Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 245: 0 points and 0 empty hands

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"You are in big trouble." Ling Yun hissed at the kingship hegemony.

"You don't need to say, I think so." King Power Hegemony gave a wry smile.

He touched the handle of the umbrella just now, there was residual heat, and then saw the wet umbrella.

All fools know what is going on.

This is really... so fucking.

"It's okay, let's get involved. I remember that there are a lot of handsome people in the mask, and my heart is not as good as action. Since it has become pornographic, let's fencing." Ling Yun patted the shoulder of the king's hegemony and comforted.

King Power Hegemony: "!!!"

Are you comforting?

"go away!"

"If I hide it and don't say anything, it's okay?"

"Believe it or not, Dongfang Huaizhu will join the group chat in the next second." Ling Yun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"You devil!"

He was obviously smiling, but the kingship hegemony felt like a demon in human skin was watching him.

The others laughed too.

"Go on." Ling Yun laughed, and didn't continue joking.

Some things just smile.

It's not funny if you talk too much.

Putting the umbrella away, the kingship hegemony calmed down and crushed the second, third, and fourth.

Followed by

A blue light emerged.

[Pure Sun Flame x1]: Extinguish the demon and sacred fire, this fire will come out, and all demons will retreat; cultivate it well, and you can become the first pure Sun Yan that does not need to be controlled by the Eastern spirit blood at will. Note: This fire gestation requires a lot of genius treasures!

"There is still such a good thing in the world?" Looking at the flame in his hand, the eyes of King Power Hegemony flashed with surprise.

This is extinguishing demon sacred fire!

The Dongfang Family leapt directly into a presence alongside Wangquan Villa by virtue of this.

"Please pay attention to the row of small characters at the back, there are a lot of heaven, material and earth treasures." Ling Yun kindly reminded.

"Owner, you too underestimated me, I am now the owner of the King Power Villa, the leader of the new generation of Dao Sect. The treasures of heaven and earth? You can get it at your fingertips!"

The kingship hegemony smiled confidently.

"Then what if you want to be below you?"

"Pure Yang Yan, pure Yang Yan, the heavenly materials and earth treasures contained in it need to be heavy with Yang Qi, and human beings are the length of all things, and the underlying Yang Qi...can be cut?"

"I go!"

The kingship hegemony only feels cold below.

Looking at Ling Yun with fear.

"Ling Yun, you have changed!"

"You changed first." Ling Yun glanced at him lightly.

King Power Hegemony: "..."

"Hurry up, there are still a lot of people waiting behind."

at the same time

Rimru, who was idle and bored, communicated with Honjo Kaede.

"Limru sauce, look at my wings, there are a few more black scales, I feel endless energy in these scales!" Ben Tiao Feng revealed her emerald green dragon wings, looking at the few pieces above. Said the black scales.

Risa looked silent.

Since meeting this Rimuru, Honjo Kaede has become less and less like what a girl should have.

But fortunately, in the human world, this maple's abilities will not be revealed.

So it did not cause any panic.

Limru looked at the wife of the white dragon dragon essence Vard in his body through the magic element, Ozuki.

At this moment, Verudra looked at the obscure moon in front of him with a dazed expression.

"Who are you? And your... your dragon scales are actually better than mine?"

Ozuki: "..."

"Go to hell! Intruder!"

Before Verudra had finished speaking, Ozuki burst into a roar.

"You actually did it directly?!"

Veldela was taken aback when he saw this scene, and quickly avoided.

"Where is this? Let me out!"

"I'm sorry, even I can't get out."

Verudela fell to the ground and spoke calmly.

"Impossible, the slime named Limru clearly said he wanted to tie me to a Storm Dragon named Verdela as his wife!" Ozuki resented another roar.


This time, Verudera was really dumbfounded.

This female dragon was found for him by his good brother Rimuru?

After knowing it, he was a little moved for a while.

How long has it been, it feels good to be so cared about!

"Good! In order to live up to Rimru's expectations, I must take you down!"

After speaking, Verudra looked at Ozuki full of fighting spirit.

"Have you finally revealed your purpose? Blocking the honor of Conglong Conglong, I will never lose!"

Looking at the rushing Verudra, Ozuki roared, fluttered his wings, and rushed towards Verudra.

On the other side, Verudra narrowed her eyes when she saw the light flashing on Ozuki's body.


Five dragonslayer crystals emerged from the void.

For such a long time, even if he couldn't control the five crystals, he could use their power.


outside world

The jar of kingship hegemony is also coming to an end.

He looked desperately at the jar on the counter, yelling a little piercingly.

"Why! What the **** is this?!"

The last jar.

Nine intermediate pots are bleached.

Five thousand points for an intermediate jar.

Nine are 45,000 points!

These are all money!

The kingship hegemony is about to cry.

His luck is even worse than that of Kevin!

There were nine intermediate pots, but there was not even one purple one.

"Owner, it's the last one, it's time to speak."

Ling Yun: "......"

Facing the resentful look in the king's hegemony industry, Ling Yun didn't know how to speak for a while.

Said that he had no face.

Needless to say, the royal hegemony suffered heavy losses.


Wait, what caused his loss to me?

After thinking about it, Ling Yun spoke in the eyes of King Power Hegemony expecting.

"Want me to be a'tool man'? There are no doors!"

"Owner, you will lose me like this."

"I believe you will still come next time." Ling Yun didn't lift his eyelids.

King Power Hegemony: "..."

Forget it.

Sighed inwardly.

King Power Sword Out!

Looking at the last intermediate pot on the counter, his pupils narrowed.


The next moment, sword light flashed.


There was a steady cracking sound.

next moment


The golden light rose to the sky.


The king's hegemony, who had been desperate, saw this scene, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Then he looked at the golden jar in surprise.

And this scene instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even Kevin and Otto, who were trading py over there, turned their heads in astonishment.

"Golden item?!"

"The young man of the non-Chief exhausted all his luck and drew a golden object. He was hit by a car that afternoon and died. Although he died, he was not a European. It is rare and precious!" Thor looked at the tablet in his hand and said lightly.

Station b was updated just now. The homepage is the tragedy of a high school student who picked a purple object at noon and was hit in the afternoon.

"What an inspirational story."

Ling Yun on the side was almost moved and cried.

But these words have a different meaning in the ears of the king's hegemony.

"...Manager, don't curse me like that."

"Why lie to you, don't believe it and see for yourself."

The kingship hegemony took the tablet curiously.

I saw the mosaic pattern.


Silence is Cambridge tonight.

He felt Lingyun was poisonous.

Hit him every time when he was happiest.

It used to be Huaizhu's business. Just said that he knew Huaizhu and showed him the It's all right now, there is no cover up.

Is it really because he first came to the shop to point his sword at Lingyun?

Wouldn't it be such a grudge?

The golden light disappeared, and a golden ball of light slowly fell into the hands of the king's hegemony.

"I don't care about that much, there were no cars in ancient times!"

With firm gaze, he crushed the ball of light with one hand.

At the next moment, a subtitle appeared in the void.

[Hundred percent empty-handed hand-in-hand]: A mysterious and unpredictable power; no matter what your opponent is doing, as long as you swing the sword, he will kneel and hand-in-hand the hand-in-hand! (100% success rate)

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