Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 317: Multi-shadow avatar

   "Don't panic, it's me."

   Soon, an arm was placed on Zhou Rui's back.

   Under Jiang Chuan Shun's surprised gaze, Ling Yun led everyone out of the imaginary space.

   "Your setting is so strange, the coordinates of the imaginary space are set at the back, it would be bad if someone attacked this thing."

   Zhou Rui breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the person was Ling Yun, but the next moment, Ling Yun's words caused his breathing to stagnate.

   showed a pig liver face.

  Who wants to get a space coordinate behind?

   Is he thinking about it?

   That's all forced!

   Speaking of this, Zhou Rui thought of some bitter past events.

   Once, he was also an unruly boy.

   was mad and dragged, however, the reality beat him to the ground ruthlessly, and he was carved with shameful coordinates behind his back!

   is from that day.

  He became a tool man.

   "What's the matter? With this expression, do you want some selenium-rich health and melatonin?" The blue and red boxes appeared respectively when Ling Yun picked it up.

   Zhou Rui: "……"

   If he reads it right, these are for the elderly, right?

   Is he old? !

   "Go away, don't talk to me." Zhou Rui threw away Ling Yun's hand angrily.

   "Don't be unhappy, in fact, this is not bad, for example, if you encounter any danger, we can find you the first time." Ling Yun patted him comfortingly.

   However, Zhou Rui just ignored him, busying himself with the things in his hands.

"you are?"

   At this time, Ling Yun also noticed Jiang Chuan Shunya on the side.

   "I'm Junya Jiangchuan, the representative of the island country." Junya Jiang said hello politely.

  Different from others, he witnessed the killing of the Tianyu Emperor last time with his own eyes.

   "It's just the place where the play is finished." Wei Ya sneered.

   "Hehe." Facing Wei Ya's attitude, Jiang Chuan also smiled.

   Ling Yun looked at the man in front of him curiously.

   I didn't look closely before, but now I look at it, it really looks like a dog.

   No matter which world you are in, island countries are so tenacious.

   The sticks were all hung up, but they surrendered to Long Guo's feet, surviving.

  Although the history of this world is not like that of Lingyun's last life, he still doesn't have much favor with the islanders.

   "By the way, I heard that your wife and your brother ran away, isn't it true?" Ling Yun grabbed Jiang Chuan Junya's shoulder and raised his eyebrows as he watched him.

   Jiangchuan Jun also looked at Ling Yun with a dazed expression, and subconsciously said:

   "How do you know this kind of thing?"

   But he regretted it when he spoke.

"Really? You are so wise. You should be the leader of the island country. You are really leading by example. As for how I knew it, it is recorded in the satellite files. Feel free to read it." Ling Yun was surprised. Said.

   There are not many people who dare to face their own past these days.

   Jiang Chuanjun also vomited: "Why is this kind of thing recorded in the file?"

   "You don't mean nonsense, you can be the leader of the island nation, and everything must be clearly recorded." Ling Yun gave him a white glance. Punched his chest.

   "But seriously, how does it feel to be green?"

   Junya Egawa: "......"

  How do you want him to answer this question?

   looked at Zhou Rui who was drawing circles in the corner, his eyes murmured:

  ‘Big Brother, your Longguo satellite is really unsafe! ’

   Soon, the curtain of the international freshman competition is about to begin.

The place where    is located is Longguo’s largest stadium, referred to as Longchao.

   This name made Ling Yun want to complain.

   But if you come, you will be at ease, he came to the group.

   Ling Yun in the background looked at the overcrowded Dragon Nest, sinking his mind into the system.

   Lingyun: "@米龙, come out."

   Risa: "What what? Py transaction?"

   Limru: "Start lightly. Expression: Funny"

   Cao Yanbing: "Big guys, why can't I understand all the topics that big guys are talking about?"

   Hardworking gardener: "Children don't need to know."

   Cao Yanbing: "Well, okay, who are you?"

