Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 341: Gilgamesh is a miscellaneous

"Heaven's Wheel!" Gabriel let out a soft cry.

The light wheel condensed with holy light was thrown towards Lancer by her.


Upon seeing this, Lancer not only didn't retreat, but raised the spear to directly smash the light wheel.


The air was stepped on and Lancer stretched out his spear and rushed towards Gabriel.

"Heaven's Bow!"

Gabriel stretched out his hand, and the Holy Light extended and turned into a longbow and bow and arrow.

"call out!"


Lancer had to put the spear horizontally across his chest to block the light arrow, but the whole person also fell to the ground from mid-air.

"It's really troublesome."

Seeing Gabriel pulling up his bow and arrow in the sky again, Lancer stomped on her foot fiercely.

The shotgun was shaken and fell into Lancer's hands.

The white bandage disappeared, revealing the yellow body.

Saber didn't do anything, she quietly watched the battle between the two.

However, just when Lancer was about to attack again, thunder passed.

Everyone was awakened by this sudden change, and they were thrown into the sky. There was a flying object that drew a straight line in the sky and came straight to this side. It also sprinkled purple lightning sparks in the night sky.

"Chariot?" When the dust cleared, Alice Phil appeared in shock.

"The two sides accept the sword, before the king, you must not be rude!"

The menacing shouts were like thunder. After standing in the chariot and looking around, the burly man introduced himself directly.

"My name is Iskandar the Conqueror. I participated in the Holy Grail War and gained the rank of Rider."

After the King of Conquer revealed his identity, the whole world suddenly became quiet.

"What are you thinking about, idiot!!"

After a brief silence, Weber's heart-piercing voice sounded, and he pulled the Conquer King's coat and shouted loudly.

He is going crazy!

The other masters are crazily preserving their strengths, so if you do, you can directly report to your family.

"It's eventful, the fight to report the name upright, this is what the hero did."

However, Rider didn't eat this set at all, and directly bounced off his ‘king concubine’.

I glanced around and shouted: "Saber, Lancer and this lovely lady angel, I have a word to ask, can you come and wave it down and give me the Holy Grail? If so, I will give it to me. Treat friends and friends, and share the joy of conquering the world with you!"

"Look, someone is going to dig your corner." Ling Yun pushed Kenneth with his elbow.

"Aren't you?" Kenneth glanced at Ling Yun.

"However, I didn't expect it. I said why he stole my holy relics because he wanted to participate in this Holy Grail war by himself."

"It seems that I need to teach him what a duel between magicians is." Kenneth looked at Webber who was shrinking next to Iskandar, his eyes narrowed.

"Speaking of which, who are you?"

Ling Yun is very mysterious.

Obviously a hostile master, but very familiar.

"Actually, I am an MLM organization." Ling Yun mysteriously put his hand in his pocket.

Kenneth took out a big, thick object in the watchful eyes of Kenneth.

"Do you want a jar?"

Kenneth: "..."

How did you tuck such a big jar in your pocket?

Soon, everyone's negotiations ended.

Obviously, Iskandar's plan to subdue has failed.

Being able to become a heroic spirit naturally has one's own pride, even if the opponent is a well-known conqueror, the heroic spirits will not choose to surrender.

"Unexpectedly, the Rats, who claimed to be king, ignoring my existence, would run out of two in one night."

A proud voice sounded, and under the golden light, a golden pickup appeared on the street lamp.

"However, before this, miscellaneous repairman, who allows you to stand at the same height to breathe air?!" Gilgamesh turned his head to look at Gabriel, a look of disgust flashed in his pupils.

He hates gods, even the creatures in mythology like angels.

"You are so weird. You are a miscellaneous repairman when you appear. I told you that cursing is very bad. It is very likely that you will be isolated by your friends around you. Seeing that you are dressed so decently, there should be no friends. Right? I have seen in the textbooks of heaven, the less friends, the insecure people will use armor to protect themselves." Gabriel is like an adult, teaching children.

