Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 244: Single-stroke anchor

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Everyone raised their heads as if they didn't recognize Ling Yun.

It's shameless to even fool the little girl!

The bystanders are clear, and the authorities are confused.

Dia only felt his head froze for a moment.

Ling Yun's words swayed into her mind like a Sanskrit sound.


Why should she be disappointed, why should she be confused.

Now that he has given out items that increase his strength, he doesn't need to be attached to low-level pots at all after becoming stronger.

It's intermediate, advanced!

By then, let alone her parents, maybe even her grandfather...

Immediately, Dia was no longer confused.

He took a deep breath and bowed towards Ling Yun.

"Owner, I understand! I will work hard to become stronger and get more points."

Parting is for a better reunion!

Other group members: "..."

He is fooling you, girl!

Noting the disdain of the other group members, Ling Yun gave a disdain, and said in his heart: "Cut, if there is no obsession, who would be so easily deceived?"

But on the surface Ling Yun still smiled and said, "It's okay, you can understand, this is your chance."

"Do you want to use it now? I'm very curious if the space system's rainbow stones are fully developed, will there be such an ability as space strangulation." Ling Yun looked at Diya and said with interest.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Dia picked up the [Proficiency Improvement Card], under the gaze of other people's gaze, suddenly smiled playfully, and put this card into the black card.

He raised his head, looked at Ling Yun with a surprised look, and smiled lightly: "No, this is my hole card. As a shopkeeper, it is a very bad thing to inquire about other people's hole cards at will."

He stretched out his finger for Ling Yun, blinked his right eye and said playfully.

Then he walked towards Milong.

Ling Yun: "..."

Looking at Dia's back, he smiled helplessly.

What a black-bellied child.

Even if the plot has changed, the character still remains the same.


Freedom of the space department?

Moreover, it is still a space system with full proficiency, even the Star Alliance and Galactic Eyes can't help her.

Suddenly, Ling Yun was a little expecting what Dia would do.

"Well, who is next."

"I come."

The kingship hegemony stepped out ‘outstanding all opinions’.

Not because he really has the ability to convince the crowd, but because he stands in the first row.

The other members ran to the counter before they could react.

Hand out the black card.

A surprised look at the king power hegemony Lingyun wearing a comedy mask in front of him was speechless.

"You're so showy."

The king's hegemony arched his hands: "Thank you for your praise. Literati and inexperienced people all regard morality as their beauty, and they are the first swordsman in the lower body. The word "Sao" has won my heart."

Ling Yun: "......"

At a moment, everyone was stunned, as if they had met the hegemony industry for the first time.

The newcomer Rick and others are also dumbfounded.

Is this the ancients?

I'm afraid to shoot.

The generation gap is really terrible.

"Ahem, shopkeeper, please, don't say much, ten intermediate pots!"

"I'm going! Local tyrant!"

"This black card can be looted? Is it?! It must be!"

"I bet that the points in the King Power Hegemony Black Card must still be tender to support a mid-level ten consecutive. No, it is very likely that the senior ten consecutive will have it!"

"Should... not so many."

"No, I think he does! If nothing else, let's talk about his good brother Li Quzhuo. Do you know what it is?"

"Sigh! So, fat sheep!"

After a brief discussion, the other members looked at the back of the king's hegemony with their pupils glowing.

It's too much trouble to save myself so hard, and I didn't grab a wave of things quickly!

"I provide sacks!" Limru raised his hand.

"Sap!" Honjo Maple.

"I fight." Milong


The energetic kingship hegemony only felt a sudden chill behind his back.

Turning his head, he found that everyone else was looking away.

Scratching his head, frowning.

There is nothing wrong with it.

At the moment when the king's hegemony turned its head again, all the members seemed to have agreed in advance, directly adjusted and realized, and stared at the back of the king's hegemony.

Where should I looted?

Dao robe? King Power Sword? Or just grab the black card?

There are three thousand avenues, all of them are knowledge.

Although King Power Hegemony felt that there must be a ghost behind it, Ling Yun had already taken out the jar at this time.

Nothing is as important as opening a can.

"The shopkeeper!"

"Die to me!" Ling Yun squinted slightly.

It was the first time Dia came to the shop and he was still a girl, so he let it go. Why are you a man?

The reality is such a double standard, you have the ability to bite me.

"Let's do it." The king power hegemony sneered.

This is the mentality of having a try.

Based on his understanding of Ling Yun, it is estimated that Ling Yun would not do this kind of ‘tool man’ thing.

"Huaizhu bless!"

"Are you trying to sacrifice her lifespan for a few years?"

"Uh, what? Life?" King Power Hegemony was taken aback for a moment, and then he patted his hands with a serious look.

"Li Quzhuo is here!"

Ling Yun: "......"

This is really a good brother!

I'm really envious of waiting.

Ling Yun asked himself, he didn't seem to have sacrificed his brothers this kind of thing! It is definitely done.

(Oh, speaking of it, let me tell you one thing, that the author of the star anchor came out, yes, it is what you think, 560 pieces, single draw, hey, it is a pity that I have prepared 20 expansions, and I can only wait for the New Year. Black talisman. Hint: Sacrifice is really a good thing)

If it's a brother, come and chop me, playful little matchmaker! -Spokesperson: King Power Hegemony


At this time, the jar was crushed.

A white light flew out.

A wet umbrella fell on the counter.

"What the hell?"

The kingship hegemony, who was splashed with water, looked dazed.

[Umbrella]: An umbrella used by Oriental Huaizhu to cover the rain (Note: The original flavor is authentic)

Looking at the introduction on the umbrella, King Power Hegemony: "..."

Instinctively feels a bit bad.

On the street

It's raining heavily

Dongfang Huaizhu took the umbrella and led Dongfang Qinlan and strolled down the street.

However, at the next moment

call out!

The umbrella in his hand disappeared instantly.


The heavy rain fell,

Both of them got wet.

"Who is it? Come out, if I let my grandma know who it is, I must burn you!" After a short lag.

Dongfang Qin Lan suddenly became angry, and there was still fire in her mouth when she spoke.

"Little girl, don't care." Dongfang Huaizhu stopped Dongfang Qin Lan.

Looking at the void, clasped his fists slightly.

"Dare to ask who the senior is, why are you teasing me like this?"


A gust of wind blew, and no one responded.

"Then, does Shenhuoshanzhuang offend seniors?"


There was another moment of speechlessness, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com only the cold wind blew a little scalp numb.

Pedestrians passing by shook their heads when they saw this scene.

What a nice girl, what a pity she is a fool.

Even if you go out without an umbrella, you still talk to a place where there is no one.

There is still such a small child with him.

This world is... difficult.

Oriental Huaizhu: "..."

Oriental Qin Lan: "..."

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