Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 193: Killing Qin Ming/male system can also become a parent system

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (


The Palace of Heavenly Kings lying on the ground issued a violent cough.

Then in the next moment, an orange-red light penetrated his chest.


The pupils of the Palace of Heavenly Kings protruded, looking at the Lingyun in the sky, he fell unwillingly.

The black mist dissipated.

The three kings who were about to attack Ling Yun suddenly stagnated, looking at Ling Yun's pupils who were throwing coins in the sky filled with awe.

"How is it possible that he can make such an attack after consuming so much energy at once?!" The three kings looked at the place where the Heavenly Kings Palace disappeared.

The words "impossible" were written all over his face.


The soul lamp far away in the demon prison was torn apart with a sound.

The strange demon guarding here will be shocked.

When I took a closer look and found that it was the soul lamp of the Palace of Heavenly Kings, I was even more frightened and sat on the ground.

"No! It's not good!"

He scrambled to get up from the ground and rushed towards the hall.

All the strange demons who saw this scene changed their faces and quickly followed.

The death of the Palace of Heavenly Kings can make a strange demon general such a gaffe, one can imagine his position in the strange demon clan!


"Dead? Just like that?" Qin Ming muttered in disbelief as he stared at the place where the Heavenly King Palace dissipated.

He was sure to escape in the hands of the Heavenly King Hall, but he was not sure to defeat the Heavenly King Hall, let alone kill.

And now the man who appeared suddenly did it.

Qin Ming glanced at Ling Yun deeply.

All the prompts the system gave him were still question marks.


At the next moment, Qin Ming's system suddenly began to vibrate violently and issued a warning.

"Please escape from this place quickly!"

"What's going on?" Qin Ming looked at the big red letters and the yellow triangle warning symbol that suddenly appeared in front of him, feeling a little dazed.

However, the next moment, the moment he raised his head, he met Ling Yun's red eyes.

The moment Qin Ming stared at each other, his pupils suddenly shrank.

It's him!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

Qin Ming's system still exudes a warning.


In the next moment, Qin Ming no longer hesitated, and the whole person turned into a meteor and flew towards the distance.

Even Void Swallowing inflammation was used by him as an accelerator, just to run farther.

"Host, the system in his body can unlock the store's branch function! And it can cut the maintenance time of the system by half."

At this time, the voice of the system rang in Ling Yun's mind.

I was excited and eager to hear the voice, as if I had seen some big tonic.

"Huh? Your enemy?" Ling Yun asked in surprise.

According to what the system said before, it seems to have a little brother.

In addition to the fact that there are so many traversers, there must be too many systems, and it is not impossible that there are systems that are hostile to each other.

"Huh, the mere low-level system is only suitable for food." The system scorned.

"Then you say you are strong or it is strong?" Ling Yun asked.

"This system can only be regarded as an intermediate system, how can it be compared with this system?" The system's proud voice sounded.

"Then what level are you?" Ling Yun asked again the question he cared about the most.

"Insufficient host permissions."

"Is the authority not enough or you don't want to say?" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

System: "Don't worry about the host. This system is bound to the host's life and soul. Everyone will be prosperous and all will be destroyed. It is absolutely impossible to harm the host.

"Huh? So you were there when Torsilyn and I were there?" Ling Yun suddenly realized that things didn't seem right.

"Host, please rest assured, this system is not so nasty. The system will also enter a sleepy state at night. Of course, if the host is too loud, you won't wake me up. Expression: Funny"

Ling Yun: "......"

What do you mean by being funny? Who will disturb you in the middle of the night? I'm a man, I don't know how to bark.

"Host GKD, kill that Qin Ming. If you let it leave this world, it will be difficult to find it again." The system began to urge.

"Don't worry, no one can escape from my palm." Ling Yun stretched out his hand, and a dozen coins appeared in the palm of his hand.


Facing Qin Ming's fleeing direction, he flicked.


In an instant, these coins turned into an orange-red straight line running through the space.

On these orange-red electromagnetic guns, there are flashes of arcs from time to time.

Chaos Demon Sea

The speed of a reincarnation escape is still very fast.

But Qin Ming was in a hurry when he fled, and the breath of the alien demon did not converge at all.

This allowed some super powers in the Sea of ​​Chaos to find him soon.

But even so, they did not act rashly.

Because it is not a reincarnation realm, but a reincarnation realm!

There is a world of difference between the two reincarnation mirrors.

"It turned out to be a different demon! It's a pity that my flame ancestor talisman is not in my hand!"

In the Temple of Flame, Moruo squeezed his hand.

It is a pity that he is just a revolving mirror, even if he goes up, he is going to deliver food.

At the same time, the superpowers of the Undead Sacred Whale Clan, Wanhai Tiangong and other Chaos Demon Seas had all noticed Qin Ming.

"The Heavenly King of the Demon Race? I didn't expect to appear here, but... it looks like he is escaping from something."

"Interesting, you can actually let the king of the alien demon race escape." Mutian, the great elder of the undead holy whale clan, frowned.


Suddenly, not only Mutian, but all the forces observing here in Chaos Demon Sea were taken aback.

Then, in their shocked eyes, an orange-red light penetrated the sky.

Across their heads.

"Nothingness swallows inflammation! Block them!"

Qin Ming looked back and was taken aback, and quickly released Void Swallowing Inflammation.

However, the flame was directly penetrated.

"Why?! I obviously didn't do anything, why did you kill me! You and I are the same transversalist, why is this!" Qin Ming issued a final He didn't understand why Ling Yun wanted to do this. to him.

Followed by


The miserable voice resounded through the sea of ​​chaos.

In the shocked eyes of all the adults, Qin Ming was lost until the light penetrated, and finally turned into a smoke screen and dissipated in the sky.

"This...this!" Mu Tian suddenly opened his eyes when he saw this scene, staring at the fading orange beam of light in horror.

"In an instant, the bones of a strong reincarnation mirror disappeared, the ancestral realm! This must be the legendary ancestral realm!" Mu Tian couldn't help being excited.


"You can kill Aya Kiyoshi for system tasks, then why can't I kill you for my system?"

Ling Yun opened his eyes and spoke faintly.

"Okay, garbage system, Qin Ming is dead, have you recycled his system?"


At this time, the system's helpless sigh sounded in Ling Yun's mind: "Host, how many times have I told you, we are at the same level, can you respect me a little bit?"

"Huh? You know that we are at the same level, so don't you know to give me all the authority of the shop and let me open the jar?"

"...Host, you should continue to disrespect me. I am more afraid of the author than you."

After a brief silence, the system spoke.

"This system is a public system. If you accidentally offend the author, the next second the mother system may give you a system wizard or something to the host. After that, the two of us will be more likely to engage in unexplainable ways. on……"

Ling Yun: "!!!"

Ling Yun only felt tight behind him.

"Fuck, don't be so horrible, okay, it makes me feel like a chill now." Ling Yun rubbed his arms to relieve the cold.

He was disgusted by the system.

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