Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 114: Killing and overwhelming?

   "Hold this card and it will tell you everything."

   Ling Yun handed the black card over.

   Limru stretched out a hand, took the black card, and two bumpy circles instantly appeared on Limru's face.

   can be regarded as eyes.

   The black card gave out a ray of light, and things about the shop were instilled into Limru's mind.

   "Is it really possible to drive anything?"

   After receiving the information, Limru was shocked and a little bit unbelievable.

   This is a common problem for guests.

   But opening a can is like opening a lucky bag, with good luck and bad luck.

   Just like the author, 128 yuan paid out two things that I don’t like (つД`).

   looked at those comments backstage and left sad tears.

   If the black card has a five-star praise function, it may make many non-Chiefs cry.

  Because they had to give a five-star rating under Ling Yun's lust, but the things they offered couldn't compare with those European emperors.

   This formed a very sad scene.

   "Nothing is absolute, I remember someone prescribed a cucumber."

   Limru was dumbfounded, and a big exclamation mark appeared on her head: "...yellow...cucumber?"

   Another picture appeared in its mind.

   "Ahem, sorry, let me think it's crooked."

   "Needless to say, I also know that you want to be crooked, after all, you had so much inventory before you were alive." Ling Yun gave Limlu a meaningful look.

   Limru: "..."

   Could it be done without mentioning it?

   I have been punished.

   "Host, I took a closer look at this great sage and found that its upper limit is half orange!"

   At this moment, the voice of the system suddenly rang in Ling Yun's mind.

   Hearing his tone, he was a little excited.

"and then?"

   "I want to grab it and study it."

   Ling Yun asked in surprise: "Can this system be robbed?"

   System: "It's okay."

"Is it really possible?"

"It might work."

   "Is it really okay?"

  System: "······You are endless."

   Lingyun: "You are the one who is endless, how can I grab the gold fingers of customers? This is not good for the credibility of my shop."

   System: "Host, how can you think like that? It is estimated that the highest-level item in Limuru's world is Limuru's Great Sage. Besides, you are the only one in the entire shop. It is not impossible to kill people and overtake goods.

   Lingyun: "Fuck, I moved a little bit as you said."

   System: "Secretly tell the host a secret, the points of the value of the great sage can be used to send ten consecutive intermediate pots."

   "Ten shots?! Still intermediate!"

   Ling Yun's pupils shrank sharply.

   An intermediate pot requires five thousand, and ten... Doesn't it mean fifty thousand points?

   Fuck, big money.

   "But what does this have to do with me? I am the one who opens the exclusive can, and the exclusive can can be opened directly to orange. Why should I go to the golden can of Shilian? Your idea is not true, get out."

   System: "You can't say that. You are the owner of the store now. After you exchange points for Huyou Limulu, the system will also give you exclusive jars after reaching a certain amount. Milestones of fifty thousand."

Ling Yun: "Hey, the **** system is what you said. I am moved again, but have you ever thought about it, maybe someone is lucky to get a few pieces of golden equipment? Now the whole shop is mine, I don't think so much. Make a loss-making business."

  System: "……"

   The system was silent. Like Ling Yun, it remembered Maple the moment it saw Limru.

   According to the similarities between the two, look at the words of European style...

   Give it ten consecutive years, maybe it will really lose blood.

   System: "Forget it, I'll continue to observe this great sage from the outside."

   "Ling Yun, what are you thinking about?" Limru saw that Ling Yun could not speak, so he poked at him.

   "It's okay, I thought about something, what's the matter?" Ling Yun asked, who had recovered.

   "Can you help me get a bigger glass jar? I have something I want to exchange."

   "No problem." Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and a fish tank appeared on the ground.

   "So convenient!" Limru exclaimed.

   This kind of ability similar to the creation of space is really envied.

   "Look, these can be exchanged for points."

   Limru's huge slime spit out a large amount of healing holy water and appeared in the fish tank.

   "System, check it out."

   "Ding! Found a rare healing holy water, worth two hundred points."

   Lingyun: "······"

   I am dissatisfied!

  Isn’t this water limousine as much as you want? !

   "How is it?" Limru asked cautiously.

   "Two hundred points."

   "Oh! Then I have a lot more here!"

   Limru was surprised and soon a large pile of potion pounced out of its body.

  Although the points collected each time will be reduced, but in the end Limru won eight hundred points.

   Ling Yun said that he was always envious.

   It’s good to have a plug-in. You can get a lot of good things just by eating and breaking down.

   "I'm going to have a low-level pot for ten consecutive years!"

   Limru looked at the 1,000 points on the card and said with satisfaction.

   "Sincerely 1,000 points."

   After passing the points on the black card, Ling Yun returned the card to The next moment, Ling Yun took out ten cans from under the counter.

   "Water Blade!"

   After Ling Yun took out all of them, Limru flew a water knife from his body to split the jar in half.

  [Hippocute Grass]: A precious medicinal herb that grows in the Jura Great Forest, a raw material for wounding medicine and restoring medicine.

   Limru: "..."

   Lingyun: "……"

   Isn’t this the raw material of the healing potion that Lim exposed to the system just now?

   It feels so dramatic.

   After the opening ceremony was over, Limru continued to launch a few water blades to cut the can.

   But without exception, the highest one is no more than green.

   But just when Limru was about to become decadent, a blue light appeared in front of him.

   Lim's eyes lit up, he shouldn't be disappointed by being a man of life!

   is about to crush the ball of light.

  [Niuhuang Jiedu Wan]: From the Guobao Special Attack series, one can cure hundreds of poisons.

   Limlu's smile froze.

   What detoxification pills does it need? There are so many holy waters for healing, self-regeneration, and immunity to poison.

   It needs a detox pill of wool!

   "Am I on the drug bar?"

   Limru spread out the whole slime into a piece of water and poured it on the table.

   System: "Host, I think..."

   The voice of the system suddenly appeared in Ling Yun's mind.

   Lingyun: "It seems that it's not just me who has the same idea."

   System: "So what are you waiting for?"

   The system said eagerly.

   Ling Yun turned his head and saw that the decadent face of Lim's mouth opened up with a smile.

   I used to think you were the emperor, I didn’t dare to touch you, but now...

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