Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 325: Call of Warcraft-Parfanti

"Longguo's kid is trouble."

A muscular man with a hammer hammered the man in black who suddenly appeared in front of him with a hammer, and looked at Yue Lin in the sky and spit.

"Stop talking nonsense, and protect the students from retreating."

A silver-haired, extremely capable woman spoke from behind the man, and she raised her glasses and looked around with stern expression.

Behind it is a group of students from the Central United Nations. Although they are a little scared, they are still watching their surroundings vigilantly.

"I know, really, I don't know who is leading the team." The man said helplessly.

He is no one else. It was the Central Government who sent Thor in the last Tianyu Emperor incident, and he is one of the more pro-Longguo congressmen from the Central Committee.

Don't ask why, you are convinced to ask.

It seems that he has the m attribute, otherwise, why would he get more excited the more he was beaten?

Thor: Bah! My fighting spirit is fierce, and my blood is boiling!

Representatives of all countries have returned to their students.

Protect their safety.

"Unexpectedly, someone would dare to do something on this occasion. Isn't he afraid that the five nations would do it together?" The person in charge of the Northern Emperor was a white-haired muscular man who beat the man in black in front of him with a punch, looking at the sky. Yue Lin was puzzled.

At the same time, he is also the Great General of the Northern Emperor-Xavier.

"Put away your thoughts, juniors, the other party dared to do this kind of thing. They are exactly the kind of desperate lunatics. We see a lot of this kind of people. However, it is enough to dare to directly despise the five major countries. Arrogant." The cardinal said.

After the Vatican's aura recovered, the first pope swept the surrounding countries directly by virtue of the ability to summon blazing angels, and the place where the bombs were originally finished has become the fifth largest country in the world.

"You guys step back!"

Zhou Rui's figure quickly flashed in front of the Canglan team.

"Everyone, pay attention to protecting the masses." Zhou Rui shouted.


In the next moment, members of the Longguo Extraordinary Bureau who had been standing by in the crowd appeared one after another.

Except for a few people who are used to maintain stability, fifteen of the twenty members have come! .

Plus Zhou Rui is sixteen!

"It's really you, Zhou Rui, it's a little troublesome. What can I do?" Yue Lin looked at the pressure coming from all directions and rubbed his temples with a headache.

"This, this." Meld, who was protecting the students, saw this scene, and the cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Long Guo unexpectedly hid so many people in the crowd?

He could imagine that if they act the day after tomorrow, the destruction of the entire army will be their only end!

"Long Guo, it's so cruel!"

He looked at Zhou Rui who was confronting Yue Lin in the distance, and forcibly pressed the fear in his heart.

When they were students, they also fought on behalf of their respective countries.

Without exception, he was crushed severely by Zhou Rui, and he was beaten to the ground by Zhou Rui in front of everyone in the world.

That is to say, from that day on, the two began not to deal with each other. To be precise, Meld and Zhou Rui were not dealing with each other, because Zhou Rui didn't take this matter to heart at all.

In that era, he was the protagonist, with a bug-like existence, slinging against the invincible hand of the world. Who would have imagined that such an arrogant person would be utterly tempered by Ling Yun.

"Grandpa, Yue Lin and him." Zhou Xile looked at Zhou Rui who appeared in front of him, and the heart that had originally raised it was let go.

"Don't worry, he is only possessed by someone. As long as the soul in his body is stripped out, Yue Lin can recover." Zhou Rui said lightly.

Prior to this, A had notified him.

"Oh? Has it been discovered?" Yue Lin said in surprise.

"I underestimated you, I can see through my spiritism."

Peng! Peng!

At this moment, two ice cubes were thrown at Yue Lin's feet.


The moment he saw the two ice cubes, Yue Lin's pupils protruded.

Aren’t these two ice cubes his emperor and daughter?

Without waiting for him to think, a light and fluttering voice came from a distance: "Ask you a question, are you Shun?"

"Shun? Who is that?" Yue Lin frowned, thinking about it, there was no such person in his mind.

"Then your name is Nima'e Huang Nuying!"

Ling Yun vomited.

Unfortunately, he thought it was those three people, it turned out that they were all with the same name and surname.

Listening to Ling Yun's words, Yue Lin's face went dark.

Why can't it be called Ehuang Nyuying!

I eat your rice or get it in the sun.

It's boring for Rory to choose a name.

