Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 300: Hanging on Lu Tianyou

   "Master, this fire!" The old man looked at the red lotus fire in Cao Yanbing's hand excitedly.

   "Don't worry, I will retake Raksha Street. You and the others will find a place to hide first."

   The old man heard that Cao Yanbing was going to find Lu Tianyou, his face changed immediately: "Master, you still don't go, that devil is too strong, there are thousands of evil spirits under him, outnumbered!"

   "Only evil spirits, you also saw Grandpa Zhang just now. The evil spirits are just a matter of fire." Cao Yanbing smiled slightly.

   "You still listen to me. First find a place to hide. Believe me, after dawn, Rakshasa Street will return to its original appearance."

   After speaking, Cao Yanbing stood up and looked at the villa on the high mountain in the distance.

   clenched fists.

   The former home is now occupied by others.

   "In ban, let's go."

   "Master, be careful!" the old man and the undead shouted.

   Cao Yanbing waved his hand.

   The small figure is extremely tall at this moment.

   "Who are you? Don't you know this is the residence of General Lu on the Great Zhenhun Street? I'll kill you one step further!"

   Several evil spirits stood in front of Cao Yanbing.

   "Get out of the way, or you will be killed!"

   Cao Yanbing didn't lift his eyelids.

   "What? Boy, I think you are impatient! Do it!"

   The talking evil spirit is also a violent temper.

   Following him waved his hand, in an instant, all the evil spirits pointed their spears at Cao Yanbing.


   Yu Jin stepped forward and looked at Cao Yanbing.

"No need to."

   Cao Yanbing shook his head, cast his eyes forward, and stretched out his hand.



   An incomparably huge fire lotus blooms in the midst of a thousand evil spirits.

   Dark smoke rises.

   The flames of the red lotus seemed to burn their sins.

   "Ah! What is this? So hot! So hot!"

   "It hurts! Help me! Help me!"

   The evil spirits are as if they have encountered something restrained, and the original army instantly disintegrated like a chicken.

   "Don't come over, let me go quickly."

   An evil spirit looked at his former friend and kicked him out.

   Then the whole person ran quickly in one direction.

   Cao Yanbing glanced at it and paid no more attention.

   "Heh, it's really a dirty posture, shouldn't it be called an evil spirit? You are only worthy to struggle in the flames." After a disdainful glance, Cao Yan stepped forward.

   The flames spread to both sides automatically, opening a way for Cao Yan's soldiers.

   Cao Yanbing walked to the top of the mountain step by step on the ashes turned into evil spirits.

   mountain top

   "General Lu, General Lu, it’s not good!"

   Lu Tianyou, who was closing his eyes and rested, frowned when he heard this sound.

   "Hey, Yan Qing!"

   "Yes, Master." A voice suddenly came from the void. Soon, a blue light flashed, and Yan Qing's tall figure emerged.


   The evil spirit that was pinched in his throat only felt suffocated for a while.

   He subconsciously reached out and grabbed Yan Qing's arm to resist, but how could the evil spirit be the opponent of the guardian spirit?

   "Master, it seems that something really happened, you might as well listen to it." Yan Qing looked at the smoking place below, turned her head and spoke to Lu Tianyou who came out slowly.

   "What's the matter? Let's talk, what's the matter." If it's someone else, Lu Tianyou will definitely not be a bird.

   But the other party is Yan Qing, his most trusted partner.

   Lu Tianyou would still listen to his words.

   "Ahem!" The evil spirit thrown to the ground by Yan Qing coughed violently.

   But after seeing Lu Tianyou's face, he didn't dare to neglect the slightest, so he hurriedly said: "General, someone has come up! He used a weird flame to directly annihilate our thousand-person evil spirit army!"

   "Oh?" Lu Tianyou narrowed his eyes, and Yan Qing's expression became serious.

   Although he can also destroy the evil spirit legion, it is a bit difficult in an instant.

   "How many people are there?" Yan Qing asked.

   "One, a child." The evil spirit said tremblingly.

   almost died just now!

   Although he had already died once, he obviously didn't want to experience this feeling again!

   Lu Tianyou's mouth twitched.

   A black line looked at the evil spirit in front of him: "Are you entertaining me?"

   "A child can't be beaten? I raised you to eat dry food? Give you one last chance, how many people?"

   "No, it's not right, not just a child."

   "Who else?" Lu Tianyou asked.

   "Also... there is a baby, held in his arms by the boy."

   Lu Tianyou: "..."

   Yanqing: "..."

   Lu Tianyou turned around: "Yan Qing."

   "General, General! What I said is true! You have to believe me!" The evil spirit was shocked when he saw this scene, and crawled towards Lu Tianyou.

   Yanqing looked at him with a foolish look.

   Then, the foot jerked up...stomped!


   The evil spirit turned into a gas and dissipated.


   At this time, a huge voice sounded.

   A huge stone slammed against Lu Tianyou.

   Yanqing's figure flashed, smashing the boulder to pieces.

   Lu Tianyou paused, and the moment he turned his head, his pupils flashed with surprise.

   "It's you? That's it, I didn't expect you to activate the guardian spirit?!"

   "Impossible, there is no special method in the spiritual realm. It is very difficult to forcibly activate the guardian spirit."

   "Please don't put your incompetence on others." Cao Yanbing said blankly.

   "You say it again?!" Lu Tianyou's face went dark, and his voice gradually increased.

   Cao Yanbing sneered: "Isn't it? Only the trash of the black rope level can dare to be the soul-suppressor of Raksha Street. Who gave you the courage, do you deserve it?"

   "Damn kid, Yan Qing, kill him for me!" Lu Tianyou shouted through gritted teeth.

   "Stop hurting my lord!"

   appeared in front of Cao Yan's soldier in front of Cao Yan's body, blocking Yan Qing's fist with a palm.

   spoke coldly.

"you are?"

   "Under the ban!"

   "Great Wei's five good generals?!" A different color flashed in Yan Qing's pupils.

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   Although Yu Jin's life is not as outstanding as the others, he must have some strength to be called a good general.

   "If you know, please leave me!"

   Yu Jin gave a cold snort and shook Yan Qing's fist open with a punch.

   The powerful force caused Yan Qing to step back a few times.

   "What about the black rope? It's more than enough to clean up a kid like you!"

   Lu Tianyou wrapped an aura on his fist, and UU Reading rushed towards Cao Yanbing.

   "At this time, I have experienced the importance of long-range weapons."

   Cao Yanbing remembered what Ling Yun said.

   took out a black thing from the black card.

   It is big and long!

   This is what Ling Yun gave him before he left—the enhanced version of energy Gatling!

   Death Twilight!

   Lu Tianyou paused when he saw Na Gatlin's hideous muzzle, as if he had seen a ghost.

   "Atonement for your sins!"

   Cao Yan sent his troops to infuse the flames of the red lotus karma into Death Gatling.

   The next moment, Gatling began to spin quickly.

   "I'm gonna! What kind of guy is holding a heat weapon?"

   Lu Tianyou, who was avoiding the red fire bomb, shouted.

   "Sorry, I'm a child, and... Lu Junyi, Yan Qing, although you call yourself heroes, you are just a bunch of bandits. You can kill chickens with a sledge knife. I will not show mercy to bandits!" Cao Yanbing sneered.

   The next moment, he pulled the trigger violently!



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