"It's okay. The Lord is with you, as long as you believe in God, hey? Wait." Suddenly, Gabriel seemed to see something incredible in Gilgamesh, "You actually have three-thirds of your body. The second divinity, well, that’s wrong again. You curse people for miscellaneous cultivation. If you have two-thirds of divinity and one-third of humanity, aren’t you a true miscellaneous? Well, you humans are really good Strange, it seems that my experience is not enough."

Gabriel said distressedly.

Human beings are really hard to understand, so it's no wonder that they are mainly allowed to practice in the world.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched.

This child is really innocent, so he can say whatever he wants.

"Your servant is a bit NB." Kenneth next to him also said.

Expose others short in public, isn't this just forcing others.

Many followers also looked at Gilgamesh weirdly. Gabriel didn't even know if he said it. This seems to be true.

Is it possible that this achievement is the legendary pretending to be forced to be frustrated?

But Gilgamesh was different.

He lowered his head all the way, his shoulders trembling violently.

Obviously being angry.

"That's awful." Tosaka Toshimi saw this scene with a wry smile.

He knew that if he asked Gilgamesh to retreat before Gilgamesh did not completely kill the angel today, it is estimated that Gilgamesh would never listen to his orders in the subsequent operations.

Thinking of this, Tosaka Tokimi sighed again.


He even wondered if someone deliberately engaged him.

"Oh, yes! I thought about it, you shouldn't think that as long as you put this sentence on your mouth, others will not classify you as a miscellaneous..."


Gilgamesh yelled, stopping Gabriel's words.

"Angel, you are looking for death!"

Two-thirds of the divinity is Gilgamesh's biggest violation, and the result is now being spoken in front of so many people.

A strong sense of shame caused Gilgamesh's explosive barrel to explode directly.


Dozens of golden halos opened behind Gilgamesh, and dozens of treasures also came out from inside.

The glittering piece of gold shocked people's hearts.

"Even if you kill you a thousand times! Ten thousand times is not enough!"

Gilgamesh exclaimed.


The next moment, dozens of treasures exploded out at the same time.


Gabriel was taken aback.

Isn't what she said is true?

If the other party says something wrong, he should correct it. Isn't it good to be an honest child?

But Gabriel did not stop.

Countless light guns condensed and met those treasures.

Bang bang bang!

Countless collision sounds sounded.

But Gilgamesh was completely enraged, dozens of them followed by dozens of them, and there was a steady stream of treasures shot out of the King's Treasury.

Gabriel couldn't keep up with the speed of making light guns.


Just when dozens of treasures were about to hit Gabriel.

Stopped in the air strangely.


In the sky

The yellow thunder fell from the sky, directly smashing these treasures to the ground.

Everyone was also shocked by this sudden scene, and when they looked up, one of them appeared in front of Gabriel.

The attack just now was what he did.

"who are you?!"

Gilgamesh glared at the sudden appearance of Lingyun.

"Master!" Gabriel looked at Ling Yun in front of him, and said in surprise.

"Master? This man turned out to be the master of this angel?"

"It's just what's going on with this strength? Even an attack that we might not be able to handle was easily shot down by him." Iskandar stretched out his index finger and shaved his face, and said in shock.

"This guy!" Kenneth also looked at Ling Yun who suddenly appeared in the middle of the battlefield with a dazed expression.

Look at the side again, it is Sakura.

Kenneth: "..."

Putting this little girl beside him in such a sense of relief, that Ling Yun, his heart is really big.

"Finally waiting for you! Ling Yun!"

In the gloomy sewer.

At the moment when Shinji Ma saw Ling Yun's appearance through his spiritual vision, a scarlet light flashed in his This time, I must kill you! "

The next moment, a dark whirlpool appeared.

A figure entwined with black energy appeared.


The violent voice came from the mouth of the shadow.

"Berserk?" Saber looked at the sudden appearance of the pitch black knight in shock.

"Oh? There are even berserk appearing? It seems that the fellow Jiantong dirty ink hasn't died yet." Ling Yun looked at the berserk who appeared in surprise.

He didn't doubt Tong Yanye's body at all, because Xiao Sakura was with him.

Jian Tong Yanye had no reason to summon the heroic spirit at all.

The only one who has hatred with him is the old bug.

Ling Yun couldn't help but slap his tongue: "It's really tenacious vitality."

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