Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 324: Assault


Just as Zhou Rui finished his final salute and everyone was about to leave the field, four huge noises suddenly sounded from all around.

The huge smoke spreads.

In a blink of an eye, a huge barrier unfolded from all directions, covering the entire Longchao.

Some of the spectators who left had a close contact with the transparent wall that suddenly appeared, and then kissed the ground with their buttocks, and finally lay down intact.

Finished the massage in three places in an instant.

"My Gan, my nose, my ass, my back!"

In an instant, curses flew all over the sky.

"what's happenin?"

Zhou Xile stood up quickly, and everyone curiously looked at the barrier that hung over Long Chao.

"It's blocked." Wang Cheng said after feeling it carefully, "And it was blocked from the outside."

"what happened?"

"Good evening everyone."

At this moment, I don't know when a figure appeared in the sky.

A slightly inadequate voice sounded.

"Yue Lin? What are you doing? Come down quickly. I don't know who set up the barrier. You are an easily attacked target." Although Zhou Xile had some guesses in her heart, it was obvious that she didn't want this. the result of.

"no need."

But as soon as she finished speaking, Xiao Xiao pressed Zhou Xile's shoulder.

"Ah Xi, Ah Xiao, good evening."

Hearing the sound, Yue Lin lowered his head, stretched out his hand and waved to the two of them, as usual.

But Xiao Xiao's brows frowned.

"The aura on you has changed." Xiao Xiao stood in front of Zhou Xile.

"Really? Forgot to hide it." Yue Lin groped his chin and said.

"what do you want to do?"

"What? Of course, um, why should I tell you? If I tell you, then I have exposed my purpose, um, there can be no more villains. Isn't this what you told me when you were young?" Yue Lin said with a smile .

"I remember I also said that squinting is a monster."

"I remember this. Congratulations on your guessing right. Unfortunately, there is no reward." Yue Lin clapped his hands and exclaimed.

"As you are my friends, let you witness the last moment with your own eyes."

David of Great Britain looked solemn: "Enchantment?"

"It seems someone doesn't want us to go." The cardinal looked at Meld and sneered.

"What do you see me doing? Is it possible that you think I arranged everything?"

"People who are abandoned by God do do these villainous behaviors!" The cardinal snorted coldly.

Meld was angry, but didn't say anything.

He was also a little dazed at the moment.

Looking at Yue Lin in the sky, there was a question mark on his face.

Who is this?

Their plan should not start until the day after tomorrow, so how come someone has come in advance.

"The first trouble to be solved." Yue Lin glanced over and saw Ling Yun at once.

Among all the people, the one he couldn't see through was Ling Yun, so his threat was also the greatest.

It is better to clean up in advance.

"kill him!"

The moment Yue Lin waved his hand, a blue figure burst out instantly.

The water flow appeared from the void, turning into a water sword and rushing towards Ling Yun.

The speed is so fast that it makes people too late to react.

Meld's pupils shrank, and the thick earth element expanded.

"Mountain wall stone!"

A huge stone broke through the concrete floor and blocked Ling Yun and the others.


But when facing the water sword, after hearing a harsh sound, the huge boulder was directly shredded.

At the moment of landing, the part cut by the water sword was as smooth as a mirror.


When he saw that his moves were ineffective, Meld yelled and fleeed away.

Soon, other representatives burst out.

In the same place, only Ling Yun was left alone.

Just as the water sword was about to pierce Ling Yun, Wei Ya's figure had appeared in front of him at some point.


Ling Yun was taken aback.


Soon, the platinum holy sword and the water blade touched together, and there was a steel-like collision.

Looking at Wei Ya who was fighting with the blue figure in front of him, Ling Yun had mixed feelings for a while.

"Forget it."

Sighing, Ling Yun waved his hand.


Chains emerged from the void.

All of a sudden, the heroic soul of the female hero was blocked.

The water sword in his hand also fell to the ground, turning into a pool of water stains.

"It's okay."

Ling Yun gently supported Wei Ya's back, and Ling Yun spoke.

"It's okay, thank you." Feeling the strangeness behind, a blush flashed across Wei Ya's face, but she quickly returned to normal.

"Actually, you don't need to do this, she can't hurt me." Looking at the woman in front of him, Ling Yun spoke with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything else, it's just the responsibility of a friend when traveling." Weiya shook her head.

Turning his head again, he looked at the figure standing in midair.

Group chat, eat melon everyday.

Risa: "Tsk tusk, this is true, another beautiful sister has fallen into the clutches of the shopkeeper."

Risa: "Originally, a good fight turned into a romantic drama."

Dagu: "Don't say anything, I'm crying. I'm crying enviously."

Xiao Meng: "Senior Dagu, we are all warriors of light. We must be honest. With Camilla, You Lian, and Lina, you are all like this, so what am I?"

Limru: "@小梦, it's okay, I'm single too."

Xiaomeng: "Mr. Limru, if you are willing to remove the two things on your head, we might be able to talk about it."

Limlu was taken aback, raised her head, and found two giant cats resting on its head.

It's Shion.

King Power Hegemony: "In other words, I was the protagonist in the past? Why is there only one wife for me?"

Kevin: "Although Huaizhu is a concubine, Baye is unmarried. This sentence has explained everything to you. And, is it not good to be a dedicated man?"

Ling Yun: "That's why you have been single for thousands of years."

Kevin: "...Bah, scumbag."

Ding! Kevin was banned for 24 hours.

Risa: "Emmm, permission dog, can't afford it."

This article maple permission dog, can not afford to provoke. "+1

Ling Yun: "The handsome owner decisively interrupted by +1"

Sophie: "Emmm, permission dog, can't afford it."

"Yue Lin?"

Number A looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in the sky, narrowed her eyes, and glanced at the man behind her vaguely.

"Lin'er, what is he doing?! Number A I..." A middle-aged man standing behind Number A said with a wry smile.

He wanted to explain, but in front of the facts, any excuses seemed pale and weak.

"I didn't mean to blame you, and Yue Lin was just being manipulated." Number A said calmly.

"Manipulation? Who is it!" The middle-aged man was taken aback, then furious.

He actually manipulated his son's body to do such a rebellious thing!

"Attached to Yue Lin's body, this kind of possession is a bit difficult to handle." Number A frowned when he looked at Yue Lin who was fighting Zhou Rui and the spokespersons of various countries.

Xilin and Thor instantly appeared around Ling Yun.

One by one, blocking the attack of Ehuang and Nyuying.


The cold air surging in Ehuang's hands, in conjunction with the water flow in Nu Ying's hands, turned into an icy arrow and shot towards Ling Yun.

Xi Lin's figure appeared in front of Ling Yun instantly, and the spears of Yakong flew directly out of the void, crossed together, and blocked the ice bolt that burst out in that instant.

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