are the lowest ordinary hunters in the major guilds, they are just ordinary people, and above the bronze level are Qi practitioners and mutants.

Roy, for example, has reached the level of a silver hunter, and his physical fitness is dozens of times that of ordinary people, and he can easily overturn ten or eight special forces.

“Boss… We…… It’s like we’re being manipulated. ”

“Oh my God, what’s going on here?”

The two surviving black irons were completely panicked.

Roy raised his gun and fired at one of the surviving ones.

Another person died.

The last black iron hunter, almost without anyone and thinking, raised his gun and shot at Roy, he understood that if he did not kill Roy and Roy was manipulated, he would soon end up like the other brothers.

But he was just a normal person, and Roy could easily dodge his bullets.

“You’re controlled again?” Roy was very helpless, so he had to shoot his little brother.

Snap, pop, pop.

Applause sounded outside the window, accompanied by a young voice: “Interesting, Roy, how does it taste like to kill each other?” ”

“Who are you? It’s all controlled by you, right? Roy hurriedly looked out the window.

Two silk threads that were indistinguishable to the naked eye bound Roy’s body and directly pulled him out of the window and onto the roof of the third floor.

On the roof of the building was a handsome ** man, looking at Roy with a smile.

“It’s you, you’re the world’s most wanted criminal Li Bad?”

Roy was horrified in his heart and raised his gun to shoot at Li Bad.

Bang bang.

Roy was shocked to find that it was the sky that he hit.

His arms fired into the sky until all the bullets from both pistols were fired.

Li smiled badly: “It’s not good to fire without meeting.” ”

Roy said angrily, “Just now, old Bud and my subordinates were manipulated by you, right? You murderer… I’ll make you pay. ”

He roared wildly, and almost instantly arrived in front of Li Bad.

But with a pop, Roy felt a sharp pain in his legs.

The body suddenly became half short, and upon closer inspection, his legs had been cut off from the knee position by an invisible blade.

Severe pain hit all over his body, and Roy forced himself to endure the severe pain without screaming.

He looked at Li Bad in horror, not understanding why all this was, this person could actually control other people’s bodies and kill people in the air.

“You… You’re a mutant, right? ”

Li Bad used the thread to control him to lie down and said: “Don’t talk so much nonsense, don’t have so many problems, let’s watch the fireworks.” ”

Li Bad took out a bomb remote control from his pocket.

Pointing to the location of the Microsoft Union in Mousse Town, he smiled: “Look, what beautiful fireworks.” ”

The words fell, fingers a little.


The whole town of Mousse is shaken.

The entire Microsoft branch was blown into ruins, the fire began to spread, and a mushroom cloud rose, which was spectacular.

This completely alarmed the entire Mousse Town.

Li Wei was a little surprised, but he didn’t expect that the bomb power given by the ugly god was so huge.

A bomb blew up the entire building.

Roy looked at the fire of the union with trepidation: “Devil, you devil, you blew up the Microsoft branch union, the Microsoft union will not let you go.” ”

“No, no, no.” Li Wei shook his head and said: “It’s just an appetizer, the Microsoft branch is just a fuse, I’m going to blow up the entire Mousse town tonight.” ”

Roy roared in a trembling voice: “You devil, you will kill tens of thousands of people like this, they are ordinary people, you don’t even spare civilians… Devil. ”

Roy was horrified in his heart, this young man, is he still human?

Li Bad shrugged indifferently, “Civilian? I can guarantee that no one in this world would want a dangerous person to survive, just as you righteous people do not want a dimensional monster to live. ”

“I’m a dangerous element, isn’t a dangerous element just going to do something dangerous? I can guarantee that they must not want me to live, and for those who do not want me to live, do I need to care about their life or death? ”

“The devil… Devil……. “Roy is on the verge of collapse.

“Let’s go, I want to stand on the commanding height of Mousse Town and enjoy the fireworks before dawn, not much, just a dozen or twenty.”

Saying that, he took Roy’s collar and rushed towards the bell tower of Mousse Town, which has a total of twelve floors and is the tallest building in Mousse Town.

Roy has collapsed, one bomb blew up the entire Microsoft branch, twenty bombs still can’t overturn the town of Mousse? The entire town of Mousse is at most a kilometer in radius, and the population is only more than 10,000.

Maybe after tonight, Li’s bad actions will shock the world.

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