Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 194: Aya Kiyoshi takes love

"Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop (

"Hiccup! Host, this system has been upgraded, see you tomorrow."

After swallowing Qin Ming's system, the system hiccups, then talked to Ling Yun, and there was no sound.

This kind of thing is commonly called diving.

"Junk system."

Putting the coin away, Ling Yun spit out smoothly.

"I tried the water twice, I still feel a little uncomfortable." Ling Yun turned his hand.

To be honest, the feel of the super-electromagnetic gun is not very good.

Still the key of truth is easy to use.

Don't do anything, put your hands in your pants belt, just a thought, and countless floating cannons will emerge behind you.

Especially sitting on the golden ark Vimala, with Erlang's legs tilted, without doing anything, leaning lazily on the chair, just looking at the enemy.

"Tsk, suddenly I understand Jin Shining a little bit."

"As expected to be the oldest village chief, he just knows how to play."

Ling Yun found that that seemed really cool.

"Try that next time."

"Brother Ling Yun!"

Just as Ling Yun was wondering how to pretend next time, Qing Qingzhu's voice came from a distance.

When Ling Yun raised his head, he only felt a fragrant breeze into his nose, and then softly into his arms, and the whole person was hugged by Qingqingzhu.

Ling Yun: "???"

So soft!

This is Ling Yun's first impression.

It feels comparable to Xiao Xilin's.

Could this be the person nurtured by the vast land and resources of the Profound Sky Continent?

Ling Yun suddenly wanted to collapse in Qing Qingzhu's arms.

But he is still very sensible and not hard...

Ling Yun patted her back lightly, but because Aya Kiyoshi was too excited, the dress of breaking dawn did not get rid of, so stroking the past did not have the comfort of light gauze.

After thinking about it, Ling Yun finally came up with this sentence: "Uh, Xiao Qingzhu? Why are you so big?"

"Brother Lingyun! It's been four years! You haven't been here for four full years! Do you know how much I miss you?" Aya Qingzhu poked his head out of Ling Yun's chest.

A pair of eyes that were as clear as clear water were watery at the moment.

It seems to cry at any time.

At this moment, with the essence of Lingyun straight man, I want to say: ‘If I don’t come to you, won’t you come to me? It's only a hundred points. I haven't seen you over for four years. ’

But reason told him that if he said this sentence, Aya Kiyoshitake would be blackened.

So it's better not to stimulate her.

"You clearly said that you will come when you have time!" Fen Fist punched Ling Yun's chest.

But it didn't use any force, but it was very comfortable.

It shows the beauty and tenderness of ancient women.

"Okay, okay, don't cry first, you make me feel like a fancier like this." Ling Yun gave a wry smile.

There are two kinds of women crying, and he can't bear the kind of Qingzhu.


The palace lord looked at the two people hugging each other in the air and nodded in satisfaction.

"The Nine Heavens Taiqing Palace is really a blessing. An ancestor state." Ying Xuanzi expressed envy when he saw this scene.

Although he also has two beautiful daughters, it is obvious that he is not the kind of person who sells girls for glory.

On the side, Qiong's hands kept rubbing the slime in his hands.

From time to time, the poor slime was squeezed into balls, pulled into noodles and other various shapes.

After hearing Ying Xuanzi's words, it looked like a cat with blown up fur, staring at him tightly.

I could see that Ying Xuanzi was a little flustered and confused.

He didn't seem to provoke this little ancestor.

group chat

Risa: "What's the situation? It makes me a little confused."

Later, the members of the group expressed their doubts.

King Power Hegemony: "Envy, I just got the King Power Sword and wanted to come to the group to have a look, but I didn't expect to be fed a mouthful of dog food."

King Power Hegemony: "Don't talk about it, kill demons and demons."

Ling Yun: "Send you a word, the sword will ride the wind, and the world of demons will be eliminated!"

Ling Qingzhu: "Brother Lingyun, you still have free water?!"

In reality, Ling Qingzhu raised his head, with a slightly bitter expression, and punched Ling Yun in the chest.

Kevin: "@王权霸业, wait, you come back to me!"

King Power Hegemony: "Huh? Kevin Da, what do you want?"

There is also some understanding of Kevin's kingship hegemony.

For a woman, step by step against collapse from an ordinary person to the present.

Really infatuated, but the world is very ruthless, the woman was not with Kevin in the end.

Wangquan Hegemony felt that he had to refer to the experience of his predecessors as a lesson, and to stay with Dongfang Huaizhu, and then took some pictures and sent them to Kevin privately.

World snake

Kevin frowned suddenly, feeling bored.

I always feel that something bad will happen.

Shaking his head, Kevin turned his thoughts back.

It's important to do business first.

Kevin: "I ask you, are you tired of killing monsters?"

King Power Hegemony: "It's okay, as long as the shot is fast enough, it's easy to kill with one hit."

Kevin: "Would you like to try the latest product launched by Minecraft Snake, manufactured by the professional Jackal, tested by the deity, and simplified version of the Skyfire Sacred-Double Gun Yanjin!"

Kevin sent out a picture of a pair of extremely handsome double guns with a flame-outlined assembly line on the gun body.

Coupled with a 360° rotating picture, all the people in the group will brighten up.

Xiao Meng: "So handsome, much better than the gun I used in the team before."

Dagu: "Looking at the victory pistol in my hand, it suddenly didn't smell good."

Risa: "Weakly ask, how much is it?"

Risa's heart moved, although she had the Skyfire Sacred Judgment given to her by Ling Yun, but this did not affect her to collect other guns.

Moreover, the most important thing is that she found that the things brought out of the shop can not only be brought into reality but also into the game.

Therefore, a very strange thing often happens in the world of "NewWorldOnline".

An assassin chased the boss with a big sword and hacked.

However, when other players found out that this was a member of the Maple Maple non-human, their entire guild is non-human, and they have become accustomed to it.

So, habit is a terrible thing, because it can subtly ruin your three views.

Kevin: "It's not expensive. Five hundred points. Isn't it cheap?"

Queen Broken: "Five hundred? Why don't you grab it? What kind of flames are you, even I can't bear a shot of Yakong's spear."

Kevin: "Shut up, the law of the dolphin."

Queen Broken: "!!!"

Breaking Queen: "@王权霸业, I will give you a gun of Yakong, two hundred points."

Ben Tiao Feng: "Well, you two are still doing business."

King Power Hegemony: "...Forget it, I still think King Power Jianxiang. Moreover, my points are not rich."

The kingship hegemony decisively rejected the two.

No money is one thing, the most important thing is that he is a non-chief, and he needs to save more points to open the jar.

He has only saved a thousand points until today.

the other side

"Okay, don't cry, how about you go to the shop with me?" Ling Yun looked at Aya Qingzhu, and said by mistake.

"You...what did you say?!" Qing Qingzhu was taken aback, then looked at Ling Yun in disbelief.

"Um, I'll just say it casually, if you don't want to..." Seeing Qing Qingzhu's stunned expression, Ling Yun shook his hand quickly.

For fear of misunderstanding Aya Qingzhu.

"I do!"

However, Ling Yun was interrupted by Qing Qingzhu before he finished speaking.

She looked at Ling Yun with excitement and joy.

This expression... Ling Yun had seen it on Thor's face.

It seems that Thor said something at the beginning, the iron tree... blooming?

Then, under Ling Yun's dazed expression, Ling Qingzhu hugged Ling Yun tightly again.

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