Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 172: King Power Hegemony: Don't go outside the circle, go to propose marriage!

Ps: Please listen to the song "White First in the World" to read this chapter. If you don't listen to it, there is no artistic conception.

"King Power Sword Intent?! Brother, did you break through?"

Wang Quanzui and the mask members said with surprise and joy.

No one is jealous, because they are originally a family.

King Power Hegemony smiled and nodded: "I figured out some things."

"Sister, I've decided! Go to my father and ask for the King Power Sword!" Suddenly, King Power Hegemony said with a grimace.

Wang Quan was drunk: "Brother? Are you ready?"

"Once you get the King Power Sword, you have to take the King Power Patriarch as your own responsibility, and it can't be like this anymore."

"Haha, when did I say I'm going now?" King Power Hegemony touched King Power's drunk head.

Came to a touch to kill.

At this time, Wang Quanzui would usually avoid it, but I don't know why today, she didn't want to avoid it.

Because she obviously felt something wrong in the tone of the king's hegemony.

Brother must have seen something irreversible.

Everyone in the mask can also see that under the free and easy appearance of the king's hegemony, that heart has become silent, and it is no longer as licentious as before.

People always grow up overnight, he...has changed!

In my mind, the picture continues.

Jin Renfeng uses the mystical technique of leech to exchange blood with him.

Force Dongfang Huaizhu to marry.

One thing, one picture after another, kept appearing in his mind.

Seeing the kingship hegemony was silent, the mask members did not speak.

Just stay with him quietly.

Although they don't know what the hegemony industry knows, they know very well that he is sad and depressed; they must be by his side.

Risa: "This Golden Phoenix is ​​too hateful!"

Ben Tiao Feng: "Yes, I didn't expect such a villain to marry sister Huaizhu and drink!"

Kevin: "This person likes playing with fire so much? How about I give him a Skyfire Great Sword?"

Kevin said, don’t you like playing with fire? You should also like the feeling that your whole body is burned by flames.

Sophie: "I think, no matter what it is, Ba Ye will definitely save Huaizhu."

As Sophie said, the hegemony of kingship appeared, and he carried the sword of kingship.


King Power Hegemony looked at himself in the picture quietly.

Wearing a robes of the Yiqidao League standard, with loose hair, shaggy beard, and disheveled clothes, the whole person is decadent.

Jianxin has long been lost.

Even with the King Power Sword, it can't exert its power.

It's just a simple use of sword moves.

In the picture, the power of the king's hegemony against the golden man and the phoenix is ​​not even half as powerful as it was in its heyday.

Everyone didn't speak, until they heard the sentence to accept Huaizhu as a concubine, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

Even the kingship hegemony itself can't help but stop.

Hardworking gardener: "This..."

Huyuan, who is also a woman, and others understand Dongfang Huaizhu's inner feelings at this moment.

Not a wife but a concubine...

Ling Yun: "There is no other way. Think about it. Outside the circle of the younger generation of Dao Sects, all the lives are lost. Now the top strongest among the younger generations in the Dao Sects are only Jin Renfeng and the king's hegemony. It is also the owner of Shenhuoshan Village and the two powers alongside the royal family. If the Jin Renfeng is killed at this time, the people in Shenhuoshan Village will be distracted; the demon kings who are eagerly watching may attack in a big way."

Ben Tiao Feng: "Damn it, the two obviously fell in love with each other so much, but the result was that the golden man and phoenix became like this. Sister Huaizhu looked so haggard when she got married."

This maple said he couldn't stand it.

Her little head is about to explode.

Kevin: "In the face of the overall situation, people always have to selectively abandon. Accepting Huaizhu as a concubine is the best way to see it."

Kevin who chose the Stigmata Project clearly understood the importance of the choice.

King Power Hegemony: "I am sorry for those brothers who believe in me! I am sorry Huaizhu!"

Ling Yun: "Don't think so, none of this has happened yet. Change him. From now on, you are a man who knows the plot."

The queen of collapse: "Don't say anything, first go and kill the golden man Feng slaughter. If you can't do it, then I will come! The more I look at this man, the more angry I am."

Xilin, who was peeping at the screen, couldn't help being blown out.

How could there be such a villain in the world?

It's almost a villain than Otto's guy.

The Kanban girl of Xiaoling's family: "Support, you should not be out of the circle after knowing the future, right? The mask members are all there, as well as our group members, whether he is a golden bird or a golden phoenix? Just kill it. !"

The kingship hegemony is full of regret at this moment.

If he didn't enter the Dimension Store, would these be his future? !

Because of my arrogance and ignorance, let my brothers die in vain, and make my beloved woman sad!

The plot continues

Until the flute is removed from the empty screen

The group is completely quiet.

No one spoke, they silently looked at the picture in their minds.

Dongfang Huaizhu gently stroked the masked King Power Hegemony, with a haggard smile on his face: "At least, God let me meet you. Finally, promised me a request. Dao League soldiers were my plan, but , If Guier wants to leave someday, please let him go. And never give up to retrieve your Jianxin...because..."

"The person I like is a...hero."

At the moment Dongfang Huaizhu put down his hands and fell into the arms of the king's hegemony, the BGM "White Shou in the World" sounded.

So far, the whole play ends

Ling Yun did not choose to release the following scenes about the wealth and wealth of the king.

Because Ling Yun didn't think it was necessary, his original purpose was to let the hegemony industry understand the consequences of not killing Jin Renfeng.

Son or something, don't get involved.

At the end of the film, the song "White First in the World" completely condenses all the previous plots together and burst out.

Tears couldn't help streaming from the corners of the group members' eyes.

Ben Tiao Feng: "Imperial hegemony, you bastard, why don't you go find Sister Huaizhu for me? People are even willing to die for you, but what about you? Even her last wish has not been realized!"

Sophie: "It's touching."

Although the plot is good, Sophie, who has gone through five hundred years, is still very plain about it.

The character of Sanwu cannot be changed.

Hardworking gardener: "You can live up to such a woman and kill you!"

Kevin: "So you can't underestimate women."

World snake

Kevin sitting on the throne looked at the copy of the memory in his hand and sighed.

The real kingship hegemony clenched his hands tightly.

Maybe other people can treat it as a third person, but as the person he can't let go.

Moreover, this is a memory copy, not ordinary watching anime.

These memories were engraved in the minds of the king's hegemony.

Let him grow a lot in an instant.

He glanced sharply, as if he had made some determination, and turned around and left.

"Brother, where are you going?"

"Go get the King Power Sword!" King Power Hegemony said coldly.

"Are you going outside the circle?" Yang Yitan asked.

The king's hegemony stepped in and looked at the bamboo forest in the distance: "No! I'm going to be a...hero of the world! Then..."

"Go to propose!"

King Power Hegemony firmly held the long sword in his Huai Zhu's last words touched him deeply.

He didn't want to experience any of everything that happened in his memory!

As the head of the king's hegemony went dark, the members of the group knew what he was going to do.

The masked members stared at the back of the king's hegemony in a daze.

It seemed that he was no longer the vigorous young man before, but had experienced countless forged swords.

No longer show off their sharp edges, because Hanmang has been restrained!

Once out, the blood will flow into a river!

When manpower is exhausted.

But after being polished by wind and frost, it will become invincible!

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