Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 144: Angry Kevin

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As Ling Yun's words fell, countless lasers shot out at once, densely packed, and the entire universe seemed to be illuminated.

Like fireworks in full bloom in the dark night, it formed an extremely gorgeous scene.

The blue light set off the awkward profile of people.

"If the object is me, it is estimated that it will be sifted by the range." Chu Lan smiled bitterly.

"It's turned into ashes." Chang Feng joked.

Chu Lan was taken aback, and then laughed: "Yes, I almost forgot the black robe man before."

The other people looked at each other as they talked and laughed.

"Is this the real strength of Long Guo?"

At this moment, not only the senior officials of Longguo but also the bigwigs of other countries are madly replenishing their brains.

The number of these turrets is at least more than 100 million!

Has Long Guo's military power developed so far?

This does not require a single soldier to dominate the battlefield!

If these two countries are at war, nothing is said, and the other side will surrender directly when these fortresses are swung.

But the shock was shocked, and the battle continued.

The Emperor Tianyu stretched out his hand and opened a shield to withstand those attacks outside.

"If it's just these, you can't stop me."

"Who said I was going to stop you?" Ling Yun gave a funny laugh.

He too valued himself too much.


The Emperor Tianyu was taken aback, looking at Ling Yun's smile, his heart couldn't help but bulge.

Instinctively feel bad.

Sure enough, his premonition was tested, and his back suddenly became hot.

Turning his head, he saw a cold-faced white-haired man who did not know when he appeared behind him!

At the moment when he met the man, the ice-blue pupils of the other party made the Emperor Tianyu startled.

He could clearly hear the tyranny of Win hidden in Kevin's eyes.

And the breath exuding Kevin.

That is definitely not human breath!

Holding the big sword in both hands, Kevin faced him with a sword behind his back.

Without extra words, endless collapse can be transported.

The robbery ignited flames, and then violently slammed, a thousand-meter-long blade of fire whizzed away from the back of the Tianyu Emperor.


The scorching flame carries the power to burn everything to the limit.

The Tianyu Emperor wanted to avoid it, but Lingyun held the Star of Eden in the distance, and the force of gravity locked him firmly there.

"Damn it!"

Secretly curse

At the next moment, the whole person was taken by the flame and drove into the meteorite belt in the distance.

Wherever it passed, orange-red flames swallowed everything, and some meteorites turned to ashes when they touched it.

In the universe, a ray of heat comparable to the sun blocked everyone's sight.

The powerhouses of various countries can't help but cover their eyes.

He even opened up his defenses to resist the heat wave that scared them.

This Nima is like a solar storm!

Ling Yun waved his hand, and the many keys of truth turned around directly, leaped and flew in the direction of the Tianyu Emperor. The key of truth followed closely, and the laser was continuously shot during the period.

Little Xilin waved her hand.

Yakong's spear burst out.

Some gravel blocks blocking the way were directly blown up.

A smooth road was cleared for Ling Yun.

"Tear him to pieces, Star of Eden!"

A scarlet light flashed through Ling Yun's pupils.

At the next moment, everyone only saw the Star of Eden in Ling Yun's hand flying out.


The space began to reverse, and countless flames were rotated and sucked into the void.

In an instant, a huge black hole with a red border appeared in the universe.

The rubble floating in countless universes are sucked in like whirlpools.

"Everyone, go back!" Zhou Rui saw this scene, and Zhou Rui's pupils shrank.

Shouted the sluggish people.

Everyone was taken aback, and then quickly retreated!

Without him, all were frightened by the appearance of the black hole.

Is it really possible for humans to create black holes with bare hands?

And it looks pretty calm and unreliable when it looks like that!

This group of big men looks like this, let alone ordinary people on the ball.

Wang Ye, the high school classmate who was clamoring with Ling Yun before, had no blood on his face, and he huddled aside and watched Ling Yun on TV in horror.

The parents on the side were also very helpless. Since the last incident, their children seemed to have been frightened. They asked him what happened and just didn't say anything.

Even watching a live broadcast now looks like this.

What can I do in the future...

Zhou Nan, who was far away on the ground, couldn't help but chill when seeing this scene.

It turned out that Ling Yun had been merciful last time.

For the first time in my life, I felt that I was beaten.

To create a black hole, the power of the Star of Eden is also terrifying.

"Star of Eden?" Kevin, who appeared behind Ling Yun, glanced at the black hole and said in amazement.

He has become accustomed to the power of the Ninth God Key.

But it was the first time that he could make something as big as Ling Yun.

Suddenly, there was an idea in Kevin's mind.

If it is as Ling Yun said, they will seal the collapse on the moon in the future.

So... can the moon be swallowed with the Star of Eden... can it be completely annihilated? !


At this time, an ancient roar resounded throughout the world.

When the flames were all swallowed, a silver-white giant wolf was constantly struggling to escape from the suction of the black hole.

