Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 115: Dragon Slayer Crystal

   "Although I am very excited, but I can't!"

   Ling Yun decisively refused when the system was a little excited.

   System: "Uh, why?"

   "The most important thing to open a store is to pay attention to integrity, and I don't bother to do things like killing people and getting goods."

"And now I have coaxed the great sage of Limru, will Limru come to our shop? Judging from Limru's current luck, even if the great sage gets 50,000 points after redeeming it, it may just be a draw To an ordinary golden object."

"Without a bug like the Great Sage, Rimuru will be unable to move in another world. In the truth of the crime, you should also know that Rimuru who has obtained the golden item cannot deal with his current strength at all. You might even suffer annihilation when you show it. I don’t want people who leave my shop to be killed because of the things they get out of the shop. Of course, it doesn’t matter much to me who likes to die.”

   Ling Yun continued.

   "As a qualified store owner, you naturally need to consider the future income of the store."

"When Limuru becomes stronger, the shop will unlock higher pots. At that time, the number of points required is also an astronomical number. It is only a matter of time before Limuru is exchanged for the Great Sage. Huyulimru exchanged for the great sage not only won't get the trust of the other party, it is possible that we will directly lose the other origins of Limru world."

Ling Yun’s mouth was filled with a faint smile: "Instead of doing that, it’s better to let the great sage help Limuru become the strongest in the world step by step like raising Gu. As long as Limuru becomes stronger, what he gains from his world The more points we will earn, the more profit we will get."

   "Besides, coveting other people's gold fingers, don't you think you are a waste?"


   After listening to Ling Yun's words, the system was silent.

   What you said is so reasonable, I can't refute it!

   I have to say that the system was shocked by Ling Yun's thoughts.

   Ling Yun took a faint sip of tea.

   In fact, he didn't do anything, just to complicate simple problems.

   Isn’t the original intention of the shop to gain the origin of other worlds through customers?

   Add a little bit to fool the system.

   really is a garbage system.

   Consciousness withdrew, watching Rimru who was still a little frustrated and patted him gently.

   "Everything in Europe is random, so don't care too much."

   Slime's body trembled very cooperatively.

   "Well, thank you, it's just a little uncomfortable, it reminds me of the past." Limru looked nostalgic.

   In the past, his luck was not very good, and he would not refuse others, causing himself to be tired like a dog every time he dragged his tired body to work the next day.

   "Don't say that, luck is sometimes good and bad, are you not satisfied with a plug-in like a great sage after traveling through another world?"

"The scenery of another world is also a wonderful thing. If you don’t know it, didn’t you come to me? My place is a dimensional shop that connects all worlds. You can open everything. You might be able to open a satellite in the future. What kind of nano game console or something, you will not feel lonely in your life."

   "Just take a long vacation for the rest of your life."

   Ling Yun smiled slightly.

   Comforting the customer’s emotions and allowing him to spend money willingly is also one of the essential skills of the shop owner.

   "You are right, I have to cheer up, don't I have a guarantee? I don't believe I can't get good things!"

   Limru patted her face and cheered up.

   Looking at the remaining four pots, his expression is firm!


   threw a water blade.


   A jar shattered.

   At this moment, purple light overflowed from the jar.

   "It's out! It's out! It's out!"

   Limru jumped up happily after seeing the purple light.

   Ling Yun also chuckled, but when he looked at the purple object, his pupils suddenly shrank.

  [Dragon Demon Crystal x5]: Five dragon demon crystals owned by Serena, the **** of the fairy tail world! They represent the power of the rock dragon, the purgatory dragon, the sea king dragon, the storm dragon, and the eight dragons.


   Ling Yun sat up from the stool in shock, looking at Limru with a question mark above his head with a dazed expression.

   "What's wrong?" Limru was startled by Ling Yun.

   "I feel like I'm a fool, you don't have a European spirit, you have a lot of accumulation, Nima!"

   Limru: "???"

   Ling Yun is stunned. Although these five dragonslayer crystals are not top-notch, they are also purple items, one is purple, and the five...

  'S eyes gone, this guy is the European emperor who is more terrifying than Kaede Honjo!

   "Damn! Fortunately, I listened to the host!" The system was also secretly shocked.

   If this Nima really gave 50,000 points, he shouldn’t have lost his money?

   The system understands a truth today, that is, before the end, don't be confused by the scene in front of you.

   Lingyun discovered that Limru and Honjo Kaede were two completely opposite existences.

   The European energy is strongest when the maple is full of vitality, and the European energy is strongest when Limru is depressed and sad.

   "Is this good?"

  The big question mark hovered over Limlu's head.

   "It's so good that it explodes, as long as you fully grasp the magic power in these five dragon-slayer crystals, you will directly ask the devil."

   Limru looked at the five crystals of different colors in surprise: "So amazing! Σ(°Д°;"

   Although he doesn't know how strong the Demon King Then this Storm Dragon refers to Verdola? "

   "No, this is the crystallization of dragon magic power from a world called Fairy Tail." Ling Yun explained.

   "Another world, I really want to see it;"

   Limru showed a look of yearning.

"There will be a chance."

   The next moment, Limru thought of a new question.

   "But since it is the crystallization of dragon magic, why is it called Dragon Slayer Magic? Isn't it awkward to call it that way?"

After hearing this, Ling Yun began to explain: "Dragons also belong to factions. It is impossible that all dragons have the same will. Some dragons live by cannibalism, and some dragons believe that they can coexist with humans, but humans are too weak after all. , So was born the dragon-killing magic in which dragons teach human magic and allows humans to fight against giant dragons."

   "It turned out to be like this, the magic taught by the dragon, I don't know if Verudola will do it."

   "You already have the dragon slayer crystal, what kind of instruction do you need?" Ling Yun said dumbfoundedly.

   "Dragon Slayer Magic is stored in the Dragon Slayer Demon Crystal, which can be displayed only by magic power. It can be regarded as a magic item in another sense."


   Limru looked at the five dragon slayer crystals in front of her with amazed eyes.

   What a convenient thing!

   "Uh, of course, it's not without shortcomings."


   "You can't take transportation, you will get dizzy and vomit when you take transportation."

   Limru: "······"

   What a drawback is this.

   I have wings and can fly.

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