Super Dimensional Fantasy Shop

Vol 4 Chapter 342: Lingyun's attributes

"Miscellaneous repair! Blocked in front of the king for no reason, are you ready to die?!" Gilgamesh was furious.

This man who appeared suddenly dared to save this **** angel in front of him? !

He was slapped frantically in the face.

"Ling Yun?!"

Seeing the man who suddenly appeared in mid-air, both Alice Phil and Saber opened their eyes wide in surprise.

"Do you know?" The Conquer King and Lancer turned their heads curiously.

Saber nodded, and then the question flashed: "Well, I have been in contact before. He is the master of that angel."

"Oh? A master has the courage to play in person, and the strength is so strong, it really makes me more and more excited." Iskandar laughed.

"Idiot, isn't the stronger the enemy, the worse for us?!" Webber smashed Iskandar in the waist frantically with a small fist.

"Hahaha, it's interesting to conquer such a talent like this." Iskandar laughed, patted Webber on the back, and almost broke Webber.

High in the sky

Ling Yun ignored Gilgamesh, turned his head, Quzhi shot Gabriel’s forehead, and said angrily: "Didn’t I tell you, I call for help if I can’t beat it. Look, you almost missed it. I can't see your God anymore."

"It hurts!" Jia Baili's pair of slender hands like white jade covered her slightly red forehead.

Looking at Ling Yun aggrieved: "Here, isn't it too late to react."

"This tells us the benefits of companions."


"So if you encounter a certain demon with short red hair in the future, you must be nice to her. She can help you hurt, and she's also very good at fooling around. Even if you sell her a hundred times, you just have to apologize to someone afterwards. Lollipop, she will reconcile with you as before."

Ling Yun said politely, he didn't mind selling a certain red-haired demon who owed money on IQ.


Gabriel looked at Ling Yun in confusion.

Didn’t the book say that demons are very cunning?

There was a lot of fun on this side, and the rider and others even discussed it.

The shimmering, angry shoulders that were forgotten by everyone trembled violently.

"Not only interrupted this king's treasure, but also ignored me so much, it's good! Miscellaneous repair, you completely offended me!"

Jin Shining roared.

Behind him, two treasures burst out from the halo.

call out! call out!


At the same time, the Berserker below suddenly let out a roar of a beast.


The ground was cracked by Berserker's foot, and he turned into a pitch-black arrow and rushed towards Lingyun.

"Suddenly being watched by two followers, the host of the little angel girl, it's troublesome."

Rider groped his chin, but he didn't intervene.

He really wanted to see what kind of strength this master who dared to intervene in the Holy Grail battlefield had.

"Oh? It seems that your **** has been targeted by a mad dog."

Jin Pika narrowed her eyes, a little joyful.

"Miscellaneous repair? Just because you are a broken village chief who is worthy to talk to me?" Ling Yun looked at mentally retarded eyes.


Blue rays of light emerged on both sides of Lingyun, and the blue laser burst out, directly annihilating the two treasures that burst.

"This is, Floating Cannon!"

When Gilgamesh saw the two Keys of Truth next to Ling Yun, his pupils shrank sharply.

The whole person is a little unstable.

Looking at Ling Yun's two floating cannons, he couldn't help thinking of a certain king of anomalies.

I can't help but feel a little jealous.


"I really can't beat Xiaoqiang."

Hearing the roar like a wild beast, Ling Yun turned his head and looked at the Berserker who was rushing towards him with cold eyes, and reached into the void.

As if holding something.

It was a fierce wave at the rushing Berserker.


A scorching fire wave swept the sky.

"So hot!"

In this flame that was enough to split the sky, Saber's Wind King barrier even shattered somewhat.

She quickly came to Alice Phil and opened the barrier for her.

In the sky, a fire wave that pierced the night sky directly swallowed Berserker's dark figure.

"The master of the little angel girl is not an ordinary person!" The rider pulled Webb behind him, and looked solemnly at the burning clouds in the sky.

Even the rider can't help but reach out to stop the terrible heat wave.


In a roar, Berserker fell from the sky like a wild dog and hit the ground heavily. On the berserker's body, which was emitting black light, there was still an orange flame.

When everyone looked at Lingyun again, they saw a big red sword in his hand, and the hot flame made the sound of burning the space.

"Damn it!"