"Xiaomeng, hurry up, it's time to give play to the sacrificial spirit of your Otto clan, go, hug him, and take him into the black hole." Ling Yun greeted Mengbius behind.

The others were taken aback.

Why are you looking for holster actors?

Dreambius: "······"

Brother, I am more than sixty meters, and the monster is directly tens of thousands of meters.

Even if you pull me into silk, you can't reach people.

That's how it was said, but Mambius still became fifty meters.

I can see other people stunned for a while.

The ability to become huge?

"Damn humans! I want you all to die!"

The Tianyu Emperor, who struggled to no avail, roared.

However, it just so happened that Mambius put up a gesture of raising his hand.

"Double Attack Ray"

The breath of Mengbim and the breath of knight flashed through a halo, and the intertwined yellow and blue rays of light were shot out.

The end was... Emperor Tianyu's wolf head just lowered, and he took a mouthful of laser light.

Tianyu Emperor: "0.0"

Ling Yun was also stunned by this dramatic scene.

Looking at the bewildered Tianyu Emperor who was eating more and more, and then at the somewhat weak Mengbius with his chest clanking, Ling Yun was silent.

You are trying to squeeze Xiao Meng dry!

Orcs are never slaves!


Finally, Xiao Meng stopped the light.

Tianyu Emperor smashed his mouth.

Not to mention, the first time I ate it, the taste was quite peculiar.

For a moment I forgot that he was still on the way to ask for suction.

"Manager, sorry, my laser doesn't seem to be of any use." Mambius said with loss.

"It's okay, at least we know that he seems to be able to swallow some power, and then we just don't need to hit the mouth." Ling Yun patted Mengbius' head to show comfort.


"I don't know if I think it's crooked. Speaking of my mouth, I still thought of a place."

"……me too."

"Are you talking about anus*"

"It's over, I will be swayed by you as a pure-minded person."


At this time, the Emperor Tianyu, who was reminiscing about the laser, suddenly felt aroused, and he felt that something was about to be sucked out behind his butt!

The wolf's head shook, and he woke up instantly.

There is a black hole behind it!

Suddenly roared.

Started to struggle harder.

If that thing is really sucked out... then he really has no face to live.

What a vicious human!

The blushing Tianyu Emperor gathered energy directly and spit out a beam of light.

"The shield of the emperor's victory!"

Maple suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun and the others.

With a shout, the light of the holy **** bloomed, and the angelic form opened.

A female angel of the Holy Spirit appeared behind her. Tian Lai Novels

Soon, a pair of worshiping wings opened, and Maple turned into an angel form!

In the distance, the pope's eyes straightened when he saw this scene!

With the voice of Maple fell.

A huge transparent shield was erected in the void.


But at the moment of touching, the transparent shield was pierced directly, knocking out Maple's form.

The difference in strength is still too great.

The power gained in the game is not enough at first.

Immediately afterwards, Maple automatically activated the life-saving dragon blood warrior form.

"Maple?" Thor was taken aback, the dragon wings spread out behind him, and quickly caught the maple.


At the same time, a green thunder fell from the sky and blocked the rushing beam of light.

The wings of the dragon spread behind Thor, and he stretched out his hand, and Skadi of Sky Frost emerged.

The ice-blue cold air surged, and with a light wave, the ice-blue sickle blade made a cold air, and then the white beam of light and the green thunder and lightning turned into exquisite ice sculptures.

"Little Bi?" The Emperor Tianyu stared at the Biking Spirit Snake hovering in the sky.


Limulu, who had turned into the Green King Spirit Snake, was directly furious: "You are only fucked, your whole family is fucked!"

Everyone: "······"

"You are not Xiaobi, who are you?"

Soon, the Emperor Tianyu sniffed his nose, denied his previous words, and instantly revealed a vicious expression.

"I'm your dad!" Limru uttered a fragrance directly.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the Green King Spirit Snake turned into a slime and fell on Kevin's head.

Kevin: "I said you..."

"Limru? Why are you here." Ling Yun looked at it in surprise.

Kevin took a deep breath: "I'm talking to you..."

However, Limru seemed to have not heard it.

"Manager, you're too much! I just went to the bow and looked at the starry sky, and you were gone in a blink of an eye. Do you know how far the sky is from the moon?!" Limlu said grimly.

The journey was almost exhausted.

Ling Yun: "..."

You blame me so little?

Kevin’s forehead showed a ‘#’, all of them didn’t listen to me, did they?

He grabbed the slime on his head.

"Hey? What are you doing?" Limru asked bewildered when she was suddenly picked up.

"What do you mean?" Kevin's mouth twitched and grabbed Limru.

No one has ever dared to ride on my head!

Especially creatures with slimes underneath!

"I reward you with a catastrophe!"

After all, Kevin threw Limru out directly.

