Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 113: Rimuru wants to be a new person?

   "Do you know Honjo Kaede?"

   Ling Yun's subconscious question.

   "Hey? Is it a Japanese name? I want to help you, but unfortunately I don't know it."

   "Don't worry, you will meet in the future, I believe you will definitely become good friends." Ling Yun said mysteriously.

   Limru: "???"

   "Then I will look forward to it."

   "So, is this the earth?"

   "No, this is the ball ground."

   Limru: "······"

   Blue spheres stretched out from Limru's body, and finally formed a series of ellipsis.

   "Okay, it's funny, this is a dimensional shop, and the world you are in is not the earth, you can understand it as a parallel world of the earth."

   "Parallel world?! What a great feeling."

   Limru was not so surprised, he could accept even crossing this kind of thing, and the parallel world was naturally acceptable.

   "Speaking of which I have something to ask you, I haven't opened business yet, how did you get in?"

   "Hey? Can't you come in?" Limlu silently slapped a question mark.

   "Since I am called a dimensional shop, the meaning is very simple. It is to connect shops of various dimensionalities. Generally, it is impossible for anyone to come in when I am not open." Ling Yun explained.

   "Of course, maybe your system plug-in is special."

   "Do you know the great sage?"

   Limru asked subconsciously.

   "The great sage is your golden finger, shouldn't you hide it?" Ling Yun asked curiously.

   Tell others the secret of having cheats so easily, is the heart a bit big?

   "Need it?" Limru asked curiously.

   Lingyun said: "The great sage is your greatest secret, the plug-in to survive in another world, you have to hide it a bit."

   "Really?" Rimuru didn't understand, what if this kind of thing is known.

   What's more, I'm still a fellow countryman, and there is nothing to hide.

   Lingyun is slightly speechless: Nikkei is indeed Nikkei, too lack of safety awareness. If this is a domestic novel, the male protagonist estimates that he will not tell anyone about the plug-in until he died.

   "Well, what's your name? My real name is Mikami Go." At this moment, Rimuru stretched out a hand.

   "Hello, my name is Ling Yun, the owner of this shop."

   The two shook hands.

   Well, it's slimy.

   "Speaking of, Ling Yun, do you know that there are other traversers like me?"

   "It's okay, there are a few in my cognition, but the plug-ins are not better than you."

   "For example, what?" Limru asked curiously.

"Well, let me think about it. There are smartphones, gaming panels, magicians, and grandsons of sages. In short, the start may not be invincible, but in the mid-term, it will definitely be invincible. "

   Ling Yun meditated for a while and said.

   "In this way, the traversers are very good at mixing in another world, so I can rest assured."

   Limru is relieved, he doesn't have to worry about whether he will be destroyed.

   Lingyun said amusedly after hearing Limru's words: "What are you worried about, the Great Sage is already a very good plug-in, but you are destined to become the slime of the cute king."

   "Why not a man?"

   "Do you think you are still hard like this now?"

   Ling Yun asked back and immediately choked Limlu.

   The next moment, Limru collapsed on the table, as if turned into a puddle of water.

   Ling Yun spoke of the pain in Limlu's heart.

   "Don't be so unhappy, tell you something happy."

   "What?" Limru said weakly.

   "Your younger generation has soaked the host of your computer in the water, and those hidden secrets will not be disclosed to the public. It can be regarded as fulfilling your last wish before death."

   Limru: "!!!"

   "Why do you know this kind of thing!"

   Limru bounced off the table fiercely.

   "It's also fortunate that your junior is innocent, if you change to someone else... Tsk tsk."

   "Stop talking!" Rimuru's heart exploded.

   How can such things be said everywhere? ! That was the stain of his life!

   You may not understand this feeling.

   To put it simply, you secretly bought a doll and hid it at home, but when you died unexpectedly, when your family came to collect the relics, you just found it...

  Think about it, what an embarrassing thing it is!

   Now Limru's mood is the same as when she was found out by her family.

  The blue slime's body turned red.


   Thor, who had packed up the dishes, walked to Ling Yun's side, and looked at the exploded Limlu on the tabletop and poked it with a delicate finger.

   "Calm down, life is so good, don't be so irritable."

   Ling Yun poured cold water on Limru's body.

   The red body just dropped down visible to the naked eye.

   "You must never tell anyone this kind of thing!"

   "What's the matter?" Thor asked.

"It's nothing!"

   Limru said immediately as if she had been touched by the demons.

   "Tor, first go out with Xilin, buy some clothes, and bring some food for today's noon by the way." Ling Yun said to Thor with a funny laugh.

   "Okay. UU Reading"

   Thor agreed, and left the shop with a reluctant look of Xi Lin.

   There is also a certain Beberon doll that Xilin holds in her arms.

   "Is she?" At this moment, Limru noticed the dragon's tail behind Thor and asked.

   "My Kanban girl, a giant dragon." Ling Yun said.

   "A giant dragon like Verdola?! Natural disaster grade?" King Meng said in surprise.

   "Almost, but my kanban girl only needs to be beautiful and beautiful."

   Limru: "······"

so envious! !

   In his previous life, he was a place. Even if he gained great power after crossing, he also lost his brother.

   Two lives, one is not as good as one!

   Look at others again? Three beautiful girls living together, huh? Speaking of where is the other one?

   Limru felt the deep malice from the world at this moment.

   Suddenly, Limru seemed to think of something.

   looked at Ling Yun and asked, "Didn't you say that you are a store that connects all dimensions? Since it is a store, what do you sell?"

   "The wealth of the enemy's country, the power to destroy the world, the enduring appearance, etc. Of course, you can ignore the first one, I am still a poor man..."

   "Is there any thing that can be turned into a human?" Limru interrupted Ling Yun.

   What Ling Yun said are all dreams for ordinary people, but they are not worth mentioning to him.

   "What? Do you want to be a human again?"

   Limru: "······"

   Why do you sound like cursing?

   Lingyun: You are not human either.



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