Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 3 Chapter 173: Returning guests, high-end jars

After leaving the group chat, Ling Yun is about to start today's course-drop in.

"I don't know if Sister Qionghuan welcomes me, and it's not good to be a prostitute. Do you want to bring something with you today?"

"Well, let me think about it, sister Qiong is a little short, and there is a box of calcium tablets." After a little thought, Ling Yun waved his hand, and a large box of calcium tablets emerged under the blue light.

"The addition is a bit flat, um, a little more milk."


Five minutes later

Ling Yun looked at the mountain of gifts piled on the side: "It's almost done."

"Tsk, no, I just drank a few cups of milk tea, so I brought so many things, if someone and I are polite, don't you want to take these things and let them go?"

"Forget it, let's bring milk over. Zeng Gao Zhuang Meow."

After thinking about it, Ling Yun finally chose a box of pure milk.

As for the calcium tablets in my hand...

"Ding! Administrator Ling Yun sent you a red envelope"

World snake

Kevin, who was closing his eyes, suddenly froze, and then looked at his chat page in surprise.

"That fellow Ling Yun would give me a red envelope privately?"

So the person who picks it up will give him a red envelope, which always feels a bit unreal.

Click to open the red envelope

A box of calcium tablets and a note appeared in front of Kevin.

He picked up the note in his hand and read it gently.

"To Teresa, the world's number one magical girl...Uh, magical girl?"

Kevin looked at the paper in his hand, then looked at the calcium tablet with a twitch of his mouth.

What a thing, this is.

"By the way...who is Teresa?"

Soon, Kevin faced a new problem.

But obviously, the lord who had been idle for a long time didn't want to spend time understanding these things. He directly called the jackal and asked about it.

"Lord, Teresa is the granddaughter of Bishop Otto Apocalis, the one who blocked us during the Emperor-level Collapsed Beast battle a few days ago." Jackal explained, with a faint question.

Why would the Lord be okay to ask about Teresa? Could it be a new tactic? !

what! Worthy of being my great Lord. I think more than us.

The Jackal looked at Kevin's eyes more admiringly.

"???" Kevin was a little confused by Jackal.

"So who is it?"

After thinking about it, I found that there was still no impression.

"Lord, it's this person." Jackal opened the tablet and placed Teresa's picture in front of Kevin.

It just came to mind when I saw it.

Isn't this the little girl who followed Lingyun that day? Wait, the Jackal said she was involved in the previous battle of the Emperor-level Collapsible Beast?

But why did he see Cecilia and Otto and others.


Kevin looked at Teresa, who was only able to reach Otter’s waist in the screen, and then looked at the calcium tablet in his hand, as if he understood something...


On this side, Ling Yun, who had chosen a gift, was ready to go out.

You never understand the fun of visiting.

Zhou Nan has stopped playing since Zhou Nan started school and was accepted as an apprentice by Zhou Rui.

Now that I think about it, I still miss him a little bit.

Just when Ling Yun picked up the milk and was about to go out.


The door of the shop suddenly opened.

Sunlight came in from outside the door, and a dark shadow was stretched.

Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the figure standing at the gate with his back to the sun.

"This guest, please don't pretend to be x in front of the owner, otherwise you will die miserably." Ling Yun issued a warning.

After hearing Ling Yun's words, the figure was stunned for a while, then put down his arm-wrapped hands and walked towards Ling Yun.

As he walked, he lifted his eyes and erected the soft mushroom head.

Seeing the man's movements, Ling Yun frowned slightly: This is, want to fight?

With a wave of his hand, countless keys of truth hovered over the person who came.

"who are you?"

"The shopkeeper, it's me, Miron."

At this time, a figure gradually emerged, staring at the familiar face Ling Yun for a moment.


Ling Yun looked at the man with pink hair wearing yellow fighting clothes in surprise.

It's just that I don't know this, and I was shocked at first glance.

"I'll go, what do you eat, you have grown up like this in just over a month." Ling Yun looked at the second-generation Milong who was almost his height in shock.

This is not a joke.

The last time I met, it was just an eleven or twelve-year-old child, and now he is at least twenty years old.

It can't grow so fast even after taking hormones.

Milong: "..."

Owner, you are still so excessive.

Once I was young and ignorant, now I am invincible.

I am here today to tell you that what I long for is not power, it is Chennai!

(Well, the above is a joke.)

"Owner, it has been nine years since I came to you last time." Milon said with a little nostalgia.

But Ling Yun looked at him with a blind eye: "Once in nine years? You are ashamed to say it because of you."

Mi Long smiled bitterly: "This is no way. I practice the Octopus Sky on the Octopus Star, and there is no chance to come to the shop at all."

"As a result, who knows, this practice lasted nine years."

"And this year is also when I left the eighth-level star and officially brought the name of Milong back to the universe!"

"Oh? So, have you accumulated enough points?" Ling Yun's eyes lit up.

The others are all imaginary, and Ling Yun keenly captured the key points.

Nine years!

I should have saved a lot.

And in fact it is the same.

Milong wants to gain some more powerful and powerful deterrents when he is officially famous in the universe.

After all, the universe is huge, the galactic eyes, the free beings, etc. are countless.

He has tried the powers of Helix Maru and Milong legends, and even the people who taught him said they were good.

But only Milong knows that these things are just the bottom items in the shop!


Milong passed the black card in his hand.

Ling Yun took it curiously, but his eyes protruded.

"One hundred thousand! Fuck! Did you ransack the entire universe?!"

Looking at the large string of numbers on the black card, Ling Yun asked in amazement.

"On the Octopus Star, because of the harsh environment, few creatures survive, but once alive they are the top beasts in the universe. I have to find food by myself during my daily training, and I have killed a lot in nine years. "Milon said calmly.

Nine years of growth gave him a qualitative improvement.

But unlike Milong's indifferent, Ling Yun was completely dumbfounded.

This is the first time he has seen such a large amount.

"System, you come out to take a look, this is the first time I have seen this situation."

Ling Yun poked a certain junk system in his mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the 100,000 points achievement!"

Open the advanced jar!

The system quickly replied to Ling Yun. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

The next moment, an advanced pot worth 50,000 points appeared in front of Ling Yun.

Ling Yun: "......"

Ling Yun simply checked the high-end cans, and the ten consecutive guarantees were still purple, but the highest orange items could be drawn!

The concept of orange objects, just talking about destructive power, is enough to easily destroy a galaxy.

"Now there are two new jars in the store. They are the intermediate jar with 5000 points, the purple for ten consecutive guarantees, and the highest gold."

"There is also a premium jar that just came out, with 50,000 points, purple for ten consecutive guarantees, and the highest orange."

"Which one do you choose?"

Ling Yun put down the black card, put three different jars of low, middle and high on the counter, quietly watching Milong.

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