Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 299: The branch sales mother returns to Raksha Street

   After sending away the face code's parents, Ling Yun looked at the face code next to him and asked:

   "Considering to be my sales lady?"

   "Hey?" Faced for a moment, looked at Ling Yun with a bit of error.

   followed by a question.

   "What is a sales lady?"

   "It's someone who helps to watch shops and sell comics."

   "It's just a branch anyway. I myself need to go back to the main store, but I can't let go of the branches in this world." Ling Yun said, spreading his hands.

   Chakra who inherited Indra will not be a clone.

   This makes Ling Yun very distressed.

The    branch opened and no one cares, but this shop was originally used by him to sell comics, and it doesn’t matter much.

   is to be given to Mianma to play.

   "So at this time, I need a sales lady to help me see the store. Of course, you must go to school when you come back, so the business hours are up to you."

   "Can I really?" The face looked at Ling Yun blankly.

   Before, she couldn't do anything well, she was clumsy.

   This is the first time she has been asked for something.

   "Of course, I only know you in this world, who don't you look for? And I don't believe it compared to other people."

   "Don't forget your guardian sweetheart, that is your ideal self, just ask her if you don't understand." Ling Yun touched the face of the face and smiled lightly.


   "Okay, I've been out for long enough, ha~ I'm trapped to death, this is the black gold dragon card of the branch, you put it away, as for me, I will go back first."

   Ling Yun interrupted the face code, stretched his waist, waved his hand to the face code, and disappeared into a ray of light.

   "I, I want to talk about how to contact you in the future." The face code looked at where Ling Yun had left, and almost cried.

   How can she manage the big shop?

   She is still a child!

   But at this time Ling Yun has already left, no way can I hear her.

   "Oh!" He sighed heavily.

   After all, it was at this age that I had to bear the weight I shouldn’t bear.

   "Ding! The administrator Ling Yun invites you to join the fantasy group chat!"

   Face code: "???"

  The hardworking gardener: "@面码, welcome, welcome, oops, I have been busy with the test and assessment recently and there is no time for the water group."

   Dagu: "Don't worry, we won't care about everything even if you are not there."

  Benghuai Queen: "Yes! After all, the group leader is Brother Lingyun."

  The hardworking gardener: "……"

   Hardworking gardener: "Forget it, I dived, and I knew that after Ling Yun came, there would be nothing wrong with me."

   Lingyun: "Don't mind, I still miss you very much."

  The hardworking gardener: "You..."

   Zhang Linyuan's complexion turned red.

   Did Ling Yun mean that to her?

   What should I do, is it better to be reserved? Still accept it directly.

   I don’t have any experience.

   Lingyun: "Without the leader of the group stepping on my feet, I, the administrator, is not scented anymore."

  The hardworking gardener: "...Go away!"

   King Power Hegemony: "Why do I hear the feeling of something broken?"

   Lingyun: "That's the sound of your egg being broken, expression: eating melon"

  Kevin: "Why does the name "Mianma" sound like hemp group?"

   Face code: "...Da, hello everyone, my name is Meako Honma, you can usually call me face code."

   Face code: "Also, I am not Ma Tuan, expression: bulging!"

   Kevin: "Yi? This name is interesting."

  Kevin: "@面码, consider coming to my world as a snake? I will make you the next generation of the law of thunder!"

   Lingyun: "Don't gsq."

  Dimensional shop

   "Wife, I'm back!"

   As soon as Ling Yun appeared, he jumped directly into Thor's arms.

   Rub and rub.

   Xilin: "......"

   "Brother Ling Yun, why don't you come to me?" Xi Lin gave Ling Yun a bitter look.

   looked at my meow again.

   Okay, she understood instantly.

   "Here is here." Ling Yun said, he left Thor's arms and went to Xilin's arms, followed by Aya Kiyoshi.


   "Huh? What are you doing out?" Ling Yun looked at Esther, his expression changed.

   "Master, I don't have a giant cat, but for you, I can!"

   Esther seemed to have made some huge decision, looking at his dark stockings.

   There was a blush on his face.

   Ling Yun's face turned black.

   What's in my mind.

   "Get out of here, you Seloli!"

   Ling Yun mentioned Esther and threw it out.

   Scarlett outside the door looked at his mother curiously.

   reached out his hand and patted Esther on the head lightly.

   seems to be comforting like that.

   Soon, it was completely dark.


   Bella standing on the roof looked at the white crescent.

   whispered softly: "It's another day abandoned by the Queen."

   The next moment, white light flashed.

   The whole person turned into a white dragon and flew towards the moon.


   Town Soul Street World

"are you back?"

   Cao Yanbing opened his eyes, looked at the familiar streets around him, and...the entrance that says Raksha Street, whispered softly.

   "Yes, Lord." Yu Jin's voice sounded in Cao Yanbing's heart.

   "If we are now, how sure are we to win Lu Tianyou?" Cao Yanbing asked in his heart.

   Lu Tianyou, who occupied Raksha Street and drove him out of his home.

   The guardian spirit is the "prodigal son" Yan Qing.

   "If there is no bonus from the locust tree, based on the abilities of me and the lord, ten percent!" Yu Jin's eyes flashed, and he spoke confidently.

   When the two left the shop.

   Ling Yun specifically explained to them the matter of the locust tree.

   is to not let that Lu Tianyou have the opportunity to use the branches of the locust tree to increase his strength like the original book.

"is it?"

   "Let's go then!" Cao Yanbing raised his head, staring at Zhenhun Street with a solemn gaze.

   "Go back to our homeland!"

   "Yes, lord!"


   The moment I walked into Raksha Street.

   Cao Yanbing's expression changed.

   Everything around has changed!

   is no longer the Rakshasa Street he had known before, surrounded by smog, countless evil spirits wandering around, and black resentment abound.

   "Be honest, hurry up, dare you not listen to Lu Jiangjun's orders?"

   Hearing the sound, Cao Yanbing turned his head and saw that several evil spirits were punching and kicking several undead.

   And those undead's body is filled with black, obviously it is the rhythm of evil spirits.

   Cao Yanbing clenched his fists. This is completely different from the Raksha Street he In just a few days, did Raksha Street become like this?

   Lu Tianyou! I will kill you!

   "Yu Jin, kill them!"

   "Yes, lord!"

   The next moment, a blue figure appeared.

   Immediately afterwards, the group of evil spirits were wiped out without even reacting.

   "You, are you, master?!"

   Among the souls rescued, a white-haired old man said in surprise after seeing Cao Yanbing.

  His qualifications can be regarded as an older group.

   naturally knew Cao Yanming's son.

   "Grandpa Zhang, don't talk, I'll help you clear your grievances." Cao Yanbing quickly came to the old man.

   "Master, no, our grievances are not...what?"

   Before he finished speaking, he saw Cao Yanbing protruding his hand, a dark red flame emerged, and the black gas on his body seemed to have touched a natural enemy when he touched him.

   In just a few seconds, all his grievances were burned out.

   And the old man is also more comfortable than ever.


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