"Sure enough, you are my biggest trouble!" Yue Lin looked at Ling Yun gloomily, and glanced at Xilin and Thor who were guarding Lingyun's left and right sides.


Suddenly, Thor's Qiong nose moved, and Skadi of Sky Frost waved.


A blue ice cube fell to the ground.

"It's really dirty, just like maggots underground." Thor said in disgust.

Looking closely, it was a frozen human head, and then a figure in a black robe slowly fell to the ground.

There is no blood because it is frozen.

Ling Yun stayed for a while.

When did Thor become so venomous.

"Tsk, didn't you succeed so easily?" Yue Lin slapped his tongue.

"If I didn't guess wrong, are you from the Hunting Club?" Ling Yun said suddenly.

"Haha, have you been discovered?"

Yue Lin chuckled lightly without refuting it.

But he wasn't surprised. The moment he came out, people from all over the world would have recognized it.

"But I'm very curious, how did you know? According to the archives of our hunting club, you have never contacted anyone related to you." Yue Li asked his doubts.

"It's not easy, it's in the satellite archives, just look it up and you'll know it. You won't ask Du Niang in case of trouble. Du Niang doesn't know how to go directly to the military archives. How simple." Ling Yun said casually.

Zhou Rui: "..."

I'm a simple ass!

The A in the dark looked strangely at the people behind him: "Is our satellite protection system so low?"

The others chuckled, mmp in their hearts.

Ghost knows!

"About the hunting club, sort out a piece of information and give it to me." Number A didn't care too much about this matter.

It is true that there are many secrets in the country.

Even the latest weapons.

But all have been seen, what can he do.

He knew Ling Yun's ability, that ability to create a group of interstellar warships out of thin air, if he provokes him, their prosperous weapons are likely to be against their own country.

Can only smash the teeth and swallow.

Upgrade your defense system.

"Yes!" The secretary next to him said a word and left.

"Xilin, there are too many people, let's turn them into our people." Ling Yun glanced at the people in black who were fighting with the guards and representatives of various countries, and spoke calmly.

"no problem."

Celine smiled slightly.

"Impossible, they are all my dead men, they won't betray me at all, let this heart die." Yue Lin smiled and shook his head.

"Really?" Ling Yun showed a mysterious smile.

Instinctively made Yue Lin feel a little bit bad.

He hasn't forgotten that this man can switch the world in an instant.

‘Is it possible... Does he really have a way? ’

When Yue Lin was thinking, he heard Ling Yun continue to speak:

"Before I only showed the destructive side in front of you, now I will let you see the invading side."

"The intrusive side?" The others also looked differently.

The drone even projected the picture here.

Yue Lin didn't destroy these drones. Wouldn't it be more wonderful to let people watch these people die?

"Don't worry, the game has just begun." Ling Yun smiled slightly.

The light flashed, and a dark long sword appeared in his hand.

Disintegration, all the horrors, is just one kind, and the other is the weird disintegration energy. He can cannibalize people's bodies, deprive them of consciousness, and turn them into dead men!

Animals become collapsed beasts!

"That's! Beast Summon!" Gawain narrowed his eyes and shouted in disbelief.

"This is the information about the transformation of the magic sword and beast I found from the British satellite archives. A magic sword I made by myself has exactly the same power as the original one." Ling Yun explained by flicking the sword blade with his hand.

Via: "..."

Meld: "..."

Xavier: "..."

Cardinal: "..."

How many satellites did you invade, uh, wait, it looks like we don’t have satellites in the Vatican.


Zhou Rui looked at other people's faces and couldn't help but burst into tears.

That's right, let's eat together.

"Then call it!"

Ling Yun held up the magic sword.

The white light was shining, and under the gaze of countless people, the white light slowly disappeared.

"Hum hum!"

A wild boar with thorns all over appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone: "..."

The world is strangely quiet.

"Damn, you're teasing me? My pants are all off, you show me this?" The audience in front of the TV set all beeping dogs. First release╭ァんttps://www..cΘmヤ

The corners of Gawain's mouth twitched wildly.

The dignified magic sword, just, is it used to summon a wild boar? !

"This is a shame! This is an insult to the knight!"

Especially in front of the whole world with their Great Britain magic sword to summon a pig.

It is simply trampling the honor of their knights on the ground!

If it hadn't been for Wei Ya to stop him, Gawain would have gone up and be beaten.

