Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 318: This is really just 1 cup of ordinary milk tea

   "I'm so angry, how come I have a clone like you?"

"Ontology, let's not say much. What you don't want to do can be said to be the other me to do. Is it possible? Let's make an analogy, I let your clean the toilet, you go?" Doppelganger lazily Opening.

   Lingyun: "......"

   A good image metaphor.

   "No, it's not right, you almost took it over. This is an opportunity to show your face in front of the world, are you sure you don't want it?" The hard ones can only come with the soft ones.


   "So what? I was chased when I went out? I was filmed when I was eating? My privacy was exposed?"

   "This is really famous, maybe you can change your underwear to become the trend of the new generation." The clone lay lazily on the sofa aside, buttoned its nose, and looked disdainful.

   Lingyun: "......"

   Good fellow, as expected, I was speechless.

  Ling Yun couldn't help covering his forehead when he looked at "self" like this.

   turned his head and looked at Thor, with a hopeful gaze: "Am I like this too?"

   "Don't worry, Ling Yun, no matter what you are, I will like you and love you." Thor walked up to Ling Yun and hugged him into his arms.

   Lingyun: "......"

   Okay, I don't need to say anything anymore.

   Ling Yun helplessly lifted the shadow clone.

   "Or, Brother Ling Yun, I will go instead of you." At this time, Qing Qingzhu came out.

   "Don’t Sister Thor have transformation magic? Just ask her to change my appearance at that time."

   "No." Ling Yun shook his head and refused, "I will go up in person this time. I originally came up with the shadow clone to stay with you. Who knows that this thing is so unreliable."

time flies


   The opening ceremony has begun.

  Countless arrays bloom in the sky, forming a series of gorgeous fireworks.

   illuminates the entire Longchao.

   after some performances.

   was followed by a series of long talks by Zhou Rui, which made Ling Yun sleepy.

   "That is, Ling Yun?"

   He Lin, who was watching in front of the TV, looked at Ling Yun who appeared on the guest table in surprise, and stood up in shock.

   "How? Do you know?" He Lin's father asked curiously.

   "How could I not know him, he is my high school classmate."

   "What?" He Lin's father, He Qiong, was also surprised.

   "Are you right?"

   "How can this be wrong? It has only been two months since the last time I left, so how can I not recognize him."

   "This kid has a great future!"

   can sit with representatives of various countries,

   At the same time, the former classmates also looked at Ling Yun who was sitting with the representatives of various countries with a dazed expression.

what's going on?

   Isn't Ling Yun incapacitated? How do you sit there?

   Seeing this scene, the principal of Yang Hai High School directly thumped his chest.

   was criticized last time because of Ling Yun's affairs.

   But this criticism made the principal inexplicable, but when he saw that Ling Yun was sitting in the guest seat of Long Chao, his mind suddenly went blank.

   everyone knows, who can sit in that position who is not a big man?

   Not to mention the influence, even the lowest strength must reach the eighth rank.


   Yang Hai High School's chance to enter the top high school was just abruptly missed by him.

   "Um, what is he doing?"

   At this time, a student's voice sounded.

   At the guest seat, Ling Yun, who was a little boring after hearing Zhou Rui's talk, couldn't help it after all.

   took out a cup of milk tea from the system.

   Regardless of the surprised eyes of the representatives of the surrounding countries, he drank to himself.

   "Would you like a drink too?"

   "Thank you."

  Weiya chuckled and took it.

   "Your Highness." Gawain who was sitting next to him subconsciously shouted.

   Now it is broadcast live all over the world.

   Doing this will not be good for Wei Ya's reputation.

  Weiya just glanced at him lightly and swallowed what she wanted to say.

   People from different countries looked at each other, looking at the milk tea pushed in front of them, they wanted to refuse.

   But thinking of Ling Yun's strength, the knight kings of Great Britain have all started, they are not good for face.

   When he said thank you, he drank silently.

   But with this drink, everyone's eyes lit up.

   The taste is pretty good.

   Someone even asked secretly how it was done.

   After drinking this cup of milk tea, their realm was a little loosened, and their bodies that were originally twilight gradually radiated vitality.


   Listening to everyone's questions, Ling Yun looked dazed.

   Isn’t this just ordinary milk tea?

   is the ordinary ingredients bought outside and the tap water boiled at home.

Is there any difference in   ?

   So, there was a very strange scene. The people in the audience were all enjoying the water version of the milk tea of ​​life. Some even closed their eyes and felt the law carefully.

   Only Zhou Rui was talking there embarrassedly.

   If it weren't for the audience to join in, it would be cold.

   "This guy, interesting." Seeing this scene, A in the dark couldn't help but shook his head and laughed.

   At the same time, I couldn't help but become curious.

   What magic power does that milk tea have?

   Finally, Zhou Rui's long talk is over.

   "Next, is the first game of our competition, Xiao Xiao from Longguo Jingcheng University, against Qiao Luodi from Beidizin University"

   "Thanks." Ling Yun watched Zhou Rui, who sat back next to him, handed a cup of milk tea to him.

   "If you really feel that I am working hard, you should listen to me!" Zhou Rui grabbed the milk tea with anger and drank it directly.

   Anyway, all the representatives are drinking, and he has nothing to hide.

   "Huh? This smell."

   At the moment of entrance, Zhou Rui's eyes lit up.

   "How is it? Not bad, right."

   "What did you put? Why do I feel the dark wounds on my body are repaired."

   "Nothing special, the general ingredients in the department store plus a little boiled tap water."

   "Uh, don't you want to say it, don't you think I look like a fool?"

   Not only Zhou Rui, but other people also look like you are teasing me.

   "No, it's actually very simple, that is, my Thor took the spring of the life fountain of the Mori spirit back and put it into my tap water pipe. So, maybe it really is because the tap water is different."

   There is no disguise about Ling Yun's and the microphone doesn't know when it is turned on.

   The sound resounded throughout Longchao in an instant, and it was transmitted to everyone's ears through the TV series.

   Zhou Rui: "......"

   Representatives of various countries: "..."

   Everyone: "..."

   In an instant, the world was strangely quiet.

   Xiao Xiao who entered the scene looked at the extremely silent Longchao with a dazed expression.

   Why is this year’s competition different from previous years?

  At this moment, everyone looked at Ling Yun's innocent expression and pulled out the corners of their mouths frantically.

   "Ling Yun, do you know that you will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be forced." Silently put down the milk tea in his hand.

   Zhou Rui looked at Ling Yun tightly.

   "Don't worry, Xilin and Bella are mine guards." Ling Yun has no fear.

   Zhou Rui: "……"

   "Don't say anything, this international freshman competition is over, wait for me to fetch water from you."

   "What are you doing? You don't have running water?" Ling Yun frowned and looked at Zhou Rui badly.



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