Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 145: From eighty

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When Emperor Tianyu opened his eyes, he found that his position had changed.

The black hole behind it is gone, and it is in the middle of the moon itself.

In the distance, it saw buildings like altars.

With doubts, it just took a step and took a physical meal. The beast's instinct to perceive danger is reminding it!

Without any hesitation, ran forward.


The next moment, red light filled the sky, and a fire bird fell from the sky.

The flame swept across the earth, and Fuhua, holding the grip of Taixu and Ruoshui sword, appeared in the flame.

That move just now was Taixu Sword God!

Click! Click!

Before the Emperor Tianyu could recover, the sharp chill spread from the surroundings.

A series of extremely thick ice crystals rose from the ground and rushed towards it.


The Emperor Tianyu made a roar.

Shatter these ice crystals.

The Emperor Tianyu looked at the sudden appearance of Fu Hua and Ying.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth:

"Are two fierce beasts in human skin again? Well, since you like to use human gestures so much, then I will play with you!"

The body gradually shrinks.

Become a silver-haired man with naked torso.

"Since you want to play, I will accompany you!"

"I think you are wrong, this time, I will kill you!"

Kevin fell from the sky, he looked at the Tianyu Emperor expressionlessly, his silver hair covered half of his eyes, but the other one was full of murderous intent.


Stretching out his hand, the robbery appeared in the air.

"Eternal calamity destroys Jin!"

Kevin yelled, raised the sword in his hand, and opened it directly.


It wasn't the Lingyun convergent move above Yanghai City.

This time, it is a real force comparable to the extinguishment of a star!

Endless flames explode in the universe.

Although his vacuum is not a vacuum, give me Huawei ashes for everything!


Over the moon, a cloud of flames envelops it.

"Oh, this small fire? Let me put it out for you!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, a white thing burning like a flame appeared in Tianyu Emperor's hand.

This is the power of the taiyin he extracted.

"It's a pity that you chose the wrong battlefield. This is the moon, and it's the place where my Xiaoyue Sirius clan exerts the most powerful abilities."

"Really?" Kevin chuckled lightly.

It's a pity that this is not the real moon. In this place, it's only me who can really get an increase!

"What do you mean by smiling?"

"Fu Hua." Kevin's voice came out faintly.

The next moment, Fu Hua's pupils, who stood beside Ying, flashed.

Fei Jin Xuan Ling!

The whole person turned into a flaming red kite, inciting his wings to fly towards the Tianyu Emperor.

Red feathers fell from all around.

"What tricks do you want to play?" Looking at the feathers scattered on the ground, the Tianyu Emperor frowned.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body became stiff, and there was even confusion on his face.

"go with!"

In the sky, Kevin seized the opportunity to cut it off.

Ling Yun once said to him that if he talks too much, he will die!

The delay time of zooming moves must die!

Therefore, he started the big move early and cut it off at the moment when Tianyu Emperor was briefly confused by Yu Duchen.

With Kevin's big sword swung down.

The 10,000-meter-long flame is just blasted down.


The entire moon sent out a huge vibration.

In the next moment, the fire swallowed everything frantically and directly submerged the moon.

Together with Fu Hua and Ying, they dissipated in the void.

The entire moon became a second sun. Make everything around you very bright.


In the high altitude, Kevin quietly looked at the moon that was constantly spreading air waves, his expression indifferent.


The cracking sound suddenly sounded.

There was a crack directly on the moon.

Immediately afterwards, there were dense cracks.

Beams of light shone from the flame planet.


The next moment, the moon wrapped in Eternal Tribulation Jiejin directly exploded! I love ebooks

The whole planet is like a huge firework.

Countless fragments turned into meteorites and exploded in all directions.

Thick dust swept the void.

Kevin stretched out his hand to block his eyes.

The robbing in his hand blocked all the debris flying towards him for him.

Under his hand, the cold pupils exude an ice blue light.

He looked at the torn apart moon blankly.

"Um, what happened during my absence? The moon was blown up by you."

At this time, Ling Yun, Xi Lin and others emerged from the void.

The corners of his mouth twitched and looked at the universe like fireworks.

The fragments of the moon were built on other planets, forming a series of explosions.

Behind Ling Yun, Xi Lin and others were silent.

It turns out...Kevin is so strong!

Xiao Xilin suddenly became a little frightened. This Kevin seemed to be even more monster than Fu Hua.

The five gems in the original work have all been hammered by Fu Hua. If you face Kevin···, she will be instantly dropped!

"Owner, if there is nothing wrong, I will go back." Kevin collected the robbery into Heikari, and said indifferently.

He needs to go back and calm down.

"Don't, the rice hasn't been eaten yet, and the blame is not dead yet."

Ling Yun stretched out his thumb and pointed to the exploding moon behind.

"What?" Kevin was taken aback.

Others also turned their heads curiously.


An extremely huge wave of air spread, blowing away the dust.

A man with burnt marks all over his body walked out of the dust with a shawl.

"You really are a monster like me. Ordinary humans can't stand such an attack at all. They were burned as early as the moment they were released." Wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, the Tianyu Emperor looked with excitement. Kevin.

"Come on, my friend, kill them with me!"

The Emperor Tianyu stretched out his hand and sent out an invitation again.

"You really don't give up, looking for a spouse, so persistent?" Ling Yun said speechlessly.

Kevin: "..."

"Is this Xiaoqiang who can't be killed? The moon has exploded, and none of them died?"

"Nima, you will never think of the feeling of seeing the moon suddenly blow up when half of it blows up. It's so exciting!!"

"If I hadn't listened to him, I thought I was setting off fireworks..."

"Uh, why is the moon I'm looking at intact?"

"Quickly, everyone, come here, there's an honest guy here, hurry up and bully him with me."


Liu Yanran slumped on the ground watching a scene in the screen.

How is this possible?

It was actually able to hurt the Tianyu Emperor, this was at least a star-level powerhouse!

But she didn't feel the slightest aura in these people.

"Wait! Why does the Tianyu Emperor appear here?"

Why is the planet they are on so similar to the earth? !

Even the moon is...

"Yuanyuan, tell me, where exactly is this place? Why is everything so similar to the earth!"

Liu Yanran quickly found Zhang Linyuan.

He pressed her shoulder and asked anxiously.

"This is another world, which is similar to the existence of a parallel world. Didn't I tell you?"

Zhang Linyuan tilted his head and looked at her curiously.

"Why are you so indifferent when you encounter such a thing! We might not be able to go back!"

Liu Yanran collapsed.

She regretted it, why should she keep up!

This is another world! It's not the same world at all, she was expecting to meet an interstellar flight? !

"Don't worry, Ling Yun helped us go back."

Zhang Linyuan patted her shoulder comfortingly.

Liu Yanran: "······"

Sister, wake up, can you not be so naive!

"Facts tell us, never provoke honest people, honest people get angry, you can't bear it."

Ling Yun held Kevin's shoulders and pulled him down behind him.

Put away the smiley face of the past.

The guest + group member was bullied, and he, the store manager + group owner, must avenge the revenge.

A question mark appeared on Zhang Linyuan's head watching the live broadcast.

I always feel something is wrong. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM


In the next moment, the core of the law of reason vibrates.

A space battleship emerged from the void.

I can see the official dumbfounded.

Isn't this their latest space battleship?

No, we just studied one. It is still a semi-finished product. Why did you mass-produce it for me?

Ling Yun had already obtained the drawings when he passed through the satellite before, during which he relied on the huge amount of knowledge donated by the system.

After a simple transformation, coupled with the infinite energy of the system, Ling Yun said that mass production is not a problem at all.

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