"Wang, you let me go, I will fight him to the death!"

Wei Ya looked at him speechlessly: "Are you going to go up and be hammered on the ground in the eyes of everyone in the world?"

"I'm doing this for your good!"

Gawain's original struggling body suddenly stiffened: "..."

Silently returned to Wei Ya's back.

He can't afford to lose this face!

"Hahahaha! I thought it was something, a wild boar, are you here to tease me?"

Yue Lin also recovered his mind, and laughed at the wild boar next to Ling Yun with tears.

so fun.

"I told you, don't worry." Ling Yun Xiemei smiled.

Sitting in front of the TV, looking at Ling Yun's evil smile, his face flushed involuntarily.

A confident man, really handsome!


The white light flashed again.

There are dozens of wild boars again.

They stood quietly beside Ling Yun.

The only difference is that these wild boars are all blue skins.


"Got it."

Xilin's pupils opened sharply.

The short sleeves on her body quickly disappeared, replaced by a white dress (Lü Huana's set).

The golden eyes were cold and noble.

She slowly raised her hand, and the pistol was pointed at the sky forever.


It's a shot directly.

"I want to see what tricks you can play."

"Yue Lin, I heard the conversation between you and Xiao Xiao just now."

"Huh?" Xiao Xiao and the others cast their eyes, wanting to see what medicine was sold in Lingyun Gourd.

"It's a big taboo that the villain can't talk more. Another one is, don't give the protagonist time to develop and prepare for big moves, otherwise you will die miserably." Ling Yun said softly.


The golden imaginary energy blooms in the sky, like a bolide, spreading in all directions.

In the dark night, Ling Yun's face flickered under the golden imaginary energy.


"Ah! What is this?!"

At this moment, the roar of horror and the roar of the wild boar sounded, breaking the short silence.


"My body, why!"

A black robe man turned into a black ash directly under the horrified gaze of countless people, and drifted away in the wind.


Everyone took a breath.

All were shocked by the scene in front of them.

"Tsk, it's a pity that he is a man, otherwise he can become our combat power." Ling Yun smacked his tongue.

I don’t know if this collapse is targeted. Only women can become deadly men. If ordinary men encounter opportunities, they will not be given a chance.

"what have you done?!"

Yue Lin opened his mouth dullly, and quickly recovered his senses, looking at Ling Yun and roared.

He is not calm anymore, he is not calm at all.

People will have a certain fear when facing the unknown.

Ling Yun was like this, his unknown ability refreshed his three views time and time again.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to have a few good seedlings in the hunting club."

Ling Yun ignored Yue Lin and looked at the dead man who slowly stood behind him, with a touch of surprise on his face.

There are more than a dozen of these dead men, and every one of them is actually a three-stage dead man.

Three-stage death fighters, unlike ordinary death fighters, they possess special abilities.

Controlling ice and fire.

"Is it a supernatural power?" Ling Yun groped his Ordinary people in Bengbao World accepted for the first time that Bengbao was a dead man, similar to a zombie, only biting people.

And because Ling Yun is all related to transcendents, the class is stronger after being corrupted and corroded.


Just when everyone was shocked by the dead man, the dozen wild boars behind Ling Yun also roared.


The earth cracked, the skin on his body changed, and the spikes on his body turned into hard armor.

At this moment, the sharp fangs of pigs became several times larger, and looked like steel.

Blue streamer emerged on its surface, turning into a faint chill.

King Power Hegemony: "Kevin, look, look, the owner made you out!"

Kevin: "..."

We can't make it through this stalk, right?


A loud roar was deafening.

A Pavanti is about five or six meters long, and a dozen Pavanti looks quite spectacular. The fastest end https://m..c/o/m

But it's more than that.

With Xi Lin waved her hand, the imaginary space opened, countless rushes, and the chariot-level collapse beast walked out of the imaginary space.

Whether it is above or below.

It was densely packed, and it was filled with the entire boom at once.

This collapsed beast, for Xilin, is not as much as it needs.

Looking at the sluggish Yue Lin, Ling Yun gave a chuckle.

"I said, don't give your enemies time to grow or even prepare, otherwise, you will die and look ugly."

"Now, let's start a new round." Ling Yun smiled as he looked at the sluggish people.

Yue Lin: "..."

At this moment, no one laughed at Ling Yun for calling the wild boar anymore.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The situation reversed in an instant!

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