After feeling the berserker's failure, Matsumoto Shinji hit the ground with one punch, and through his spiritual vision, he looked at the figure holding the big sword high in the sky.

His eyes were extremely gloomy.

Afterwards, it seemed that he had set an awakening, and saw him slowly raising his right hand.

"Recover all the injuries of Berserker at the cost of a magic spell, and then kill him!" Makiri Shinji's roar sounded in the sewer.

The surrounding sewage also caused waves of waves.

At this moment, the mutation happened.

"Wait, how is it possible! His attributes!" Suddenly, the princess's pupils shrank sharply.

Looking at Ling Yun's gaze, a deep fear flashed, as if looking at a monster.

"Wow!" Ai Li also took a few steps back, looking at Lingyun high in the sky in shock.

"Ellie, what's the matter with you?"

Saber noticed Alice Phil's expression and quickly supported her.

"Boy, what did you see?" The rider looked at Webber in silence.

It was the first time he saw his master in such fear.

"Rider, you can't win, we can't win against this kind of monster!"

Webber synchronized his vision and rider, allowing him to see Ling Yun's attributes.

It's just that he was silent as well.

Rank: None

Master: hidden

Real name: Ling Yun

Attributes:? ? ?

Abilities: Strength A/Durability A+/Agility A++/Magic EX/Lucky EX


The core of the law of reason (EX) / the holy sword of the annihilator (EX) / the extinction (EX) / the long country satellite (EX) / the only canon-the star killer (EX) / health code (EX) / galaxy Victory (EX) )/Key of Truth (A++)/Star of Eden (A+) Fighting Ghosts and Gods (A)/Indestructible Stars (A)...

Skills held:

God Killer (EX): Killing the gods of the heavens and usurping power, all attacks have the God Killing attribute.

Sanctuary (EX): Gather the wishes of the people and gather the hearts of the people.

Super Electromagnetic Gun (EX): The electric light that beats your fingertips is my eternal belief!

Bajitian (EX): The strongest exercise in the universe

Ten powers (A++): the power usurped by killing the Persian army **** Velesrana

The power of Indra (A++): The power of Indra, the son of the legendary six immortals

"Is this guy a monster?!" Webber looked at the sky with horrified Lingyun in his hand.

Are you serious about the attributes comparable to gods?

Either EX or A. Is this really a human?

I am afraid that God is not so scary.

Yanfeng Qili also opened her mouth, even he was frightened. The first time she participated in the Holy Grail War, she encountered such a terrifying hero.

But still told the information to Tosaka Tosaka truthfully.

A++ represents your limit. Perhaps A++, but Ex shows that your real power is more than EX.

"Master, amazing!" Gabriel looked at Ling Yun in front of him in admiration.

She really didn't expect her master to be so powerful.

The moment when Ling Yun pulled out the robbery, his attributes appeared in front of everyone.

Even Gilgamesh was absent for a while.

It's not that he doesn't have EX treasures, Ea and Ending Sword are both.

But how could there be so many EX skills as ordinary heroes.

Judging from the floating gun just now, it should have something to do with that person.

Of course, Ling Yun didn't even think about hiding.

Of all the heroic spirits, only Lancer had a dumbfounded look. His master was too far away to see Ling Yun's attributes.

So he doesn't know.


Just when everyone was shocked by Ling Yun's attributes, Berserker's injuries recovered, and he roared and picked up the concrete pillar on the side.

It was visible to the naked eye that the pillar was eroded by pitch black in an instant, and red text appeared on the pillar, turning an ordinary cement pillar into a treasure!

"Berserker recovered? No, is it because of Lingshu? How much hatred does Lingyun have with the owner of I have to spend a Lingshu to kill him." Kenneth Said Kozakura, who was aside.

"I, I don't know." Sakura's face was filled with confusion.

"Old bug, I want to see where you can hide?" Ling Yun narrowed his eyes.

The Eye of Truth opened and glanced around.

Finally, it was discovered that the figure of the old bug was found in the underground waterway of 900 meters outside here.

Although Ling Yun didn't know why Jian Tongzang's body became smaller, the worms wriggling in his body were so conspicuous.

"However, before that, please exit first! Let's." Ling Yun stretched out his hand.

The red armor is attached.


The sound of metal collision sounded.

A red dragon's claw gripped the concrete pillar of berserker tightly.

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