  The hardworking gardener: "...I am the owner of the group."

   Cao Yanbing: "???? Isn't the owner of the group the owner of the shop?"

   King Power Hegemony: "I have a heartbreak."

   Dagu: "It's heartbreaking."

  Kevin: "I'm heartbroken."


  The hardworking gardener: "I continued to dive, oh, yes, I have a freshman exchange party in the next few days, do any of you want to come over?"

   Ling Yun: "Yes, no problem."

   Wangquan Hegemony: "Sufficient points, can I take my family?"

   Kevin: "Is it Laifu?"

   Wangquan Hegemony: "!!! It's my sister, Wangquan Drunk and Dongfang Huaizhu!"

   Lingyun: "I didn't say my wife? It seems that I haven't done it yet."

   King Power Hegemony: "...It's coming soon, don't worry."

   Do everything step by step.

   Come from a friend first, don’t worry about everything, and finally let her become inseparable from herself. At that time, it was the day when his royal hegemony embraced the beauty!

   Lingyun: "Well, then it seems that I still have a chance. When the time comes, I will have a set of sack, sap on it, and tugged in the alley. Which one of us is with whom. Expression: Funny"

   King Power Hegemony: "!!! Dog Lingyun, if you dare to do this, you and I will never die."

   Lingyun: "Expression: Pick your nose, don't worry, we have a wife, you are not rare."

   Qingqingzhu: "+1"

   The Dragon Maid of Xiaoling's house: "+2"

  Break the Queen: "+3"

   King Power Hegemony: "..."

   I don't know why, but he is not only unhappy when he hears this sentence, but even more uncomfortable.

   Wangquan Villa

   Wangquan Hegemony looked at his hands blankly.

   Is it possible that I belong to the guilty category?

   I closed the group chat, recalling the technique of multiple shadow clones from Milong, Ling Yun pondered.

   According to memory, Ling Yun made a few seals.

next moment.


   A cloud of dust suddenly rose from beside him.

   Finally, an identical Ling Yun appeared.

   Looking at himself, Ling Yun suddenly felt a little weird.

   It's more real than looking in a mirror.

   "I hand it to you." Ling Yun spoke to the clone.

   Clone: ​​"..."

   "What's wrong?" Ling Yun asked curiously as he watched the doppelganger not speaking.

   The clone was silent for a while, and said: "It's so troublesome, I have to listen to those long-winded opening remarks. Or you can go, I will go back and dive again, don't worry, you don't need to do it."

   After speaking, he didn't give Ling Yun a chance to speak.


   disappeared in place with a white smoke in Ling Yun's bewildered gaze.

   Looking at the open space in front of him, Ling Yun felt the wind a little noisy for a while.

   "Hahahaha, take a look, this is the real you." Qiong seemed to have seen something very funny, and laughed so much that tears came out of his stomach.

   Aya Kiyoshitake and others can't help but laugh.

   Fortunately, Ling Yun and others were in the special lounge. Only Xi Lin and others, Wei Ya and Gao Wen also left because they were representatives.

  Otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to let others see that they have to laugh out of their A huge tic-tac-toe appeared on Ling Yun's forehead.

   A clone dare to resist his orders? !

   "I still don't believe it!"

   Immediately, Ling Yun closed the seal again.

   "The body, I really don't want to go." The clone looked at Ling Yun with dead fish eyes.

   If you call him to fight or do something, he may be willing.

   But let him sit there for a few hours, who has no bones.

   Let's spare him!

   Ling Yun didn’t call his breath after hearing this: "You boneless guy! Stay on top of me! I told you, this time I will show up in front of everyone in the world, if you..."

   However, Ling Yun hadn't finished speaking yet, the clone interrupted directly, stretched his waist, and looked like a salted fish: "You hit it, if you beat me away, I can no longer have so much pain."

   Just play with you, I don’t care.

   Lingyun: "......"

   "Got it? This is what you usually look like." Qiongpo cold water said.



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