Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 322: The roar of the Lei Yanlong

"That's amazing, this sister named Kasuga Noqi is really amazing. If I remember correctly, the eight categories of small dogs are among the top geniuses among freshmen in Amaterasu. Now I have been beaten so hard to fight back." Yu Qi Ling said in shock.

   "You are so excited, why are you pulling me?" The city was shaken and couldn't help but speak.

   "Hey? Aren't you shocked?" Yu Qi Ling asked inexplicably.

   "Shocked, but it is also expected that without sufficient strength, he will not appear in this team." Wang Cheng folded his arms, his expression indifferent.

   "That's true too." Yu Qiling nodded.

   How could the person who can make Zhou Shuai stand out from the crowd and recommend him without any strength?

   "But it's still amazing!"

   "The eight types of shikigami of the little dog, it is said that even Tier 6 fierce beasts can fight, but I didn't expect it to break the shield of Qiong sister.

   Listening to Yu Qiling's words next to her, Zhou Xile's expression was also full of shock.

   Is this the power of the dimension store?

   In an instant, an ordinary person was transformed into a top powerhouse!

  Different from others, she has been in contact with Kasuga Noaki's archives.

   Both parents died, and my brother was hit and killed by a car when he was five years old.

   wandered alone until he moved to the next door to Lingyun a month ago.

   Because I opened the jar...

   Zhou Xile whispered: "Purple item, will you kill the burning ghost?"

   "What are you talking about?" A voice suddenly sounded behind Zhou Xile.

   Zhou Xile was startled, and turned her head quickly, only to find that Yue Lin didn't know when she appeared behind her.

   "It's okay, just a little surprised."

   "Really?" Yue Lin chuckled, and didn't say anything.

   "The battle is over."

   At this moment, Xiao Xiao who was sitting aside suddenly spoke.

   glanced at Yue Lin with a slightly warning look.

   "Oh, someone is jealous."

   joked casually, Yue Lin raised his hand and walked to the side.

   "What's wrong with Yue Lin? Since Gu Yue Secret Realm came out, it seems to be a different person." Zhou Xile said worriedly looking at Yue Lin's back.

   "It's just self-protection." Xiao Xiao said casually, watching Yue Lin's back pupils flashed: "But you should still contact him less in the future, now Yue Lin feels very fascinated by me."


   Zhou Xile nodded silently.

  Although his former friend has changed, everyone's path is different. Since he has chosen, he has already made a good sense of consciousness.

   "Hey? Yue Lin, where are you going?"

   At this time, Zhou Xile found that Yue Lin had walked past his position and asked immediately.

   "Go to the toilet and come back soon." Yue Lin's voice came from afar.

   "Let him go, his battle is tomorrow." Xiao Xiao said, before turning his attention to the battlefield.


   There was a violent explosion from the earth.


   The eight dogs looked at the ground that turned into magma in horror.

   swallowed hard.

   will die! It will definitely die!

   "Did you run away?"

   "Then, try this trick."

   The next moment, Qiong placed the Burning Annihilation Ghost horizontally in front of him and took a sharp breath.

   Then, in the shocking eyes of countless people, the flame above the burning ghost was sucked into her mouth.

   "Fire, is she eating fire?"

   "I'm not mistaken, she is actually eating fire." The audience in the audience stood up abruptly.

   looked at the projected large screen in disbelief.

"Thank you for hospitality."

   Finally, after swallowing the last trace of flame on the field, facing the shocked gaze of countless people including the Eight Dogs, Qiong wiped the corners of his mouth, revealing an evil smile.

   "Qun Ah" Ling Yun, who saw this scene shook his head and laughed: "Zhou Rui, I advise you, it is better to strengthen the shield."

   "What?" Zhou Rui was taken aback, he was still shocked by Qiong's ability to eat the flames.

"is coming."

   Hearing Ling Yun's words, Zhou Rui turned his head quickly.

   Other guests also cast their sights on.

  Mald snorted.

   He wants to see how powerful this contestant really is.

   I saw that Qiong fiercely plunged the Annihilating Ghost into the ground in the battlefield.

   took a deep breath.


   Thunder and lightning emerged from her.

  "Lei Yanlong's"

   "Hurry up, prepare for defense magic! The enchantment expands."

   Zhou Rui also reacted, her pupils shrank and shouted loudly.

   The guards did not understand, but they did.

   "Prepare to save people."

   "Don't worry, Qiong still has a sense of measure." Ling Yun pulled Zhou Rui onto the chair again.



   A pillar of fire surrounded by thunder was ejected by the dome.


   At the moment it touched the ground, the rock burst and a long deep pit appeared.


   The eight small dogs looked at the oncoming breath, and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

   In his eyes, where is the delicate and tender girl in front of him, it is obviously a human-shaped tyrannosaurus!

"not good!"

   Finally, those guards also realized the seriousness of the matter, and quickly conveyed aura.

   But it was too late when I realized it.

   In their perception, isn't it just two freshmen fighting, how destructive it can be.

   I didn’t know how stupid I was just now!


   The sound of cracking sounded.

   Dense cracks appeared on the magic circle.

   "I can't hold it anymore!" the one who maintained the barrier shouted loudly.


   Right at this moment, the crisp snapping sound was extremely loud in this quiet long nest.

   An imaginary barrier opened, driving in front of everyone, blocking the breath.

   "I almost thought I died." The captain of the guard squatted on the ground and gratefully glanced at Ling Yun on the guest seat.

  'S back has been soaked with sweat.

   after the roar

   The whole audience was silent.

"This this."


   The whole process was silent, everyone's pupils widened, and they looked at the battlefield that had been turned into ruins in horror.

   "Huh, the power is not bad." Gently wiped the corners of his mouth, Qiong let out a suffocating breath.

"It deserves to be something from Brother Ling Yun. This roar is probably comparable to Bella's Dragon Breath." Xilin said in shock If it weren't for Lingyun's temporary reinforcement, it is estimated that the entire Longchao Have been blasted through.

  Bella in Xilin's arms also lit up, as if she was affirming Xilin's words.

   "Qiang, you are really not afraid of big things." Ling Yun blamed, stretched out his hand, the ball of light flew out, there are eight types of small dogs inside.

   "Confiscated for a while." Qiong said embarrassedly.

  God knows, this thing is so powerful.

   "Let's relax, but luckily you have just gained strength."

   Ling Yun gave a white glance.


   Stop scolding, please stop scolding.

   The power just gained can be so strong, how strong would it be if you fully grasp it? !

   Countless people are horrified at the same time that they feel that they have lived on dogs for most of their lives.

  The following battles are basically other countries.

   Until Xilin's time.

   Xilin sat proudly on the Void Throne, with Erlang's legs tilted, and looked at the person below Yingjiang with contempt.

   "Show your strange beast."



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