(This year’s New Year’s Eve, it took some time to grab the red envelope. It’s okay. This opportunity is the original manuscript, which is the one that hasn’t been modified. The main reason is to grab the red envelope and forget the time. I will write it soon. Everyone is half past half past. we'll see.)

  Under the gnashing gaze of the people of the Northern Emperor

   "How about it? It's better not to say too much." Ling Yun smiled and patted the old man on the shoulder.

   "Unexpectedly, I missed it." The old man took a deep breath.

   A touch of embarrassment appeared on his face when he looked at the drone.

   What he said just now to people all over the world.

The results of it? Was slapped in the face on the spot.

  As people get old, the most important thing is reputation.

   The slap in the face just now will have a certain impact on his reputation.

   "Xiao Xiao, are you okay?" Back to the resting place, Zhou Xile looked at Xiao Xiao worriedly.

   She can clearly feel that the mood swings of this childhood sweetheart at the moment are not quite right.

   "It's okay." Xiao Xiao waved his hand and sat back in his seat.

   Yue Lin arched his shoulders.

   "How is it? Is it still fun to vent?"

   Xiao Xiao glanced at him, then looked back in the direction of the arena, his gaze was flat and calm: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

   "Come on. They don't know, I don't know you yet."

   Yue Lin raised his brows at Xiao Xiao.

   "The next game is between the people from Lingyun and the people from Amaterasu University in the island country. I don't know what kind of confrontation it will be."

   Xiao Xiao's complexion did not change.

   "As long as the other party can win glory for Long Guo."

   "Anyone can say idioms, but how many people know the truth." Yue Lin laughed.

   "What do you want to say?" Xiao Xiao frowned.

   I always feel that there is something in the other party's words.

   "It's nothing, it's just a sigh." Yue Lin shook his head.

   "Okay, the site has been repaired. This is an opportunity to observe the strength of the rival in close quarters. Don't miss it."

   "How is the Dragon Slayer Crystal that Brother Ling Yun gave you digested?" Xilin asked Bella while standing at the entrance with her arms in her arms.

   "Well, it has been completely absorbed." Qiong nodded.

   "Sister Qiong, don't you really want me to follow?" said Scarlett, who was led by Thor.

   Qiong smiled softly, knelt down and rubbed Scarlet's head: "It's okay, I'm just going to pack up a younger brother, and my sister will be back soon."

   "Sister, come on!" Scarlett raised his little hand.

   "Come on!"


   "Kasuga Yeqiu? Why does this name sound like the name of an island country? But how does it represent Longguo out of the station now?"

   A person in the audience asked the person next to him.

   "You ask me, who do I ask." Who knows that the person asked rhetorically.

   Suddenly, the man stopped talking.

   At this time, Zhou Rui's expression suddenly changed.

"what's happenin?"

   Ling Yun, who was sitting next to Zhou Rui, naturally noticed Zhou Rui's expression.

  'S voice suddenly sounded in Zhou Rui's heart.

   "Don't be surprised, this is the ability of the black card, which allows us to communicate with consciousness." Zhou Ruiling explained, who looked a little shocked.

   After learning that it was Ling Yun, Zhou Rui relaxed his vigilance, but his face soon became serious.

   "They, they started to take action. The people of the Eagle Sauce Nation directly replaced their original contestants with the seventh-tier powerhouses."

   "Li Daitao stiff?" Ling Yun let out a surprised voice.

   "Yes, at first I thought they would seal off from the outside, but I didn't expect it to start from the inside." Zhou Rui rubbed his temples with a headache.

   "This is really interesting. After the strength of each contestant is verified, the real strong will be replaced."

   "If this is the case, excellent people, tsk, isn't a group of seventh-tier players who crushed the entire international freshman competition?" Ling Yun said with great interest.

   Zhou Rui's face went black.

   "But this is not a bad thing, at least we can directly control them."

   "Ling Yun, you have to be careful."

   "Huh? Why am I careful?"

   "I told the council what you were going to come, and I chose to take action when I knew it was you. This shows that I have been fully prepared, so Ling Yun, you must be careful when that happens."

   Lingyun: "......"

   "Your uncle!"

   "Why didn't you tell me this kind of thing earlier?" Ling Yun was very angry.

   "Isn't that afraid of you running away." Zhou Rui smiled bitterly.

   "But don't worry, they will be looking at you now even if nothing happened before. After all, no one is enthusiastic about the fountain of life."

   "You have changed, Zhou Rui, you weren't like this before." Ling Yun said silently.

   "To each other, I was taught by some unscrupulous guy."

   Ling Yun gave Zhou Rui a white look.

   "Zhou Rui, believe it or not, I abducted your granddaughter."

   "If you have the ability, you can turn it off." Zhou Rui looked like who was afraid of who.

   Lingyun: "......"

   "Remuneration after things are done."

   "Squid girl, how is it?" Zhou Rui showed a sly smile.


   Zhou Rui: "0.0"

   Did you promise to be so decisive?


   "Ling Yun, are you really interested in non-human beings?"

   "Nonsense, aren't Ayoshitake and Kasugamo Qiu humans?"


   "Take the Kasugano Dome of Uroyuki against the eight types of small dogs from the island country!"

   "Senior, please be merciful." The eight kinds of dogs admired and looked enviously at Kasuga Yeqi.

   You must know that joining Long Guo is the lifelong wish of every islander.

   The Kasugano Dome in front of him not only joined Ryuukoku, but even represented Ryuukoku on the world stage. This is the envy of all the islanders watching the show!

   "Don't worry, everyone will have a chance." Qiong smiled slightly.

   "Although I admire and admire you predecessor very much, but I will not be merciful!" The eight-category dog ​​cast a serious look.

   "I'm going to go!"

   "Shiki God, Eight Hell Dogs!"

   The Eight Dogs threw the eight dog-shaped pieces of paper in their hands toward the sky.


   A dark flame rose fiercely from behind the eight dogs.

  The spies of the Eagle Sauce Country, but they can also wipe out more than half of them.

   Ling Yun nodded after listening. If this is the case, it would be fine, but...

   "You didn't seem to have my permission when you did this?"

   "Haha, this is not the wind, nor is it true, so I didn't tell you." Zhou Rui laughed~www.readwn.com~ to hide his guilty conscience.

   "Okay, things are almost done, Ling Yun, you take a break first, and I will let Lele pick you up at six o'clock in the evening." Zhou Rui said after taking a look at the time.

   "I see." Ling Yun replied casually, and continued to fall on Xilin's lap.

   Then, Zhou Rui opened the door and left.

   "Brother Lingyun, what do you think?" After Zhou Rui left, Qing Qingzhu asked,

   "No matter what, from the moment I hit my children's mind, they are already dead." He narrowed his eyes, and a killing intent flashed through his pupils.

   "I will kill them!" Esther said.

  The world of elemental elves was developed by her.

   She has become the guardian **** of the elemental elves.

   Once the elves inside are damaged or lost in a large amount, she will also cause a certain amount of impact.

   Maybe the advancement will be delayed.

   This is absolutely unforgivable for Esther who has been following Lingyun!

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, I am quite interested in the alien beasts of the Eagle sauce country. It is said that some alien beasts have reached more than 50 meters. Then come a mecha, which is the rhythm of the Pacific Rim. "


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