Sword down.

But the next moment, the flame was swallowed directly by Limlu.


"What the **** are you? Flames are food to me." Limru burped and fell on Kevin's head again.

Limru, who possesses the Inferno Dragon Demon Crystal and Predator, doesn't panic at all.

Kevin: "······"

Kevin, who doesn't believe in evil, was chilly all over, trying to clean up this nasty slime.

But after Limru felt it for a while, she started to absorb the chill crazily.

[Solution: Obtain Freezing Resistance]

Listening to the voice in her mind, Limru narrowed her eyes and showed a comfortable expression: "Well, it's a little cool, let's do it again."

Kevin: "······"

"Hey? Why don't you continue to provide energy? I'm a little tired on the way, and I'm just recovering now." Limru said, and poked Kevin's head with her hand.


Ling Yun couldn't hold back for a while, and laughed directly.

Rolled a blind eye toward Ling Yun.

Looking at Kevin's lonely back, Ling Yun stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "Trust me, you are not the first person to become a power bank."

Kevin: "0.0"

"I don't want to talk to you." The autistic Kevin patted Ling Yun's hand.

It was the first time that he had met Limru with something like this that would kill him.

No, it's the second one, and the first one is Lingyun.

Everyone in the world:"······"

So what happened?

The plot suddenly developed dramatically.

Tianyu Emperor: "..."

In the distance, the Emperor Tianyu said that he was a little bit difficult.

Some people just went to chat just by hitting.

But the enemy is still in front of him.

Is this too shameful for him? !

"You are too much!" The Emperor Tianyu roared and questioned his soul.

Then he looked at Kevin and shouted: "That silver-haired guy over there!"

"Huh?" Kevin raised his head.

"I can see your essence clearly. I have seen endless tyranny and killing in your blood. You don’t need to be with those so-called elves. You are a real hunter! You who are not humans, why stand with humans? together?!"

"Come here, join hands with me, help me destroy this black hole, and I will share the world with you!" The Tianyu Emperor stretched out his wolf claws and issued an invitation.

As everyone knows, this sentence has touched Kevin's bottom line.

Kevin: "..."

Ling Yun: You are not human.

The words Ling Yun said to him at the beginning appeared in his mind.

Kevin lowered his head and fell silent suddenly.

The entire universe also became quiet. People looked at Kevin quietly, and Ling Yun specially gave Kevin a close-up shot.

Both hands clenched the big sword.

"You repeat what you just said!" Kevin raised his head, the coldness spread, and the cold voice echoed in countless people's ears.

As if the cold wind had blown, everyone shuddered.

he! Kevin Caslana.

A series of honors such as the fusion warrior of the Fire Chasing Moth, the strongest warrior of the former civilization, the pioneer of mankind, and the strongest guardian of mankind.

He has fought the collapse with a human attitude to this day.

Now you say he is not human?

How is this different from denying everything about Kevin?

(Ling Yun is different, the protagonist has friendly buff + ∞)

"What?" The Emperor Tianyu was taken aback.

Obviously did not understand.

The sudden change of Kevin's attitude shocked Limru who was standing on his head, and quickly changed back to the appearance of the Green King Spirit Snake floating in the void.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know." Ling Yun said.

Reaching out, the barrier stood in front of everyone.

Although I don't know why, Kevin may explode next.


At the next moment, the collapse energy in Kevin's body seemed to have torn a hole, madly conveying energy toward the destruction.

The core within the robbery trembled violently, bursting out hot sparks, and the entire sword seemed to be ignited, and the terrifying flames directly broke through the shackles.

Across the void!

The ball is now at night, but under the shining of this flame, it is as bright as day!

The air wave caused by the eruption of annihilation directly increased the surface temperature of the moon by more than tens of times.

In the nearby fields, some glaciers have accelerated the rate of melting.

The global temperature is getting hot rapidly.

Fortunately, the protective shields activated in time by various countries stopped the disaster.

The scorching flame has turned the robbery into a small sun!

All the transcendents were horrified.

Chu Lan and others hiding in the distance swallowed even harder.

Looked at Kevin in horror.

Is this the strength of store guardian Kevin Kaslana? !

The power of his flame bird is simply not worth mentioning in front of this power.

Zhou Rui and others felt the horror of the store for the first time in a real sense.

The endless cold surging, Kevin's icy blue pupils flickered against the flames.

Annihilating the power comparable to the decimation of a star burst out at this moment!

"Intrinsic barrier!" Kevin's cold voice echoed in the universe The next moment, he and Tianyu emperor disappeared together.

"Can Kevin win?" Thor asked.

"No, we will pass too."

"it is good."

Ling Yun raised the robbery in his hand.

Chop gently.

The space of inherent enchantment opens.

In the next instant, Ling Yun and others disappeared in place.

Only when you get to your own territory can you truly let go of all your worries!

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