Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 321: Drink more hot water

   "This weapon!" When the others saw Jianan Zhuogui, their pupils all shrank.

   Whether it's the fire element surrounding the riots or the faintly trembling void, it shows the extraordinaryness of this weapon.

   "The little dog lost this time." Jun Jiang also shook his head with a wry smile.

   This is really a good start. Judging from Junya Jiang Chuan's experience, this red battle axe is completely comparable to his own Amaterasu bow.

   If Jiangchuan Junya had a glimmer of hope in his heart before, he has given up now.

   "Even to hand over Shengyao-level weapons to a freshman? Don't be afraid to play with fire and self-immolate." Meld's voice sounded.

   There is always something strange in the ears of others.

   "Really? You don't need to worry about this. I, Longguo, even dared to take it out. I have already estimated all the consequences."

   Seeing Zhou Ruina's profound eyes, Meld's heart was filled.

   was it discovered?

   Zhou Rui's words had another meaning in Meld's ears.

   seems to be warning.

   But it's impossible!

  Eagle sauce's infiltration is the world's number one, and it is impossible for Longguo to discover it.

   Is it possible that Zhou Rui was cheating him?

   But he has forgotten that Longguo’s elves, the super power system, are a very tricky attribute.

   "Don't treat everyone as a fool." Via said calmly.

   After speaking, I continued to drink milk tea.

   Ling Yun glanced at Wei Ya in surprise.

   This is, to express your opinion?

   It is clear that this matter has nothing to do with Great Britain.

   "Hey, don't you like me?" Ling Yun poked Wei Ya's armpit secretly and whispered in her ear.


   The next moment, Wei Ya sprayed a sip of milk tea directly to the side.


   Melder stretched out his hand after a brief bewilderment and manipulated his aura to wipe off the milk tea on his face.

  All the people sitting in front of the TV in Yingjiang Country: "..."

   always feel that their faces are rubbed **** the ground.

   "Who is this so special! Which idiot put him up? Too much embarrassing Yingjiang Country!"

   A series of complaint calls came to the 3D building.

   "Fuck, my eagle sauce's face is all lost, who recommended this guy to go up?"

   Wushou Palace, President Yingjiang glanced angrily at the people around him.

   All of a sudden, everyone looked at the president.

  President Eagle Sauce: "..."

   "You, why do you think this way?" Via slowed down, although she was a little shy in her heart, the expression on her face did not change at all.

   Zhou Rui was very interesting to inform the drone to turn right and switch the video to Meld.

   gave a big close-up.

  Eagle sauce people twitter, people from other countries eat melon silently, and laugh twice from time to time.

   "It's okay, I just ask casually."

   Ling Yun said casually.

   Seeing Ling Yun turned her head again, Wei Ya glanced vaguely at Gawain behind.

   Seeing him looking up at the sky, he looked like I didn't know anything.

   In the end, Wei Ya seemed to have made some determination, and she looked at Ling Yun and said, "Ling Yun, actually I..."

   "Drink plenty of hot water."

   "I mean to say."

   "Drink plenty of hot water."


   When people are keen on thinking, they often ignore the surrounding things, such as Lingyun.

   Zhou Rui looked like a dog.

   Can you find a wife with this one?

   Is the sky already blind?

   Ling Yun is very annoyed, why, what is this?

   Why can't you girls look at other people and keep staring at me?

   Even if I am as good as the sun in the sky, and other people's **** is like dirt on the ground, why do you flowers like to drill into the sky?

   You stepped on the mud like this, which made Ling Yun very distressed.

   After thinking for a long time, Ling Yun decided not to think about it.

   It is better to go to Shui Shui Qun, to meet your sand sculpture netizens.

   Just as soon as I joined the group, I heard Kevin laugh there.

   Kevin: "Hahaha! I succeeded! I finally became! Dogecoin Otto, I finally taught him how to be a man!"

   Ling Yun: "What, what, what is interesting."

  Face code: "@凌云, big brother, can I ask you something?"

   Lingyun: "You said."

  Face code: "I helped you look at the store, but, if there is no book, how can I sell it?"

  Kevin: "@凌云, I told you that Otto’s resurrection of Karen from the waste was a big mistake. I got to the last memory copy of Mei through Karen.

   Lingyun: "......"

Ling Yun: "@面码, this is my negligence, you wait, I will write "As long as there is love, even if it is abnormal", "Suddenly like you", "Anyway, even very cute", "Five "Equally divided flower marriage"...send to you"

   The topic of the two, of course, is the first to answer.

   Face code: "Okay."

   After sending out the book, Ling Yun opened the live broadcast.

   Honjo Kaede: "?? The host has started a live broadcast, so rare."

   Risa: "I have spiritual food at night."

   Lingyun: "How do I feel that the two of you have been in the water group, and your studies are okay?"

   Kevin: "......"

   always feel that he is ignored.

Honjo Kaede: "Since Dagu sent us his knowledge of going to college, Risa and I are the first or two in the whole year! And I found that the points can be exchanged for money, and one point is 100,000 yen. There is no need to work hard at all."

   Lingyun: "......"

   Listening to the conversation between the two, Ling Yun was a little envious for a while.

   He really wants to have such a carefree life.

   I did nothing in my previous life, and scratched my head for the future.

   Why didn’t he have a group chat when he was in high school?

   Lost to quit the group chat.

Ding! Dagu was silenced by the administrator for an hour.

   Sure enough, thinking about it, it's Dagu's pot.


   Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Dagu's body suddenly stiffened as Tiga was fighting against the demon **** Aimeon.


   One inadvertently was kicked out by Amy.


   A building was smashed to pieces in an instant.

   Amy can wave his hand excitedly.

   This is a small step for the monster, but a big step for the resistance against Japan!

   After the accumulation of time, Meld also returned to normal.

   His eyes grew gloomy.

  Laugh, laugh, let you smile more, and soon you won’t be able to laugh!

   Ling Yun dragged his chin, quietly watching his prospective girlfriend fight.

   "Fight against the burning ghost!"

   Kasuga Ye Qiong shouted.

   waved his hand.


   The huge battle axe disappeared and changed into a cannon posture.

  Qiong pointed it at eight types of puppies, which were only two hellhounds left.

"too strong!"

   Lying on the ground, the little dog covering his shoulders looked at Kasuga Yeqiang in shock.

   released his hand and looked at the burnt marks on his shoulders.

  The eight categories of small dogs are ashamed of what they said at the beginning.

   It was clear that the other party just waved the battle axe lightly, but his Hellhound was like a piece of paper, and the moment he touched it, it turned into a piece of paper and was burned.

   will be bounced off by an invisible shield when it is close.



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